Vaxx worse than mistreatments, virus safe. US disabilities increase. Weather modifications. Sun-fun
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🇸🇪 Kort svensk video 😎 mest om att jag ska sända direkt på kl 21:00 söndagar. Se även automatöversättningen av denna Substack.
Today’s extremely sunny English video. 😎
I actually suffered from a heatstroke after the recording. I wasn’t the one who got the heatstroke though, but my mobile phone told me to shut it off damn fast while I was playing this video on the black phone in the sun. How can people in hot countries use mobile phones if they are having problems even in Swedish sun?
Covid treatments way worse than the virus, but not as bad as the covid injections
Steve Kirsch did this poll on Gab, and will follow up with a more scientific poll:
This means that basically everyone knows someone who got injured by the bioweapon injection - Tell people that, and the narcissist vaxx-believers feel that the only reason they don’t know about anyone injured by the injection is that they made sure to not ask or disregarded every sign of vaxx injury.
The number of Americans with a disability has increased with 10% after the injections
Vaccine injuries and increasing mistreatments at the butcher-camps (formerly known as "hospitals", see Steve Kirsch'es poll above) seem to be the likely cause, but do not forget the damage from social division, opioids and economic hardship under the Biden terror regime.
You can likely work with a broken arm, but not for a narcissist sadist Democrat shit that enjoys forcing people to inject a bioweapon and mask themselves. So more likely that people report the disabilities they have in 2021 & 2022.
Vaccines against smallpox caused more problems than they did good
Lesson: Lies that create profits can sustain themselves for hundreds of years.
We need to start a fundraising for more anal sex orgies at the CDC. Maybe invite some bonobos because they like that stuff.
The weather modification history is long
I’ll not talk too much about this, as it doesn’t directly improve your life, but these links can be good to have, and understanding of the conspiracy theory propaganda, false information, distractions and how this is used for food and medicines too.
They are using it to modify the weather resulting in disruptions of natural cycles of nature & are INTENTIONALLY CREATING “Global Warming” to push the BS #NWO #Agenda21 #Agenda30 while systematically poisoning anything that breathes.
To really LEARN how Geoengineering works and just how long weather modification has been taking place, visit:
Then watch: “What In the World Are They Spraying”
Then watch: “Why In The World Are They Spraying”
I do see the point of controlling the weather, so I’m not convinced that all of this is bad. A country like UAE for example can suddenly get some rain, and maybe devastating tornadoes could be engineered out of existence - Which should be good even if there surely will be unintended consequences. And even if we think that there should be no weather manipulation, there will be weather manipulation by some people/countries so we need public research and education about it.
Remember: If we forbid guns, only the criminals will have guns. And the government, but now I’m repeating myself. Same with weather modification, surveillance, central banking, etc.
The progress the progressives have done in only 88 years is impressive:
Pointless Swedish and Twitter “news”
The only fun with Twitter is that I can hate on people that really deserve it. The shit-”rightwing” parties in Sweden are 100% backing Joe Biden, Nazis in Ukraine and behave like narcissists who think anyone gives a Demorat’s arse about their feelings. So when the Center party is supporting the Social Democrats that didn’t do the lockdowns and vaccine passports as fast as the libtard parties wanted, are they going right or left then?
(I think neither: The Center party is headed by a narcissist who only support the Social Democrats because Magdalena Andersson appears powerful - Not much thought behind that, I think.)