+50%! Hypnosis. Vax-leak in NL. Vaxpass 🤡-trial in Finland. PsyOps. Terrorist racist Israel ruler
+50%! Hypnos. Vax-läcka i NL. Vaxpass 🤡-rättegång i Finland. PsyOps. Tips till Damberg. Ebba eldar
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
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Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
I need 5M impressions the last 3 month to get paid from 𝕏, so if I continue to improve mys skill to find the right posts to comment, I’ll get there in no time.
Practical Hypnosis, Meditation vs. Hypnosis, Pain Management Without Drugs, and More — David Spiegel
Revisit trauma, reframe it or get used to the badness.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is her name
ThePeterLynch reminded me. And yes, Debbie is still in office for criminal reasons, I guess.
Thank God the witch here in Linköping sent her daughter Debbie Wasserman Schultz to the nursing home early.
I did remember in the Swedish video. I got way too little sleep yesterday night (I could not get back to sleep in the morning), and then I can't recall old memories. I missed to write write down a handful stuff in my notes and then I missed some things from my notes.
Why artificial wombs should be placed in humanoid robots that live in a human environment, instead of trying to grow a baby in a factory:
Babies recognise spoken nursery rhymes they heard in the uterus
The music from Moon-day is more co-co:
Dutch Government Data hacked and startling amount of Covid adverse reactions obtained
Jim Ferguson: Astounding amount of data obtained. Millions of records now seen. There is a massive attempted coverup not only by the Government in Holland but in every nation that has been infiltrated by Globalists. Excess Deaths are exploding but there is a wall of silence from our respective Governments.
I have not listened to the video yet, and it might be disappointing ambiguous data.
Case: Covid passport in Finland
A jaw dropping 😆moment was on Fri when the attorney Jussi Ikonen, representing the tyrannical banana Republic of Finland said
”@FazerGroup also protected Mika Vauhkala’s health”
👉by not letting him in to eat among the vaccinated 🤣🤣
🇸🇪 Mika Vauhkala skulle äta frukost på ett café i Helsingfors. Men han blev inte insläppt i värmen om han inte kunde visa upp ett statligt sanktionerat covidpass. Nu har incidenten blivit en domstolssak. Se hur staten målar in sig i ett hörn när det misslyckade passet ska försvaras.
Saudis did not shoot down Iranian drones!
🎵🎶 We all live in a psyops subversion, psyops subversion, psyops subversion
🎵🎶 We all live in a psyops subversion, psyops subversion, psyops subversion
As far as we know. No anonymous source in the Saudi royal family did say that, but that came from rumour website talking about the Saudi Royal family.
“@BRICSinfo” (Not associated with BRICS, just reporting about BRICS), made a mistake:
Is this a “Muslim” attack on USA too? My eldest son’s soccer team in NYC could not play one of their scheduled games because migrants refused to leave the field the league had permits for, even after the cops came and told them they needed to leave.
Security Ramped-Up In Germany After Jihadists Threaten Drone Strikes At Euro 2024
CIA-Mossad threat against Germany, and the Jewish mafia does everything to stir up hatred between Muslims and Christians as they failed to turn Shia against Sunni - Not for a lack of trying.
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, recently attacked during his sermon in Sydney, gained notoriety for his anti-vaccine views and harsh criticism of lockdowns, likening them to "mass slavery." With 290,000 Facebook followers, he became a focal point for many during the pandemic.
Bishop Mar Mari was just attacked live in Wakeley, Sydney while delivering his sermon by a suspected Islamist.
Some say Beirut accent. Assyrian Christian? MkUltra. Mossad, CIA… Mar Mari is against vaccines and nice.
🇸🇪 Frihetsnytt: Vaxkritisk biskop knivhuggen under lajvsändning
This is the 15 year old Lebanese, read Palestinian boy, who stabbed Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel in Sydney. Translated he said: "Why is he swearing at my prophet? I wouldn’t have come here if he didn’t bring my religion into this.” He said to the cameraman, "you’re a f***ing idiot, you’re going to cop it".
This is what the deacon France Toma from the same church told to Sam Shamoun:
- ”It is truly a miracle”
- ”The knife did not open on His Grace”
- ”It opened on his own fingers and he lost 3 fingers with his own sword”
Source: SHAMOUNIAN at Youtube
Who brainwashed this mentally deranged boy to attack the anti-vax and Trump-supporter Mar Mari Emmanuel? Mar Mari Emmanuel said Muhammad failed, which might have been enough for a crazy teen to flip out.
I’ll file this under mental illness, and not a terrorist attack, but Mar Mari Emmanuel will surely get a lot more attention, so that isn’t good for the communists.
Of course the mass immigration is a Jewish Bolshevik project
(This time it isn’t Alexandre) Alejandro Mayorkas is fully in bed with the open borders lobby. Until 2020, he served on the board of HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which received numerous grants from Soros' Open Society Foundation over the years) — a radical left-wing group that is actively ferrying illegals into America.
Because burning an LBTQ flag will upset the activists that are working to destroy the family, while burning the US flag will cause the social divisions that the Marxist-Leninists want to create the chaos needed for a revolution.
Jack Posobiec’s book Unhuman explains.
Looks like a world wide communist chaos to start a revolution
They might paint it with lipstick of “Islam” and “wokeness”, but it’s similar tactics, and a constant try to destroy families, society and cause tension between groups.
The activists only have two options:
Lockheed Martin Wins $17BN Interceptor Contract To Protect US Homeland
...will develop the next generation of missile interceptor systems...
This is the kind of contract the weapons manufacturers want, rather than producing ammunition. Strange that they keep on focusing on this failing missile defense built on missiles, when the future must be energy weapons.
Itamar Ben-Gvir, ruler of Israel?
Convicted of supporting Kach, so I have no idea if that means that Kach is a terrorist organization, if Israel’s legal system is a terrorist organization or both.
There was a time I thought a convicted terrorist was likely a terrorist, but that time is long gone.
Ben-Gvir is said to be the real power in Israel - How would anyone know that?
Kach was founded by this guy:
The language Britannica uses raises all my warning flags: FBI planted some evidence, MI6 says he is "racist"...
No Israeli citizenship for non-Jews and expelling the Arabs from the country and the territories controlled by Israel. He also wanted to ban intermarriage and sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews. A Kach advertisement in May 1981 warns of Jewish women being seduced by Arabs, and proposes prison sentences for “every Arab who has sexual relations with a Jewish woman.”
OK, he’s clearly racist, but how is that different from the other Israelis?
A month after his election, Kahane tries to visit an Israeli-Arab village, Umm El-Fahm, to “encourage” its inhabitants to immigrate. Israeli police block him from entering.
🤡 video with David Cameron: Iran's retaliatory strikes were evil, although Britain would have reacted similarly
🇸🇪 "Iran är JÄTTE, JÄTTE, JÄTTEDUMMA som bombar dem som bombat deras ambassad!" "-Vad skulle Storbritannien göra ifall vår ambassad bombats?" "Öhhhh... Vi skulle ta kraftfulla tag."
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
🇸🇪 Några svenska länkar och texter i den engelska texten ovan.
Damberg gnäller på att budgeten inte fixar allt
Så han får lite tips på hur det kan fixas utan budgetanslag:
Fixa #Dvitamin-brist i sjukvården som ”@regionost” gjorde till 2019
Sparka 80% i statsapparaten (X kunde) och ta bort inkomstskatter som bara är båg
Förenkla byggreglerna
Sparka Polisledningen och korrupta i rättsväsendet så som “@nayibbukele”
Detta skulle väl Wallenberg gilla också?
1 minuters video
Mer reglingar, högre skatter, mer finansiella kostnader och skadlig hjärntvätt med offermentalitet, men också att kvaliteten på boendet och annat blivit bättre.
Regeringen (och kommunerna) tänker tydligen fixa till så man kan elda pinnar och löv
Alla gör misstag, speciellt statsapparaten och regeringen, men det viktiga är att man fixar misstagen.
Is It Possible For Communism to Take Over America?
Before wondering what would happen, it should be imagined how it could happen.
Communism has virtually disappeared from the face of earth to this day. Even though China is still officially communist, it is just a way for the state to maintain its power, as its economy is largely privatized. It has the third military expenditures in the world if you count the EU as a whole, and Russia lags far behind. None would venture attacking the U.S.A, which has almost half the world’s military budget. So first thing, communism could never be introduced to the U.S.A from the outside.
However, in the case of Russia or China, communism was imposed from the inside. You could also think about the French Revolution. Those three examples should be kept in mind to imagine something equivalent to a US communist scenario, although it would certainly not be called that way if it was to happen. The word has a too bad connotation anyway, and communist systems have failed in all fields. But the reasons that had brought them to power have all but vanished, and the search for new solutions could therefore very well resurface under other forms. Even in America.
The U.S.A have had a very particular political development, as a beacon of laissez-faire capitalism, which indeed has worked wonders for them so far. Their situation was actually unique. There were vast land and resources to exploit always further, and a continuous flow of labor force that poured in during the nation’s formation. In what was called the “West” (actually the whole hinterland), anyone who could get hold of property and defend it would become its legitimate owner. This is why Americans are naturally attached to the right to own weapons, and historically very mistrustful of government intervention.
As many other nations before them, their success has led them to believe they are exceptional, and that there is “no other alternative”. Their victories in both World Wars, their superpower status and the collapse of the Soviet Empire have pushed this self confidence to the extreme. But the British, French, German, Russian and Japanese empires all thought that they were unique and invulnerable, and that they were God’s chosen country. Such delusions proved vain, as everyone knows what happened to each and all of them in the end.
The U.S.A has become the world’s leading economy and military power for one century already. Their prosperity has been largely based on consumerism. Americans have little experience of poverty in comparison to the history of other nations, and are used to high standards. The bottom line is that the American political culture is 1) very hostile to government intervention and public service 2) very tolerant of social injustice. There is a strong ideology to defend the system as it is, and to prevent any change, especially towards more equality and government intervention. Since the Reagan presidency, the gap between rich and poor has been widening constantly, and the 2008 crisis gave just a little foretaste of the dangers hovering over the system.
As in all Western capitalist economies, the US economy is strongly reliant on the middle class, as they are the pillar of consumerism. Currently, the globalization policy has led all recent governments to de-localize industries, and fragilizing the middle class always more. The USA remain unchallenged in Internet based services, entertainment and armament. Still, the trade balance with the EU or China remains negative despite all that. The financial sector is out of control, always creating dangerous bubbles breaking regularly. Banks are strong enough to claim themselves “too big to fail”, certain to be bailed out with taxpayer money in order to prevent economic collapse. Both government and households are held hostages by the system in a vicious spiral of debt. The federal debt alone has by now surpassed national GDP, and China has become the country’s first creditor. This is flight forward.
Yet, Americans are unprepared to face what Argentina or Greece experienced. What if 1929 happened again? It should be remembered that neither the French or the Russian revolution, nor the American War of Independence itself, had been predicted nor thought possible. When there is a system crash, just anything can happen. The most likely scenario for the U.S.A would actually be a Second Civil War. Not between two parts of the country this time, but nationwide, like for the Russian and Spanish civil wars. The 1% would be targeted and Wall Street attacked. They would most likely drop their mask and try to use the army to stay in control. And they would face the most heavily armed civilians in the world.
The immediate outcome of such a conflict would depend on which side the US Army switches : in favor of the 1%, or of the impoverished masses. None of the sides could expect any military support from abroad. It would inevitably result in the establishment of a dictatorship, at least temporarily. In case of victory of the right wing, you should expect a fascist leaning type government, protecting private property by all means, more similar to Franco’s Spain, or 1970’s Chile or Argentina than to Nazi Germany. Americans are far too individualistic and diverse to adapt to a genuinely totalitarian system. In case of victory of the left, there would probably be property seizure, massive trials and possibly executions. It would likely be the end of tax heavens, as these would be invaded, and the offshore accounts containing all the taxpayer’s diverted money would be requisitioned.
Such a dystopian situation would be however unlikely to last in the middle run. After the French Revolution, things went back to relative normality within 30 years, although some major reforms remained in place. As for the examples of Russia and China, when communist revolutions erupted, both were hardly industrialized countries with a peasant majority, and neither had experience of democracy. American consumerism would be most incompatible with a planned type of economy as it was implemented by communist regimes. American tradition of political freedom would not tolerate dictatorship very long. But such a crisis would be unprecedented in the nation’s history, and hurt its image both at home abroad. There would be a before and an after.
Within one or two decades, a likely outcome would be the adoption of a more sustainable form of capitalism than the one which has prevailed until now, implying more government control on the economy and more social balance, as it already happened with the New Deal, and for some time in Europe after WW2. To this point, the U.S.A can still afford ostrich policy, and any challenge to laissez-faire capitalism meets feisty backfire from large segments of the population, from very rich to very poor. But once breaking point is reached, such rhetoric will no longer hold, and fundamental reforms will happen somehow. What is certain is that it will come from the American people itself, like the War of Independence.