Lajv på FB ikväll om vilka mer än Putin som ligger bakom Ukraina och smyg-grundlagsändringen
Klaus Schwab's invasion of Ukraine to protect Western fascist puppets. Swedish coup? Conspiracy dog!
🇸🇪 Dagens korta svenska video. Lite svensk text i slutet. Automatöversättning av denna Substack.
🇸🇪 Direktsändning på Facebook kl 21:00:
Today’s English video with the conspiracy dog.
Yesterday’s recorded live-stream. I was confusing myself a lot. The Swedish colours are called "gul & blå" / “gult och blått” (only in that order) or in one word "blågult" (never gulblått)... The only time Swedes say “blått och gult” is when we’re talking about mixing colours into green and specifically don’t mean the Swedish colours. So it makes sense to call the Ukrainian colours “blue and yellow” and they appear in that order from the top of the flag too.

Live 🇺🇦 Ukrainian war news mapped give an overview of the current news and puts them on a map.
Live 🇺🇦 cameras:
Ukraine supplies 90% of U.S. semiconductor-grade neon (and what it means to chip supply chain)
“With such a high amount of the U.S.’s semiconductor-grade neon supplied by the Ukraine, the conflict is placing increasing pressure on a supply chain”: You will own nothing and Klaus Schwab will be happy!
NATO countries are sending a lot of weapons now, so unless Russia cut off those supply-lines, it will be in trouble. Ukrainian morale seems high, while we’ve heard and can assume that the Russians are wondering what they are doing there. Russia has vastly bigger airforce, but can it continue to use it over Ukraine or does the defences make it too expensive?
Why did Ukraine not join NATO?
Here is the surprising answer:
Or the partial answer.
In the Peace of Versailles in the Trianon in 1920 after the First World War, Hungary lost two thirds of its land and one third of its population.
French President Georges Clemeceau wanted revenge on Germany, which became the origin of World War II.
Hungary was also hit hard and was not allowed to take part in the peace talks.
Clemenceau's deliberate humiliation of Hungary still plays a role in world politics.
Part of Hungary was transferred to present-day Ukraine.
Today, 200,000 Hungarians live there.
Transcarpathian Hungarians.
As is well known, Ukraine has imposed restrictions on minorities.
Not just Russians. Even against Hungarians.
In 2017, Ukraine introduced an education law restricting mother tongue instruction for, among others, Hungarian children.
Keep in mind that the Transcarpathian Hungarians live in conquered land and Ukraine must relate to it. The Hungarians have not immigrated.
Is it a human right to be taught in one's mother tongue?
All teaching is in Ukrainian after fourth grade and up.
From day one, Hungary has considered the law shameful.
Hungary is a member of NATO.
There is something called the NATO-Ukraine Commission.
In October 2017, a NATO meeting had been planned for 6 December.
Hungary vetoed it.
The meeting did not happen.
As long as Ukraine does not care about its minorities, Hungary does not consider Ukraine a safe and stable country.
Ukraine did not give up.
At the end of 2018, Hungary vetoed Ukraine's membership.
A meeting was also stopped on 4 December 2018.
All parties in Hungary except Momentum, which is an EU-positive party, are behind the Hungarian government in this matter.
Momentum received 3% in the last parliamentary election and 10% in the election to the European Parliament in 2019.
Ukraine is not giving up.
Hungary is not giving up.
NATO has therefore not been able to join Ukraine to NATO.
I have often said that in politics one should look 200 years backwards and 100 years forwards.
Through Georges Clemenceau's revenge on Hungary a hundred years ago, today 200,000 Hungarians live in Ukraine.
Because Ukraine does not want their children to be taught in Hungarian, Ukraine has not been granted membership in NATO.
It has made it free for Russia to enter Ukraine to protect the rights of minorities.
At least that is Russia's argument.
Some have unhistorical analyzes and say that Putin is crazy.
But why has the Swedish media stopped providing analyzes so that people can think more qualified about what is happening in the world.
Stefan Torssell 26 Feb -22
Possible peace: A Russian coup?
Supporting the Donetsk and Lugansk regions has plenty of support in Russia, but bombing Kyiv - Not so much! So there might be some generals and oligarchs who decide that they are better off with Putin’s head on a pole, unless he ends this fast.
Putin is distracting you from Western leaders’ fascism!
Do not let Klaus Schwab’s Putin distract you from your own leaders’ fascism!
Awaken with JP: 6 Facts About Trudeau That'll Make Your Blood BOIL!
Sneaky change of the Swedish constitution is planned for this summer and autumn
The fascist Swedish regime is trying to end freedom of speech and bodily autonomy by changing the constitution this summer and then autumn. They only have to win 2 votes in the parliament with an election in between to change the constitution.
Healthy Mike warns about school traitors
Mike Pompeo: “There is no threat greater to the United States than that which emanates within our republic; specifically within our school systems.”
Mike Pompeo has lost in excess of 90lb (41kg) over the past six months after making wholesale lifestyle changes following his exit from the Trump administration last year.
Seeing them as viruses is a good reframing
The terrain theory isn’t disproved! The viruses aren’t the problem, but the real problem is that we aren’t organized and informed enough. These viruses are morons, and while I do have/had some respect for George Soros personally (not his organizations), but his son Alexander Soros is a complete libtard Adam Schiff fan-boy:

So Alexander is working for a regime owned by CCP while his father is saying he is at war with the communists?!? George might be just lying, but more likely he is surrounded by psychophants and his son is brainwashed into a globalist slave.
David Rockefeller died soon 5 years ago (I doubt he used any of his own industry’s drugs to become that old…) so he is as dangerous as the SARS-CoV-2 alpha (no where to be detected). I don’t know about the Rothchilds and Rockefeller heirs, but the rest of the image seem demented, retarded and/or mentally sick by now.
Remember that Elite capture is a crucial tool of China's success! And all the “green” policies in Western Europe are a result of KGB and then propaganda from Russian energy companies
A message from the useful 🤡 idiots
Remember that it’s a shelling of the unvaccinated, and the climate emergency has done the transphobia that is behind this worse! Take your injections, cut of your genitals and freeze to death eating bugs, and maybe the bombs will miss you!
The Untold Truth About Nose Swabs - The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 21
I don’t know what to think about this, but it seems clear that the nose swabs aren’t what they seem, and why would anyone test anyone without symptoms?!?
Dog conspiracy theorists
Piike has seen through the first two because she has never been a good boy, and treats do not always help (and squirrels obviously do not help to control her at all, on the contrary)! 🐺 And when you pick up her shit 💩, she kicks up some kind of earthy anti-government argument over you... 🤔
Piike har sett igenom de två första för hon har aldrig varit en duktig pojke, och hundgodis hjälper inte alltid (och ekorrar hjälper uppenbarligen inte alls till att kontrollera henne, tvärt om)! 🐺 Och när man plockar upp hennes skit 💩 så sparkar hon upp någon slags jordig anti-regerings-argument över en... 🤔
Varför kom inte Ukraina med i Nato?
Eller delsvaret.
I Versaillesfreden i Trianon 1920 efter första världskriget förlorade Ungern två tredjedelar av sitt landområde och en tredjedel av sin befolkning.
Frankrikes president Georges Clemeceau ville hämnas på Tyskland, vilket blev upphovet till andra världskriget.
Ungern drabbades också hårt och fick inte vara med vid fredsförhandlingarna.
Clemenceaus medvetna förnedring av Ungern spelar fortfarande in i världspolitiken.
En del av Ungern överfördes till det nuvarande Ukraina.
Där bor i dag 200 000 ungrare.
Transkarpatiska ungrare.
Som bekant har Ukraina infört restriktioner mot minoriteter.
Inte bara ryssar. Även mot ungrare.
2017 införde Ukraina en utbildningslag där modersmålsundervisningen begränsades för bland annat ungerska barn.
Tänk på att de transkarpatiska ungrarna lever i erövrat land och Ukraina måste förhålla sig till det. De har inte invandrat.
Är det en mänsklig rättighet att få undervisning på sitt modersmål?
All undervisning sker på ukrainska efter fjärde klass och uppåt.
Ungern har från första dagen ansett lagen vara skamlig.
Ungern är med i Nato.
Det finns något som heter Nato-Ukrainakommissionen.
I oktober 2017 hade man planerat för ett Nato-möte den 6 december.
Ungern lade in sitt veto.
Mötet blev inte av.
Så länge Ukraina inte bryr sig om sina minoriteter så betraktar inte Ungern att Ukraina är ett säkert och stabilt land.
Ukraina gav sig inte.
I slutet av 2018 lade Ungern in sitt veto mot att Ukraina skulle få bli medlem i Nato.
Man stoppade även ett möte den 4 december 2018.
Alla partier i Ungern utom Momentum som är ett EU-positivt parti, står bakom den ungerska regeringen i denna fråga.
Momentum fick 3 % i förra riksdagsvalet och 10 % i valet till EU-parlamentet 2019.
Ukraina ger sig inte.
Ungern ger sig inte.
Nato har därför inte kunnat ansluta Ukraina till Nato.
Jag har ofta sagt att inom politik ska man ha blicken 200 år bakåt och 100 år framåt.
Genom Georges Clemenceaus hämndlystnad på Ungern för hundra år sedan lever i dag 200 000 ungrare i Ukraina.
Genom att Ukraina inte vill att deras barn ska få undervisning på ungerska har Ukraina inte fått medlemskap i Nato.
Det har gjort det fritt fram för Ryssland att gå in i Ukraina för att skydda minoriteters rättigheter.
Så lyder i alla fall Rysslands argument.
En del har ohistoriska analyser och säger att Putin är galen.
Men varför har svenska medier slutat att ge analyser så att människor kan fundera mer kvalificerat över vad som sker i världen.
Stefan Torssell 26 feb -22
Fascistisk grundlagsändring på gång
Kort video. Svenska regeringen har påbörjat ett flertal ändringar i vår grundlag! Vilka kommer träda i kraft nästa år om regeringen får som de vill. Ändringarna inskränker på våra mänskliga rättigheter, såväl yttrandefrihet som offentlig åsiktsfrihet, religionsfrihet samt individens bestämmanderätt över sin egna kropp står på spel vid dessa grundlagsändringar.
Man vill ändra yttrandefriheten genom att förbjuda media och journalister att rapportera om "vissa" sanningar även kallade obekväma sanningar. Vad det kommer innebära för journalister som trotsar detta är 2-4 års fängelse. Och vem som bestämmer vilka som kommer höra till dessa obekväma sanningar kan ni säkert lista ut själva.
Jag har även lagt till en kort film man gjort här nedan för att uppmärksamma dessa intrång i vår grundlag. I denna förtydligas vad vi har att förvänta oss om sittande regering blir invalda nästkommande val till hösten.
Som mamma till två pojkar hoppas jag att fler reagerar över det faktum att våra barn är på väg att mista de mänskliga rättigheter som varit så självklara under hela vårt liv 💔 Så jag vänder mig nu till er och frågar, vilken slags framtid önskar ni våra barn?
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