Winning! Ivermectin to Germany. BLM-founder got smarter. Covid1984 resisted. Hyperloop in Sweden
Segrar! Ivermektin i Tyskland. BLM-grundare smartare. Covid1984-motstånd. Hyperloop i Sverige
How did this happen? Images at the bottom
Today’s English video. Och dagens svenska video.
Germany is starting to fall for ivermectin
Media, WHO and other organizations still denying ivermectin are looking worse and worse.
Black Lives Matter founder realized that BLM is not working for the blacks
We are seeing more and more examples of people realizing that organizations are not working for what they say they work for, but quite often the opposite.
Zerohedge: BLM founder found the truth
Vaxxed against non-vaxxed
Destructive leaders love when the people fight each other:
Florida Rock Concert breaks the Nuremberg code to get attention
People are fighting back at the covid-insanities, which might be bad but needed:
California restaurant owners charges $5 fee for customers wearing a mask
The NGO Hyperloop Sweden is demanding technology neutral public procurements
Should be obvious that politicians and leaders in general should ask for all solutions, and not just the ones they have heard about. Hyperloop Sweden, autotranslated
Youtube devolving
Youtube has become useless for finding new content in 2021, so that I'm no longer there doesn't really hurt my chances of attracting new viewers anymore:
Sweden is opening up a little today
◾Restaurants may be open until 22.30 but still a maximum of 4 people per party.
◾Alcohol may be served until 22:00.
◾Camps for children are allowed.
◾Sports events may have 150 participants.
◾Amusement parks may open.
◾Outdoor events with designated places may increase the maximum number to 500 people
Tyskland börja falla för ivermektin
Tyska makhavare i medicinska organisationer så som Dr. Mastall börjar nu förklara hur korrupt och absurt motståndet emot ivermektin är, vilket gör att svenska myndigheters och medias ivermektin-förnekande framstår som allt mer galet i klass med en runtspringande nackad höna.
En grundare till Black Lives Matter har insett att organisationen inte jobbar för att förbättra något
Vi ser allt fler exempel på att folk inser att organisationer inte arbetar för vad de säger sig arbeta för, utan ofta raka motsatsen.
Zerohedge: BLM founder found the truth
Icke vinstdrivande Hyperloop Sweden kräver teknikneutrala offentliga upphandlingar
Bör vara uppenbart att politiker och ledare i allmänhet bör be om alla lösningar, och inte bara dem de har hört talas om.
Ny Teknik Debatt. Kommersiell Hyperloop är verklighet innan 2030
Sverige öppnar upp lite grann idag
Restauranger får ha öppet till 22.30 men fortsatt max 4 personer per sällskap.
Alkohol får serveras fram till kl 22.
Kollo och läger för barn tillåts
Sportevent får ha 150 deltagare
Nöjesparker får öppna
Utomhusevent med anvisade platser får höja maxantal till 500 personer
Kärna Mosse
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Can’t you run fast over roots? What are you? Human?
No, this is not the lake we’re looking for.
Running creates thrist
Distributed ledger technology, or just distributed logs?
Early Christmas this year!
Yes, this is the moss we are looking for! There will be more flowers later on, but for now it is just the mud bathing that is perfect.