Child maskers are awful. Good&bad for the heart. Red cabbage shake. War update. Schwab likes ID Buzz
FHM hatar gravida. Bra & dåligt för hjärtat. Rödkålsshake. Biovapenkriget. Schwab gillar Elfolkabuss
🇸🇪 Gårdagens inspelade direktsändning - varje söndag kl 21:00 på min Facebook-sida.
🇸🇪 Vitamin-D-förklaringen var rörig och hjälpte ingen som inte hört det förr, så det var mest för dem som redan kunde det och behövde en påminnelse. Bättre här:
Dagliga 125IE/kg-kroppsvikt. Dvs dagliga 12500 IE = 12500/40 µg = 312 µg om du väger 100 kg. Dagliga 100 IE/kg borde vara OK också, men bättre med lite för mycket än lite för lite.
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska blötkyliga skäll-video.
Today’s English march from the forest video.
Lesson in Swedish & Finnish dog: Bork, bork, bark, woof, woof, bark, bork bark, woof, bark-bark-bark
I see an injection💉injury every day on Facebook
"Another one at work who took 3 covid injections now has heart problems ... But it is the stress at work that is the cause ... Of course"
❤️ Food good for your heart, and stuff to avoid
I find nothing wrong in the article, but it is missing for example eggs and vitamin E that really helps the heart, plus vitamin K2 (that will be created in the stomach unless you eat poisons, and helps the vitamin D work better to keep the calcium where it belongs in your bones, and not in your blood vessels). Fasting, low blood sugar, sauna and forest walks also really helps.
❤️ Good stuff mentioned in the article: Omega-3 (less omega-6), vitamin D, magnesium (never overdose a mineral as that might create deficiencies in others!), garlic, pomegranate, vitamin Bs and the amino acid Arginine.
💔 Bad shit: Covid injections, aspirin, ibuprofen, tylenol, statins, wheat
Sour milk /yoghurt + lingonberry + red cabbage shake 🥤
You can mix kefir, sour milk, yoghurt or sour cream with some berries, eg frozen lingonberries, blueberries (if you do not suspect joint pain due to potato plants, see yesterday's Substack) and / or raspberries, and then you chop up red cabbage which you then also can freeze. Then with a little extra water you run it in a blender or with a hand mixer until there are only crumbs left of the red cabbage. It becomes easier for the body to absorb the minerals (eg potassium) from the red cabbage (or cabbage) if it is finely divided, and together with the berries and the kefir it has a nice fruity taste 😋
Then I must admit that it was not optimal to drink when I go down into the hot bath, as the shake has sugar and protein, so if you want to activate autophagy (when the immune system eats up special protein debris in the body) then you should probably take the shake afterwards. Logically, a sauna / hot tub should be most effective on an empty stomach, but I have not seen studies on it. On the other hand: Sauna after sugar and protein should make these less stressful for the body.
Stew Peters and Füllmich has also interviewed people about this.
Remember the Havana syndrome where a “sonic weapon” was said to be used? It was probably testing of microwave weapons, maybe false flag attempts, and very likely also mass hysteria.
🚛 Canadian truckers on general strike from today
This trucker says no trucking until the insane mandates and Blackface Castreau are removed:
Did Trudeau fly in UN troops to bust up the protestors in Ottawa?
No, of course he didn’t. But the Trudeau regime might have hired a plane to bring in “police” from somewhere else.
Covid injection updates
Let Dr. Michael Yeadon, former chief medical officer of #Pfizer tell you why pregnant women should not receive injections. Well, you actually have to be mentally sick to think it’s a great idea to inject pregnant women with any shit like this. For example the Swedish Public “Health” Agency recommends pregnant ladies to get injected - This alone proofs that not a word they say can be trusted. Yeadon says that the scaling up of the production was done to fast to be secured, which would be one possible explanation of why the batches (lots) give so different reactions from each other. The entire 4th day of the grand jury here. (Good explanation of how Pfizer’s study showed no benefits at 68 minutes)
By the way: That poor lady from South Africa need to both drink and have skin treatment with chlorine dioxide on the horrible injection induced wounds she has on her arm and elsewhere. Follow the links here and especially watch all the instructional videos from the Curious Human Productions Bit Chute Channel before you start experimenting! You start with a very low dose as chlorine dioxide dissolves toxins you have bound in the body, so it is important not to release all the toxins at once. Then increase the dose if nothing positive or negative happens, or decrease the dose if something negative happens. Also note that CDS or MMS should be taken on an empty stomach, because otherwise it reacts to the food (of course this does not apply if you use it as a nasal spray or treatment of infections in the skin).
Of people in Israel who the booster, 29% reported that they had difficulty performing daily activities as a result of the adverse event. That is 44% of the 66.4% of the sample that reported at least one adverse event. Like in VAERS, women were more likely to report than men (75% vs. 58%) and also more likely to report difficulty in daily functioning (51% vs 35%).
Fully Charge Youtube video:
🚐 VW’s e-bus is finally here (bullshit: "almost production-ready" to be correct) ID. Buzz First drive
Fully Charged makes a big deal of bi-directional charging, but the main problem is all the grid or electricity production/consumption regulations. Until we can buy and sell electricity totally unregulated, there will be too much legal problems to use these huge batteries on wheels to stabilize the grid unless you have your own micro-grid, but as you can't connect that to the neighbouring micro-grid legally innovation is stuck in legal mud.
A big issue will be how much weight you can legally load the car with.
In Sweden you are only allowed to put 295 kg in a Tesla Model 3 Long Range AWD (except the driver as Swedish rules are apparently written by huge fat men who love to be the driver), so you if you want to have 4 friends in the car, they have to be small and skinny, and not your average Viking sized men (85 kg).
That said: A self-driving electric car like this where you can sleep in the back would be a great thing for taking a vacation if there is cheap charging which means that we have to remove the government and regulations from the electricity market.
For taxi services, the ID Buzz will make more sense already, but the car does seem to have a crush on Klaus Schwab and not really make economical sense to own for personal usage. So I have this car 4/5 Klaus Anal Schwabs.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Man får inte ens ha fullvuxna passagerare i många elbilar?!?
I en Model 3 är vikten än snålare tilltagen och där övertrasseras maxvikten redan när passagerarna väger 74 kilo (295 kg max lastvikt i en bil vi testat). För att sätta det i relation, Volvos kombibilar (V60/V90) har tillåtna lastvikter på 480-500 kg. (max lastvikt är individuellt satta och kan skilja beroende på vilken utrustning bilen har)
❤️ Bra mat för hjärtat och saker att unvika
Jag hittar inget fel i Epoch-Times-artikeln, men det saknas till exempel ägg och vitamin E som verkligen hjälper hjärtat, plus vitamin K2 (som kommer att skapas i magen om du inte äter gifter, och hjälper D-vitaminet att fungera bättre för att hålla kalciumet där det hör hemma i dina ben och inte i dina blodkärl). Fasta, lågt blodsocker, bastu och skogspromenader hjälper också verkligen.
❤️ Bra grejer som nämns i artikeln: Omega-3 (mindre omega-6), D-vitamin, magnesium (överdosera aldrig ett mineral eftersom det kan skapa brist på andra!), vitlök, granatäpple, B-vitaminer och aminosyran arginin.
💔 Dåligt skit: Covid-injektioner, aspirin, ibuprofen, tylenol, statiner, vete
Man kan blanda fil med något bär, t ex frysta lingon, blåbär (om man inte misstänker ledvärk pga potatisväxter, se gårdagen substack) och/eller hallon, och sedan hackar man upp rödkål som man också kan frysa in. Sedan med lite extra vatten så kör man det i en blender eller med en stavmixer tills det bara är smulor kvar av rödkålen. Det blir lättare för kroppen att ta upp mineralerna (t ex kalium) ifrån rödkålen (eller vitkålen) om den är finfördelad och tillsammans med bären och filen blir det en fruktig smak. 😋
Sedan måste jag nog erkänna att den inte var optimal att dricka när jag går ner i varmbadet, då filen är full i socker och protein, så vill man aktivera autofagi (när immunförsvaret äter upp speciellt protein-skräp i kroppen) så ska man nog ta shaken efteråt kändes det som. Logiskt sett borde bastu/varmbad vara effektivast på fastande mage, men jag har inte sett studier på det. Å andra sidan: Bastu efter socker och protein borde göra dessa mindre stressande för kroppen.
Varje dag på Facebook ser jag en rapport om en injektions-skada 💉
“Ännu en på jobbet som tagit 3 doser som fått hjärtproblem... Fast det är väl stressen på jobbet som är orsaken... Såklart”
Mer ifrån Mynttorget i lördags
The Real Matz Olli verkar bra att följa om man vill se direktsändningar i framtiden:
En sida som visar att du ska veta att Folkhälsomyndigheten och alla som jobbar där går aldrig någonsin att lita på
Injicering av de otestade slarvproducera medicinska experimenten i gravida avslöjar Folkhälsomyndigheten. Vi har massor med data om ökade missfall, men inte ett enda bevis för att injektioner ger någon positiv effekt. Se även t ex Mike Yeanon, Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch och vilken oberoende forskare och expert som helst: Vaccinering av gravida är grov misshandel och mordförsök, och FHM har ingen data som visar på några fördelar, utan hänvisar till “studier” - VAR ÄR DE STUDIERNA? Troligen används de som ögonbindlar på varenda demon på myndigheten.
Man kan också notera att Folkhälsomyndigheten är den minst onda myndigheten… Socialstyrelsen och Läkemedelsverket dödar folk mer direkt genom att gå efter bra läkare respektive godkänner biologiska vapen för sjukvården att använda.