What I got wrong. Communist-loving racism-liberalism for 90 years. Awful libs and a good one.
Vad jag fick fel. Kommunistälskande rasism-liberalism i 90 år. NATO-medlemskap pga förlorat Ukraina
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 En del på svenska längst ner 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
All my 2023 videos in a spreadsheet
The same tricks the liberal media used in USA+UK in 1932-1942 are still being used.
Lesson in German:
Herrenfolk = Self-governing people
Lebensraum = Land of the free
Rumble wrong English file yesterday
I clicked wrong, so the Swedish video got uploaded to the English Rumble channel. If this ever happens, you know that you can find the video on the other platforms linked from the top of my feed, or Odysee, Facebook, Brigtheon, minds or GAB.
Bitchute also took forever to process the video, so it wasn’t linked in the email.
In U-Turn, Orban Backs Sweden's NATO Bid After 'Overplaying Hand' With Exasperated Allies
This is definitely a sharp turn...
Sweden has already promised the globalists to stage false flags in Sweden with US troops, but now Swedish cannon fodder can be used from Turkey to the Finnish-Baltic state borders.
Description from Ukraine this year:
- By their estimates, they have lost over one million of their sons, fathers and husbands; an entire generation is gone.
- Even in the Southwest, where the anti-Russian sentiment is long-standing, citizens are reluctant or straight-up scared to publicly criticize Zelensky; they will go to jail.
- In every village and town, the streets, shops, and restaurants are mostly absent of men.
- The few men who remain are terrified of leaving their homes for fear of being kidnapped into conscription. Some have resorted to begging friends to break their legs to avoid service.
The Bolshevik globalists do not care. They write that there are too many people who live too well on Earth.
How To Thwart The Nefarious Propaganda Technique Of Projection
One of the most effective and devious methods of mass deception is falsely accusing others of one’s own misdeeds...
A sign of how powerful this technique is, is that US Democrats have constantly used it for over 90 years together with their toxic international-Jew media.
“The military attack against Poland was masterminded by Hitler,” who was “determined to make it look as if the Poles had provoked the hostilities” by “staging numerous false-flag operations and ‘Polish provocations’ against Germans.”
Yet, Nazi sympathizers claim that “the whole story might have been invented by the Allies to cover up an actual attack by Polish insurgents.”
As seen in the video below, there are no shortages of proof of communist terrorists mass murdering Germans.
Hitler’s minister of propaganda—the infamous Joseph Goebbels—was well aware of the tactic of projection and brazenly accused Germany’s opponents of utilizing it. “The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany,” said Goebbels in a 1934 speech, “was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing.”
It also mentions: Mind Reading
Another telltale sign of projection is the use of unproven assertions about people’s intentions, often woven with facts to provide an air of credibility.
For example “Trump will be a total dictator and imprison all his politician enemies for political reasons.” - Yes, that is exactly what the Dems/RINOs want to do. We saw it with Bolsonaro when “Lula” won and gave the power to the globalist tyrants of censorship, forced vaccinations and depopulation.
Arizona GOP Chair Resigns After Kari Lake Threatens "More Damaging" Recording
"I am resigning as Lake requested..."
Joe Biden: “Greg Abbott is trying to flood the USA with illegal immigrants by removing federal agencies from the border and bus the immigrants to attack Democrat sanctuary cities that now feel forced to enact extremist MAGA policies.”
I don’t know if Biden has said that yet, but the globalists projecting Liberals will say stuff like that.
Ted Cruz: The Democrats DO NOT CARE! 9.6 milllion illegals under Biden. Seems like this means delayed Ukraine funding, as the Border-Ukraine bill will not pass.
While Tucker Carlson thinks that the open border is about Democrats importing voters, Scott Adams thinks it’s unattractive women who want men. If there were hot women flooding over the border, I don’t think that Republican men would have a problem with it. They will say “Because these women aren’t violent!” while thinking of getting a harem.
Trudeau Government Used Faked Intelligence To Illegally Frame Protesting Truckers As Violent Extremists Canadian government used disinformation to invoke the “Emergencies Act” in 2022, and then shared it with other “Five Eyes” nations
5eyes is a criminal Bolshevik organization and a threat to humanity.
Tucker Carlson and trucker Gord Magill interview.
The Trudeau Bolshevik government has imprisoned 4 men for political reasons for 2 years, denied bail. The Bolsheviks read their minds, and convicted them as the tyrants read their own minds.
Reid Hoffman Pulls Out Of Nikki Haley After New Hampshire Pounding
Nikki Haley is as popular as the DEI department at the Patriot Front. If I ever said “Patriot Front”, when I meant the “Proud boys”, excuse me!
CNN’s exit poll said that 70% of Nikki’s votes came from registered Democrats (who have the right to vote in the open primary). So among Republicans, Trump’s lead is 80% vs 20%.
But: Wouldn’t this mean that Nikki has a chance to win in heavily Democrat states if the globalist media
Rep. Dean Phillips (D) went to a Trump rally
“My party is completely delusional!”
Wise Anti-Zionist Jews are appearing in
Part 4 of Europe: The last Battle.
And Hitler had many close friends and coworkers who were anti-communist Jews. If you want to troll people, I suggest that you read what Hitler and Goebbels said the day after the Crystal Night without saying who wrote it until you get your applause - As we know, the Bolshevik/Liberal/globalists do not care what you say, only who says it, because they think they can read your mind.
According to that Jew and Mein Kampf, Hitler didn’t hate some Jews for their faith or ethnicity, but for their communism:
Jewish media, without being attacked, decided that Germany has do be destroyed, just like the same mindset is hunting Republicans now, and sacrificing Jews is OK too, as long 2 millions survive. So good at propaganda that they believe their own stuff, just like we see today from parts of the media.
Then we had Churchill that was a total warmonger.
The Focus, a group of primary Jews, but also industrialist and left-wing members of Parliament bought Churchill to make sure he never ever made piece with Germany and kept all peace offers away from the Gentile British population, that of course wanted peace on the terms Germany offered. Just like the Ukrainians would have wanted, when the fan-boy of Churchill, Dr Clown BoJo stopped the peace on behalf of the lunatic in the White House yet again.
If there was something to “De-Nazify” in Ukraine, why hasn’t Russia been bombed with leaflets of peace proposals like London was? Actual National Socialists in Ukraine don’t want to be in NATO, so what is the problem for Russia with them except the narrative from Stalin and the Anglo-Saxon bankers - That Putin doesn’t dare to break.
Europe will get informed, so the peoples in Russia and 5eyes better too.
Part 4 ends with Hitler speaking to the people’s of the world talking about a small cliche of internationalist capitalist-communists who control the propaganda, enslaving the peoples under their spells, ending with:
That is good propaganda even though it lacks malinformation.
Europa: The Last Battle - Part five
Bad news for Free Masons:
German lesson:
These tattooed “Nazis”:
Israel, the most racist county on Earth with DNA-tests for immigration, wants to cause chaos on Europe - Their media programmed the (ex-)peoples of Europe to love the idea.
Part 6: Barbarossa: Many Russians fought with the National Socialists against the Russia-hating Bolsheviks:
Pearl Harbor was of course an October the 7th:
4 million Indians died due to deliberate actions by the bought drunk Churchill:
Storbritanniens Operation Wilfred och Plan R4 ämnade att minera Norge, ockupera Narvik, samt upprätta baser i Danmark. Senare fanns det planer för att Churchill och Stalin skulle dela upp Sverige och Norge mellan sig.
Samma trick som liberal media i USA+UK använde 1932-1942 använder de än
Lektion i tyska:
Herrenfolk = Självstyrande folk
Lebensraum = Det fria landet
Rumble fel engelsk fil igår
Jag klickade fel, så den svenska videon laddades upp till den engelska Rumble-kanalen. Om detta någonsin händer, vet du att du kan hitta videon på de andra plattformarna som är länkade från toppen av mitt flöde, eller Odysee, Facebook, Brigtheon, minds eller GAB.
Bitchute tog också en evighet på sig att bearbeta den engelska videon, så den var inte länkad i mejlet.
I en helomvändning stöder Orban Sveriges NATO-ansökan efter att ha "överspelat sin hand" med irriterade allierade
Detta är definitivt en skarp vändning...
Sverige har redan lovat globalisterna att iscensätta falska flaggor i Sverige med amerikanska trupper, men nu kan svensk kanonmat användas från Turkiet till de finsk-baltiska statsgränserna.
Ukraina beskrivet ifrån början av året:
- Enligt deras uppskattningar har de förlorat över en miljon av sina söner, fäder och makar; en hel generation är borta.
- Även i sydväst, där den antiryska stämningen har funnits länge, är medborgarna ovilliga eller rentav rädda för att offentligt kritisera Zelenskyj; de kommer att hamna i fängelse.
- I varje by och stad är gatorna, butikerna och restaurangerna i stort sett helt utan män.
- De få män som finns kvar är livrädda för att lämna sina hem av rädsla för att bli kidnappade till värnplikt. Vissa har tillgripit att be vänner att bryta deras ben för att slippa tjänstgöra.
De bolsjevikiska globalisterna bryr sig inte. De skriver att det är för många människor som har det för bra på Jorden.
Hur man motverkar den ondskefulla propagandatekniken projektion
En av de mest effektiva och försåtliga metoderna för massbedrägeri är att falskeligen anklaga andra för ens egna missgärningar...
Ett tecken på hur kraftfull denna teknik är, är att amerikanska demokrater ständigt har använt den i över 90 år tillsammans med sina giftiga internationella judiska media.
"Det militära angreppet mot Polen leddes av Hitler", som var "fast besluten att få det att se ut som om polackerna hade provocerat fram fientligheterna" genom att "iscensätta många operationer under falsk flagg och 'polska provokationer' mot tyskar."
Nazistsympatisörer hävdar dock att "hela historien kan ha uppfunnits av de allierade för att dölja en faktisk attack från polska upprorsmän".
Som framgår av videon länkad i den engelska texten ovan råder det ingen brist på bevis för att kommunistiska terrorister massmördade tyskar.
Hitlers propagandaminister - den ökände Joseph Goebbels - var väl medveten om projektionstaktiken och anklagade fräckt Tysklands motståndare för att använda sig av den. "Det smartaste trick som användes i propagandan mot Tyskland", sa Goebbels i ett tal 1934, "var att anklaga Tyskland för vad våra fiender själva gjorde."
Dessutom nämns: Tankeläsning
Ett annat tydligt tecken på projektion är användningen av obevisade påståenden om människors avsikter, ofta sammanvävda med fakta för att ge en känsla av trovärdighet.
Till exempel "Trump kommer att vara en total diktator och fängsla alla sina politikerfiender av politiska skäl." - Ja, det är precis vad Dems/RINOs vill göra. Vi såg det med Bolsonaro när "Lula" vann och gav makten till de globalistiska tyrannerna av censur, tvångsvaccinationer och avfolkning.
I Sverige är det än mer tragikomiskt när S och M anklagar varandra för vad de båda är skyldiga till när det gäller invandring och kärnkraft. Men krig, vaccin och klimat, det är de alla stolta över att ljuga om!
Hej Henrik, Jag känner en person 60 år gammal som gått igenom sveriges psykvård, med elchocker och vidriga läkarvård. Tror det skulle vara av intresse att intervjuva honom.
Kontakta mej på 070 421 71 53.