Live soon: War & breast propaganda. Upcoming financial crash & the war. Sweden & Finland threatened
Engelsk lajv snart. Krig- & bröstpropaganda. Kommande finanskrasch & kriget. Sverige-Finland hotat
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video ifrån asfalten i parkstaden. Lite svensk text längst ner.
Today’s short English video to announce the live broadcast tonight
Live tonight 19:00 Swedish time, 1 PM EST:
Both sides in the war are claiming big victories and all that usual propaganda and we don’t know who the Baghdad Bob is (Ghost of Kyiv and president orders surrender - India Today sums up the propaganda). Extra bad is it that the usual liars FiveEyes intelligence services and media were right about a Russian attack, while the experts who usually are right were wrong. If you can’t trust media to lie, what can you trust? can still be accessed sometimes, but often not.
Twitter is pretty useless for getting information unless you read A LOT. The same videos are posted with opposite information on them, and then we have videos from 2014 posted as new:

Graham William Phillips: Ukrainian war crimes
But the forces from DPR and LPR are also accused of war crimes.
Russia’s version of the history of years of failed talks to end the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine after the 2014 coup in Kiev that lead to today’s events (
Some helpful maps:
Zelensky calls for urgent decision on Ukraine’s EU membership
“The crucial moment has come,” the Ukrainian leader has claimed amid Russia’s operation (RT language…) in his country (archived from
Zelenskyy isn’t missing an opportunity to push his agenda, despite being in a war zone and as it seems, very busy posting stuff on social media which some make fun of, but it seems to boost morale. If he survives this and get Ukraine into NATO and EU, he might secure his future even if Ukraine permanently loses Crimea and entire Donetsk and Lugansk.
Update: Poland says that EU should speed up Ukraine's path to membership. “Candidate status should be granted immediately and membership talks should start immediately after,” President Duda said.
Worth thinking about: How much dirt on Biden does Zelenskyy (yes, it’s spelled like that too) have? If Biden doesn’t do exactly as Z wants, one can imagine Biden will pay for that.
But Putin called Zelenskyy’s regime “a bunch of drug addicts and neo-Nazis” and would prefer to negotiate with the Ukrainian army.
Worth noting that the current professional leader of the Ukrainian forces Valerii Zaluzhnyi has never served in the Soviet Red Army, and his predecessor Ruslan Khomchak (who still is a top general) was educated in Moscow but only worked for USSR 1988-1992. Serhii SHAPTALA also replaced Khomchak, but as the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Serhiy Korniychuk held the position 16 months between though), but Shaptala also has not served in the USSR military.
In short: The Ukrainian military isn’t lead by former USSR generals.
Just propaganda, or did Russia also walk into a trap (like most Russians think)?

Sweden and Finland
Russia has warned Sweden and Finland with military actions if the countries get closer to NATO. It’s quite possible that NATO generals like that idea, and can take Sweden while letting Russia battle over Finland. Their commitment to Ukraine seemed to only be about sending them weapons to try out to help the western military industrial complex.
Israel seems like the obvious mediator
Ukraine’s Ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk, told the New York Times that Tel Aviv has yet to respond. “They didn’t say no. They are trying to figure out where they are in this chess play,” he said, adding “We do believe that Israel is the only democratic state in the world that has great relations with both Ukraine and Russia.”
Russia suggested Belarus and Ukraine Poland, which both are stupid suggestions. Maybe Armenia, but Russia has a military alliance Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) with Armenia, so not perfect.
Update: Hungary’s foreign minister has offered Budapest as a possible location for negotiations between the leaders of Russia and Ukraine
Another day of Füllmich
Interesting that they are streaming on which is fast getting very popular for that. It was also streamed on Odysee, but there the problem is that it takes some time before the live broadcast can be seen afterwards.
First the have Jason Miller (who was in the studio in Germany) talking about Gettr. Jason Miller: “Our two-coin ecosystem crypto payment platform that will rival Apple Pay and Google Pay!”
Then insurance data from a German company that are raising more injection red flags than the Chinese army.
1:42 Biolabs Ukraine Judy Mikovits at 1:42 who did not talk about the biolabs in Ukraine (which seems like a part of Russia is attacking, but it doesn’t seem to be the main goal, video (one can totally bomb a bioweapon lab, because airborne viruses can’t spread in the open air, sunshine or fireballs) or more here), despite Füllmich saying he would talk about it. Judy did talk A LOT about quite a few interesting things, but it was a little too fast and all over, while too much details that would have needed more questions.
2:54 Some not useful Ukrainian updates.
3:28 Edward Dowd talking about the financial history and situation, and how the borrowing now is collapsing the system. Any war and crisis will strengthen the USD, which will be used to print more USD and buy real assets.
Attention is the foundation of propaganda and persuasion
Sarah Stogner does also put the focus on how her opponent is trying to buy his election and even if one doesn’t approve of showing breasts to get attention, isn’t a pile of corruption money worse than breasts?
So what do the Texans vote for: Breasts or lobbyist money?
Myndighetsvänsterns sadism, rasism och agenda-drivande
Det är svårt att inte bli arg, sur och uppgiven över dessa skithuvudens agenerande, men vi kan väl fantisera om att placera dem i arbetsläger eller fångkolonnier där de får arbeta ihop till skadan de åsamkat svenska folket?
Arge Utlandssvensken: Avsnitt 147. Ukrainier äga ej tillträde till Sverige.