The blue or the red pill... Here is the yellow pill. Wallenberg teaser
Man pratar om att rödpillra, men var är det gula pillret? Har Wallenberg låst in det i Vatikanen?
Ready to get yellow-pilled?
That movie, it was called Titanic, Soylent Green, or something, but the idea is that you can select to take the blue pill if you want to get back living in your big mansion in a happy reality where MSNBC is reporting the facts and everything is mostly fine. Or you can take the red pill and see the ugly truth about how the world actually looks like.
But the movie left out the green pill. Why is there only 2 pills? Because Hollywood is a gigantic psy-op that trains people into thinking black or white. The green pill would make you know yourself, but not which of the worlds you live in.
There there is a yellow pill. Guess why there is a yellow cross in the Swedish flag…
There are a couple of powerful families/networks across the globe, but you can always find Wallenberg in almost every cookie jar:
Riksbanken - The world’s older central bank, hands out a “Nobel Prize” to friends
Sweden - England, the oldest trade agreement
The American and Russian revolutions… Wallenberg was there, just as they were in the opium trade from China to Boston.
L M Ericsson the telecom giant that spy the shit out of you. Controlled by?
The Swedish Social Democrat party. Controlled by? Why are they doing everything in their power to get Facebook’s, Microsoft’s and Google’s servers in Sweden? Because information is what is power, not “money” like USD or military. Wallenberg got this over 100 years ago. 2 world wars, what a mess, but Wallenberg didn’t want that too close to home. Creating a pandemic? OK, fine, but you aren’t going to lock down Wallenberg, are you? No, I didn’t think so.
Portland Rittenhouse Protest Escalates Into Riot
There is no left in the USA, only mental sickness. Stew Peters sums up how everyone from evil brainfog Joe Biden to every damn fascist lefitst terror organization have been hunting everyone who believes in freedom and not mob rule. They are so sick in their vulnerable narcissism and the procecutor was living in his own fantasy world of pop-culture acting like a CIA medical experiment going seriously wrong.
These people need to be locked up for their own safety. They are lunatics, and it’s dangerous to treat them as anything else.
The OSHA Mandate May Be Stalled, But Other Mandates Are About To Suffocate Economic Activity All Over America
USA will celebrate my birthday on the 22th by shutting down TSA. This has nothing to do with anything except that the people in charge like to hurt other people. It can’t be a powergrab because it has the opposite effect, and they have to realize that unless they are completely mad, which is also very likely.
Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based On Opinion Polls, Not Science
The good news is that the people just have to convince the scared little shits to stop the governments’ terror on the people, but that is hard. They are scared little shits, and they will not feel safer when we call them that… But as usual it’s media that is the cause of the problem.