Zeroax? Tyranny summary. Planning the revenge against the narrative worshippers. Jokes...
Tyranni-summering. Planering av hämnd emot narrativ-dyrkarna. Lite skämt och ominramningar
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Today’s English Monday-video.
Pierre Christian commented on Important to paint your wanted future. Ukraine ends the Western domination. Climate product good?!?
“Damn good episode. Maybe the best one so far. Keep on going, Henrik!”
So Subscribe:
What is a cover-up called?
When media just make shit up, it’s a hoax. When demon media ignores an important story, it's a zeroax. Like the Hunter Biden laptop that they refused to report on.
Irish govt. targets farmers with ‘Great Reset’ goals
And the Trudeau tyranny wants to do a Netherlands on its agro too. These technocrat tyrants are only good for being hunted for sports.
Putin Turns The Screws: Gazprom Unexpectedly Halts Another Nord Stream Turbine Cutting Flows In Half; European Gas Prices Soar
If there only was a Nordstream II to open… But that doesn’t fit in the holy narrative. The demons can not solve things because they are only programmed to destroy.
Monday reminders
Every organization that is babbling about “climate” will attract toxic narcissist morons.
“Supporting Ukraine” is something that narcissists who don’t give a shit about Ukraine do. They just want to see the country burn with your taxpayer money - Otherwise they would have spent some time and effort on checking facts.
There should be no leader role for those who thought it was a good idea to trust a convicted criminal company like Pfizer to produce a medical procedure for healthy people while making money of people being sick. Sell these morons a bridge instead of giving them an ounce of power.
Reminder: Demon media is your enemy:
Why do people need a Chilean to teach them English?

Can you paint your future better than Klaus?
The problem Klaus Schwab and his followers are having is that they can't paint their vision of the future so that people see it. Not even the controlled Dutch leader cared to read his master Klaus' book. We who want to live free among equals are having the same problem: To make the visions of Dr David Martin, Füllmich and all of us come true where we take all the wealth (and freedom?) away from the big pharma criminals, we need to paint the future very well:
🖌️🎨 And all we, or anyone of us, have to do is to "write a better book" than Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates & demon-media. It isn't as easy as it sounds, but it's doable. ✍️
Trump’s connections to violent organizations

Trump had close ties to violent organizations, which is proven beyond doubt, but somehow people seem to have forgotten that he was the president of USA…
Scott Adams’ new black character got white-faced by the publisher. Trudeau should hire @ScottAdamsSays' publisher to white-face him…
Pierre Christian kommenterade på “Viktigt att måla upp önskad framtid. Ukraina slutet för tyrannerna i Väst? Klimatprodukt bra?!?”
“Förbaskat bra avsnitt. Kanske det bästa hittills! Kör på hårt Henrik!”
Den irländska regeringen riktar in sig på jordbrukare med mål för "Den stora reseten"
Och Trudeau-tyranniet vill också göra en Nederländerna på sitt jordbruk. Dessa teknokratiska tyranner är bara bra för att jagas som sport.
Måndagens påminnelser
Varje organisation som babblar om "klimat" kommer att locka till sig giftiga narcissistiska idioter.
"Stödja Ukraina" är något som narcissister som inte bryr sig ett skit om Ukraina gör. De vill bara se landet brinna med dina skattepengar. Annars hade de ägnat tid åt att lära sig läget och ifrågasätta saker.
Det borde inte finnas någon ledarroll för dem som tyckte att det var en bra idé att lita på att ett dömt kriminellt företag som Pfizer skulle producera en bra medicinsk behandling för friska människor samtidigt som de tjänar pengar på att människor är sjuka. Sälj dessa idioter en bro i stället för att ge dem ett uns av makt.
“pacing” är en övertalningsteknik jag inte använder här:

Moderater som Hanif Bali njuter av vänsterns fjantiga påhopp, men när media-bubblan brister har de riktiga brott att betala för. Varför rösta på M när allt vi får är kopior av Boris Johnson, Joe Biden och Trudeau?