WHO=evil. Saboteurs run the world and must be weeded out. Fake news WEF Police. Clownish Polish PM
WHO=ondska. Sabotörer styr världen; rensa ut! Falsk WEF-polis-nyhet. Energiewende Norges fel?!?
Today’s English forest walk video
Dagens svenska skogspromenad-video. Ingen svensk text idag, men testa automatöversättningen.
Cat video: What happened after I recorded yesterday’s videos:
Quick reminder: Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty 133 days ago of child trafficking and NOT ONE client has been arrested.
Sabotage is the main strategy of the Biden administration
Biden bureaucrats claim the want less WAR and more FOOD security, but pass $40 billion to buy weapons of WAR while blocking Russia from selling wheat for FOOD.
By creating more WAR and less FOOD, the terror regime hopes to get rewarded from those who profit from the problems.
These satans are so well trained/brainwashed to destroy as much as they can get away with, that they even try to destroy stuff even if it hurts themselves, as if they were dogs so hard trained that they jump out of the window of the 42nd floor just to catch a ball The Sabotage Life Strategy should be taught from a young age, so that it stops working.
When you’re so retarded that you only qualify as a professer in California
The main question here is: What to do with the retards when no one wants to fund their universities anymore? Maybe they can get employed by Antifa and used as training equipment for MMA fighters? The Red Khmers made them work in the fields, which just lead to their death and no food being produced, so that was too inhumane and not cost effective…
But seriously: The shit universities should not get public funding and no one should pay for getting indoctrinated in them.
Cornell is another university that should be shut down as it spreads mental problems:
But all isn’t shit on all universities. Professor Akston manage to be a skeptic skeptic (unlike fanatical skeptics) despite his title:
You can find the European all causes mortality here: euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps
I will blame every “sudden” death on the bioweapon injections until someone can prove that it wasn’t due to the injections
Dr David Martin: Open Philanthropy's Dustin Aaron Moskovitz and his Amazing Crystal Ball
So wrong Facebook co-founder Moskovitz was: Monkeypox on the 15th of May and not on the 18th… 3 days wrong. Making it a little wrong, so that it looks like they didn’t create the problem they benefit from.
These people always do this: Find a medical problems and then make it worse. “Monkeypox engineered to be vaccine-resistent.”. Why? Because Moskozitz invested in Sherlock Bioscience…
Every plandemic (17 in total are planned) and even other stuff like nuclear war fear porn involve the same people. It’s a play to make money out of destroying your life.
The more you vax, the more you covid
Who could have guessed? Maybe because all mass vaccinations lead to the disease not dying out, and vaccinations against endemic diseases have always failed if you look closer into them.
My and MANY others’ Twitter Suspensions
We The Ultra Media forwarded this Telegram from Shannon OBrien:
I wish someone would flag the permanently suspended accounts for Elon too - Twitter’s users are WAY over exaggerated - beyond the use of bots - with people who have been permanently suspended but cannot close their accounts! I spent months trying to get Twitter to close my account and ironically was told I cannot take any action on my account (ie close it) because it is suspended. So I *appear* as a user but I can’t use the platform or leave it. There have to be a massive number of users that fall into this black hole that Twitter reports out in their number to the SEC. I have to assume Twitter won’t let people close their account because their numbers would plummet. So they effectively cushion the number of users they are reporting out. Fraud.
** If anyone can flag Elon on Twitter, let him know there’s an additional flag of misrepresented users in Twitter that he should be definitely be including in his buyout plan research! I can only wonder what the ACTUAL users are once you exclude bots and permanently suspended accounts.
My Twitter is suspended, but Twitter is scamming the advertisers by still counting it as active. (I use Elftown’s account to comment on Twitter sometime, but it isn’t worth following for my followers)
Youtube censorship in Sweden
But this is what you get in Sweden on Youtube for any RT video:
And we have members of parliament that are not interested in being informed or seek the truth. Approximately one MP would see any problem with anything not reported in the MSM. MSM is all, reality can be ignored and look moneypox!
It is however understandable that information from the enemy is suppressed during a war, and it makes even more sense when you realize that the combatants in the war are the government versus the people.
“WEF police”? No, Swiss Kanton police with event patch
Jack Posobiec said "The World Economic Forum under Klaus Schwab has its own paramilitary police force called the World Economic Forum Police". Well… sort of. Jack later on says “I’m not an expert on the Swiss law enforcement.”… Yea, he made that clear.
Of course Jack shouldn’t be detained and the Kanton Police shouldn’t do the bidding of the fascists though, and that is the main issue, not the WEF-patches on Kanton police officers
SWAT Patch for the Swiss canton of Graubunden Kantonspolizei.
Bottom is a commemorative patch for the WEF event.
The policeman is not hired by WEF, but works for the Kanton with the WEF event security.
Then one can waste time on discussing if those are coffins or some crustals or what-ever. WEF wants technocracy and explains it in detail and openly, so it adds no value to speculate about their symbolism.
In the end Jack reminds us about the WHO treaty, which should lead to every government signing that being charged with treason. Signing away your right to not get injected with bioweapons to WHO is first of all not something any government can do, but if they try, the response must be obliterating.
"It's Sick": Polish PM Says Norway Should Share "Gigantic" Oil & Gas Profits
"They should share these excess profits. It’s not normal, it’s unjust. This is an indirect preying on the war started by Putin." (The war was totally not manufactured by UK that also made sure to sacrifice Poland in WW-II?!?)
Blame Germany and its Energiewende for the high energy prices, you whining warmongering globalist Poland hating piece of suit! Oh, you can’t, because Poland imports all its Russian gas from Germany. 🤡
Can you imagine what would happen to the Polish government (and its worthless “opposition”) if I had 5 million Polish Subscribers…
Mexico starts to hurt from the globalists’ war on food and energy. Adding first Argentina, but then Mexico, and maybe Indonesia and Nigeria (all four with a bigger GDP than South Africa) to BRICSAMIN or BRICSANIM etc depending on the order would give Mexico another way of countering the dependence of USA (78% of Mexico’s exports go there).
The previous useless BRICS might become a huge force for altering the trade and finance flows in the world while USA, Europe, Japan and Oceania keep on hurting themselves in a desperate try to save their kleptocracy empire.
This will also make it more clear to the Western people that their governments aren’t working for them - prepare for the storm!
Child abuser Eric Adams should be arrested
We know the masking only has to do with the Democrats’ constant attack on children because THEY LOVE CHILD SACRIFICE. If they can’t kill them with abortions, they want to inject them with poisons, lock them up, make them scared, defund the police that protect them, traffic them across the border, castrate them with hormone blockers and genital surgery, teach them to be victims in schools and have no school choice. This is vulnerable narcissism and except for experimental testosterone treatments, there are only two cures and the first is to put them in concentration camps. with pools: