Live 1 PM EST: War-propaganda opens for attacking propaganda about health, immigration & climate
Krigspropagandan öppnar för att attackera propagandan om hälsa, vaccin, immigration & klimatet
Today’s short English carrot eating video.
Live on Facebook at 1 EST (in an hour):
“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” / JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE
Just a trick I learnt from serving Milla the cat her lunch every day:
If you mix up the dry stuff with some expensive wet stuff, everything tastes great! In this case red cabbage, eggs and shrimp cheese over it:
Lavrov: “Never again will Russia rely on the West”
A lot of other countries need to think about their dependence on empires too. Having access to food and energy that are a little more expensive but that you have control over is likely a smart move in the long run as empires always get more corrupt until they finally break down.
A good reminder:
Groundbreaking Conference Reveals Health Risks of Seed Oils
Medical doctors, researchers, and other experts spoke on March 3 at the “Future of Fat” virtual summit, the first-ever meeting dedicated exclusively to the harmful effects of oils made from vegetables or seeds, including canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil.
Such oils have been linked to heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, cancer, macular degeneration, and other chronic diseases.
The jury is still out on flax seed oil that does contain a lot more omega-3 fatty acids.
A proxy for calculating redacted Pfizer numbers
Due to certain redactions within these documents, it’s unclear what percentage of the overall vaccination rate that represents. However, we were able to find a proxy and calculate it for ourselves.
Not that useful numbers though as the self-reported side-effects just give horrible numbers. They should have carefully monitored everyone in the RCT, but then they would have found out that the injections hurt people more than they help anyone.
Search engines: Qwant, and Yandex did give more interesting results than the same search on Brave Search
Yandex and are also good if you want to see alternative narratives. Brave Search is still mostly based on Bing but they try to get away from there.
The forgotten refugee crisis!
Thousands of Afghan 40-year old children have been fleeing from Sweden to Paris. They complained about soul-killing feminism and not enough handouts.
There are a lot of Afghans, mostly from Iran, that have been tricked to pay human traffickers and propaganda to go to Sweden, and here they have been forced into selling drugs and caught in severe criminality. Even worse for actual children that have been smuggled here and then got lost into child slavery. All due to emotion-based libtardness that the Swedes finally seem to be waken up about.
Even more forgotten is that local drug dealers will suffer a shortage manpower and they are already badly hurt due to broken supplychains from Afghanistan, Ukraine and even China. This while the international narcotics distributers like CIA, NATO, FN and WHO gains market shares.
After pushing the covid injections for over a year, Dr John Campbell has had enough.
It’s time to make your corrupt agencies and politicians know that they aren’t just risking their jobs if they continue now; they are risking their lives because there are a lot of survivors that want revenge. Even if they don’t change their mind, there are staff handling the emails that have to read it.
As mainstream media is busy brainwashing their sheople with Russia, there will be little pushback. But when the false narratives of climate, migration and covid fall, then it’s time for the death blow against the ones pushing that shit and remove them from power for good.
Example: All causes hospitalizations and deaths among uninjected and injected in the RCT:
A reporter on the ground in Eastern Ukraine
Patrick Lancaster dos explain afterwards in English, but his interviews in Russian aren’t translated, but people tend to speak simple Russian to him as he has a heavy English accent, so even I did get what the Ukrainians were talking about:
Tech tip: Use Tubshift to protect people from Youtube!
As Patrick will likely be banned from Youtube for reporting without care about the narrative, it’s important to support his Odysee channel, but how do you know where to find video makers’ other official channels as many of them don’t write about it on Youtube? The simplest way is to install Tubshift in your browser, and then you automatically get a link to the other official channels where you can support the creator without supporting evil sadist oppressive Youtube that deserves to die as soon as I’m done eradicating vitamin D deficiency.
Another benefit with Odysee and Rumble (but not Bitchute) is that you see what the video is about in the URL, so nice for lazy people who just want to copy the URL into a message without bothering to explain the link.
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Vi får nu rapporter ifrån hela världen att det lönar sig att skriva email in till myndigheter och politikers arbets-brevlådor, så gör det! De skitarna låter sig inte påverkas, men all administrativ personal som hanterar dessa offentliga uppgifter måste läsa eposten och sedan blir det väldigt svårt för "makthavarna" att leva i sin alternativa verklighet där media rapporterar nyheter och aldrig ljuger om de är på politikerns egen sida.
Det är extra effektiv nu när medias covid-hjärntvätt har slagits av, så då kan det bli möjligt att nå alla dem som som förut inte gick att nå.
Jag skulle vilja se beslut, beslutsunderlag och exakt vilka personer som är inblandade i beslutet att Folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenderat covid-injektioner till barn och gravida. Vore fint om jag fick länkar till polisutredningarna också.
Vad har Folkhälsomyndigheten för råd till dem som drabbats av biverkningar av klimat- och krigspropaganda? Finans- och Utrikes-departementen borde kunna svara på detta.
Katerina Janouch Berättar om den pågående flyktingkatastrofen
Tusentals afghanska skäggiga barn i 40-årsåldern flyr nu ifrån genustortyr och otillräckliga bidrag i Sverige till Paris. Knarkhandlare som redan har problem med logistiken ifrån Afghanistan, Ukraina och Kina kommer nu att drabbas hårt av arbetskraftsbristen, medan de internationella knarkföretagen CIA, NATO, FN och WHO tar marknadsandelar.
Det är många afghaner (oftast ifrån Iran) som faktiskt drabbats hårt av att de blivit lurade att betala flyktingsmugglare, men detta är bara ännu en anledning att inte låta lättpåverkade stollar styra narrativen och därmed lättkontrollerade politiker. Och än värre har det gått för många faktiska barn ifrån t ex Afghanistan som slutat som barnslavar pga naiviten hos de känslostyrda fårmänniskorna.
Teknik-tips emot Youtube
Installera Tubshift i din webbläsare och du kommer automatiskt att få en länk till videoskaparens officiella kanaler på andra plattformar som inte aktivt arbetar för att förstöra livet för oberoende videoskapare. Jag fick ett års arbete stulet av Youtube och så fort jag utraderat D-vitamin-brist i världen, så tänker jag se till att Youtube förstörs.
I morgon ska jag prata om varför mitt tredje mål är att krossa just Moderaterna, medan jag mest ignorer de andra Riksdagspartierna.