"weird" propaganda attack on women. Persuasion ethics. Brainwash-test. Maduro's communist opposition
Kufars propaganda-attack på tjejer. Övertalnings-etik. Hjärntvätt-test. Maduros kommunist-opposition
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video: Rumble, 𝕏
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This is a Berber dress from Morocco
Weird is something young ladies really don’t like to be associated with
Kamala Harris PAC paint Republican men as “weird”, which they just shake their heads at, but:
Democrat women who listen to proven liars are extremely WEIRD!
Note: Every man playing a weirdo in that video is a Democrat!
Persuasion ethics terms
Being wrong = Not good, but no bad intention
Hyperbole = exaggerating facts
Spinning = Adds fake narrative
Lying = Pure fabrication
Hyperbole, spinning and even pure lying can be directionally correct.
Cult leadership behaviour, really bad stuff:
Brainwashing: Creating an entire false world (not just adding a false narrative). To do this, the cult members need to be protected from outside information and convinced to not even look at it.
Gaslighting: Telling lies that are obviously lies, but keep on doing it until it drives the victims insane, and they lose the sense of reality and right and wrong.
It’s WEIRD to take gaslighters seriously!
Brainwashing test
Hitler's Germany made lamps and soap out of Jews
They killed people in "gas chambers"
The number of killed is 6 million Jews
If you believe any of those, you're brainwashed into a fantasy world. Sorry they did that to you and turned you into a weirdo! The real burnt offering was Dresden and for example Eisenhower’s death camps.
Israel: Hamas executes people for being gay!
Also Israel’s (former, sort of) spokesliar:
What the demon does is psychological projection:
Video: Israelis demanding the right to sodomise Palestinian hostages. And another sado-rapist sand puppy: Video
Everyone from Netanyahu's son, Yair, to Israel's Economy Minister Nir Barkat, to Justice Minister Yariv Levin, has chimed in to defend the right of soldiers to rape Palestinian prisoners: https://x.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1818152941804470725
Note: Many Israelis are against this! Israelis trying to save raped Gazans: https://x.com/CensoredMen/status/1818135961638666691 - But until Israel the state does anything about it and the genociding, that state can’t be allowed sovereignty. A sovereign state has to play by the rules of states and not host pirates or terrorists.
Israel Katz tries to order NATO to expel Turkey
Maybe time to teach the sand puppies their place? Losing member countries isn’t NATO policy, and then Katz and Geert Wilders can show their toxic narcissism as much as they want.
I love trolls that make me laugh and feel good about myself 😊 Thanks for the free adverticing, cute troll!
Evening Protests Explode In Venezuela As Opposition Crowds Descend On Caracas, Head To Presidential Palace
Several statues of socialist icon Hugo Chavez have been toppled after 'stolen' election...
Maduro: Many demonstrators have recently flown in from the US, they receive $150 a day. That's what you get when you have Liberal policies of open borders!
But, but, but… Isn’t it the leftist that topple statues and riots after losing elections? How much Bolshevism is there in the opposition, exactly? Their goal of toppling Maduro is not to create a freedom paradise, but to plunge Venezuela into a civil war - Same as in Iran; bad regime, but many in the opposition will be paid to turn the country into a smoking ruin.
One example: Iran-Contra mafia Jew Elliott Abrams is getting a Satanic orgasm over the prospect of civil war in Venezuela: Video.
So as suddenly MAGA, Milei and the Biden administration united in Maduro bad, here are the counter arguments - Is there anything to them?
Venezuela, Greyzone journalist: https://x.com/anyaparampil/status/1817945347223658668
Another detailed explanation of the Venezuelan election system: https://x.com/FiorellaIsabelM/status/1817666249721008574
Maduro has gotten the inflation down to 3-4% per month, and there is some social security, so some people see the country going in the right direction. Domestic food production has increased a lot.
Red countries: Not accepting Maduro (yet), Green, accepting the result:
Brazil is in BRICS+ but the reason they do not recognize the Venezuelan elections is because they are a "Major Non NATO Ally" of the United States and seen as an informal vassal state.
2 weeks ago Maduro said that Lula rigged the elections in Brazil, so no warm feelings there.
Maduro calls out the fake news Elon Musk posted from Visigrad24 (Autotranslated)
Maduro is right that Elon Musk is a fascist, but Maduro fails to explain how that is a bad thing. Shouldn’t people, companies and government work together to become better versions of themselves? It’s the details on how fascism is implemented that are important.
Maybe it's just antisemitism behind this hatred of Maduro?
Of course the opposition leader Maria Corina Machado is a Zionist. Video
And the goal with the coup is not to take Venezuela’s oil as Trump said, but to turn Venezuela into a smoking ruin to show the cabal’s puppets what happens if they defy it, as explained in A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Goodson
The secret vaccine purchase agreement that South Africa signed with Pfizer has been released
Unknown efficacy. Unknown adverse events. Unknown long term effects. Governments across the world though that sounded great! Time to do as Kamala’s team suggested and replace the entire ruling class: https://x.com/harris_wins/status/1817249885432750197
Another feelgood story: Fully Vaccinated Fox News Reporter and Wife Announce They Both Have Turbo Cancer
Today’s quiz will be easier: What gang is this?
Rednecks for Trump
Doctors for RFK JR
White Dudes for Harris
And this is a tiny wych elm. The sick elm in at the end of the English video is said to be an American elm, but I think it’s also is a wych elm that just look very bad.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Weird (konstig, kuf?) är något unga damer verkligen inte vill bli associerade med
“konstig” fungerar inte som propaganda-ord på svenska, men “weirdo” = “kuf” fungerar. “weird” påminer om “wary” = försiktig, så det är inte konstigt på något intressant sätt, utan mer farligt eller motbjudande.
Kamala Harris PAC utmålar Republikanska män som “weird”, vilket bara får dem att skaka på huvudena. Men:
Demokratsiak kvinnor som lyssna på bevisade lögnare än synnerligen kufiska (WEIRD)!
Notera att varenda kuf i den där videon är en Demokrat som spelar en Trump-supporter!
Övertalningsetiska termer
Att ha fel = Inte bra, men ingen ond avsikt
Hyperbol = överdriva fakta
Spinning = lägger till en falsk berättelse
Lögn = ren fabricering
Hyperboler, spinning och till och med rena lögner kan vara riktningsmässigt korrekta.
Sektledarskapsbeteende, riktigt dåliga grejer:
Hjärntvätt: Skapar en helt falsk värld (inte bara lägger till en falsk berättelse). För att göra detta måste sektmedlemmarna skyddas från information utifrån och övertygas om att inte ens titta på den.
Gaslighting: Berätta lögner som uppenbarligen är lögner, men fortsätt att göra det tills det driver offren galen, och de förlorar känslan av verklighet, samt om gott och ont.
Det är kufiskt att ta gaslighters på allvar!
Hitlers Tyskland gjorde lampor och tvål av judar
De dödade människor i ”gaskamrar”
Antalet dödade är 6 miljoner judar.
Om du tror på något av detta, är du hjärntvättad till en fantasivärld. Ledsen att de gjorde så mot dig och förvandlade dig till en knäppgök! Det verkliga brännoffret var Dresden och till exempel Eisenhowers dödsläger.