Day of wisdom, how weekdays can improve thinking. Iran fake news. Anonymous voting. WEF-distraction
Vishetens dag; hur veckodagar kan utöka din visdom. Falska Iran-nyheter. Anonyma val. WEF-trams
🇸🇪 Dagens kloka svenska video. Svenskt text längst ner, men det mesta är ej översatt, så lyssna på videon.
Today’s sage English video
I think there's value in having days of the week and anniversaries that remind us to think with a certain perspective. We have too much to do so we can't keep on being wise every day, but today is Odin's day = Wednesday, and we can reflect a bit more on all the battles we took yesterday on Tyr's day (Tuesday).
If you put your thought world in different settings, you get superhuman abilities to see your surroundings from the Moon to the Sun and the days of the week in between. With the added bonus of something that happens only once a year or even more rarely.
Monday - The Moon’s Day. Bark at the Moon, be a little crazy and come up with ideas for the week.
Tuesday - Day of the god of war, Tyr. Put the axe to your problems and take the battles!
Wednesday - Odin’s day, the day of wisdom. Contemplate yesterday's battles and the wisdom in them.
Thursday - Thor's Day. Thunder out all the wisdom you thought out yesterday and the battles you won the day before yesterday, as well as the ideas you got on Monday!
Friday - Frey’s day. Think about whether you're taking good care of your plants, animals and relationships!
Saturday - Day of Cleanliness and cleansing. The week's hard work should be washed away literally and figuratively get rid of all anxiety and stress.
Sunday - Day of tranquility and spirituality. Ponder life until you get a little crazy and ready for Monday!
Show this to everyone applying for collage:
Iran fake news - No mass executions
The Iran story about 15 000 executions was fake news as I said 5 days ago, while even Jack Posobeic posted about about it without a fake news warning. I am too lazy to disprove unproven bullshit, but Glenn Greenwald did the work:
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 wrote on Nov 10:
Iran Votes to Execute 15,000 Participants in Women's Rights Protests
Now ask yourself: Should you trust any of those anti-Iranian voices again? Not unless they show their work, I would say.
But Jack Posobiec is still way more trustworthy than the usual media hacks that follows the holy narrative as soon as the $-billions say so.
Ukraine’s bombing of Poland blamed on Russia
Blowback: Italian police bust Azov-tied Nazi terror cell planning terror attacks
Valhalla Express: The story of the activist of Ukrainian nationalist movement, who has gone through street clashes and Maidan to military operations in Donbas.
I might be wrong, but these Nazis seem to be pretty competent and well organized - At least compared to climate activists who glue themselves to stuff
I suggest they create base in Antarctica where they can prove how great they are without hurting anyone else except Byrds 🤔 (Hidden secrets of Antarctica)
Anonymous voting
I'm shocked at how badly informed the entire crew of Steven Crowder is (was)!
But they are a great gang, and Steven Crowder did Tweet out:
"Why can't we have a way to confirm that you voted & for who?" [sic] => whom
And I and many others answered similarly:
"Workers in 19th century England fought hard to be able to vote against their Labour Union and capitalist overlords anonymously. Invite @AMercouris to explain that. He spoke to @barnes_law here in the first minutes.
If anyone can check how you vote, then the mob will rule"
If an entire crew of political experts don't know the reason behind anonymous voting, this really needs to be talked about more.
But as I said: Great, as usual, by Steven Crowder to ask about if he got something wrong and it seems like it's a good thing that he and the crew got this wrong, so that millions will learn.
This is why the deep state morons are losing - They believe their own bullshit and they have no working BS detector:
"He Set Off My BS Detector": Elon Musk Passed On Having Sam Bankman-Fried As Investor In Twitter
"Does Sam actually have $3B liquid?"
This Tweet explains Elon’s superpower that is actually really easy for you to get too if you just think about it: He spots narcissists like a young elephant find a nose to sniff.
Anyone that is GREAT at pretending to be able to do things they can’t do will now avoid applying for a job anywhere close to Elon Musk. While fun people are attracted:
Rahul Ligma is a parody, so of course Elon Musk then Tweets that he is welcome back to the job he obviously never had.
So… Lick ma Johnson!
FTX and Sam Bankman Fried
The Sirius Report has a good point about WEF
“Social media cancels people who tell truth
If WEF was implementing a dystopian future then people would be cancelled discussing this. Only that never happens
Schwab is great distraction and deliberately portrayed as Bondesque villain and keeps spotlight off where it should be.”
But if you still want to read about Klaus and his hidden background, try this thread.
Respect the hardworking actor!
I for one is very happy about that The Duran has decided to stop attacking the average hard working guy with a nose problem (It’s pretty clear that Zelenskyy has no say in anything, especially since CIA had a meeting with Russia in Turkey - No Ukrainian or EU actor was invited). He does work very hard, and we should respect him for that. 🥰
Trump boring! No 5D chess or anything!
“The golden age” was good, but otherwise not so much visual persuasion, and what about FBI, CIA and big pharma? Trump did way too little against those.
First draft of the US soccer team logo:
“We have so much respect for our Muslim hosts that we stopped eating pork and we’ll put burkas on our women… AND HERE IS SOME GAY PORN THAT WE WILL SHOVE UP YOUR BUTTS!”. It’s all about narcissism as usual.
A typical 🇸🇪 Green Party politician:
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Jag tror det finns ett värde i att vi har veckodagar och årsdagar som påminner oss om att fundera med en viss infallsvinkel. Vi har för mycket att göra så vi kan inte hålla på att vara visa varje dag, men idag är det Odens dag = onsdag, och vi kan reflektera lite mer över alla striderna vi tog igår på Tyrs dag (tisdag).
Om man sätter sin tankevärld i olika inramningar så får man övermänskliga förmågor att se sin omvärld ifrån Månen till Solen och veckodagarna däremellan. Med extra bonus ifrån något som händer bara en gång om året eller mer sällan.
Måndag - Månens dag. Yla emot månen, var lite galen och kom på idéer för veckan.
Tisday - Krigsguden Tyrs dag. Sätt yxan i dina problem och ta striderna!
Onsdag - Oden, vishetens dag. Kontemplera gårdagens strider och visheten i dem.
Torsdag - Tors dag. Dundra ut all visdom du tänkte ut igår och striderna du vann i förrgår, samt idéerna du fick i måndags!
Fredag - Frejs dag. Fundera om du tar hand om dina växter, djur och relationer väl!
Lördag - Renlighetens dag. Veckans hårda arbete ska tvättas bort bokstavligt och bildligt få bort all ångest och stress.
Söndag - Stillheten och andlighetens dag. Fundera över livet tills du blir smått galen och redo för måndag!