Ivermectin for Congress, but you get non-FDA approved Pfizer. October 15. Nuclear mining. Cilantro
Koriander är bättre än vaccinvansinnet runt världen. Atombombsgruvor. Proof-of-gun passports?!?
Dagens svenska koriander-video
Today’s English cilantro-video
😍 😍
Office building on the former Östernäs industrial zone. The house looked like crap before the repainting this summer.
Funny that the building host a lot of IT companies that can study their log-files and then look out of the window and see a lot of logs there too…
Absolutely no wind today, and the morning’s fog has cleared up 😎
Ivermectin in the people-hating US Congress
As explained in the Swedish Tweet below, ivermectin isn’t the silver bullet against covid, but it surely helps in the beginning, but also think of all the other treatments and good nutrition like activated vitamin D, zinc, ionophores, and then antihistamines, high doses of steroids, and chlorine oxide. budesonide or what-ever to lower the viral load where it is needed in that particular patient. But Congress see sheople as sheep and just want to push badly designed RCTs and harmful vaccines on them, while they themselves gets good health care because big pharma has invested too much in getting them elected, so it’s too expensive to replace these actors 🤡
USA and Pfizer - No FDA approved Pfizer vaccine
This is really fishy. From the official documentation: Pfizer has two vaccines that are not the same, but they say that they have the same effect and they say that they don’t have the same effect. The vaccine Comornaty got FDA approved, but that is not distributed in USA, and instead it’s the emergency approved vaccine that is used, and the legal ramifications are totally different, both for FDA and Pfizer. They do not want to get sued for the officially approved vaccine that will hurt and kill people.
Vaccines in Japan 💀
Timing: Everything is focused on 15th of October?
Easying restrictions? zerohedge.com/covid-19/san-francisco-eases-indoor-mask-requirements-uk-removes-47-countries-travel-red-list
Or going full Australian 🤡?
Nuclear opportunities
Also see the Swedish (translatable) Twitter threat about nuclear bomb mining below, and that the steel industry can use hydrogen instead of coal, which should be way cheaper as soon as the technology is perfected. There are a lot of opportunities with nuclear as soon as the gatekeepers are removed.
Only experts need a microscope to see this 😏
We need proof-of-gun passports! 😏
99% of the shooting are done by unarmed people!
7 Health benefits of Cilantro
Cilantro is a popular herb due to its fresh and bright taste. But cilantro is so much more than a versatile culinary herb. Cilantro is loaded with beneficial phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Helps Remove Harmful Heavy Metals
Supports Heart Health
Balance Blood Sugar Levels
Cilantro May Ease Anxiety
Could Prevent Food Poisoning
Protects Your Brain
Supports Vision with Vitamin A
🇸🇪 7 Hälsofördelar med koriander
Koriander är en populär ört på grund av sin fräscha och ljusa smak. Men koriander är så mycket mer än en mångsidig kulinarisk ört. Cilantro är laddad med fördelaktiga fytokemikalier, vitaminer, mineraler och antioxidanter.
Hjälper till att ta bort skadliga tungmetaller
Stöder hjärthälsa
Balanserar blodsockernivåer
Koriander kan lindra ångest
Kan förhindra matförgiftning
Skyddar din hjärna
Stöder synen med A-vitamin (Det är inte riktig A-vitamin dock)
Mattias Karlsson (SD) svårt sjuk i covid och måste säga att vaccin är bra för annars mördar sjukhuset honom?
Man kan inte bota svårt sjuka covid-patienter med enbart ivermektin! Det är som att hala seglen på ett redan sjunkande skepp för att stablisera det. Ivermektinet hjälper lite grann (till skillnad ifrån de rent antiviruella medicinerna), men det finns effektivare sätt att dämpa immunförsvaret.
Patetiskt: Facebook, Twitter och Google kan göra den där kartläggningen för att manipulera dig så mycket bättre… 😏
Gruvor och kärnkraft vore ett giftemål i himlen
Man kan använda kärnkraft till att direkt producera vätgas utan att gå via el, vilket är en mycket effektivare och billigare process, så Anders Lindberg (pressekreterare på gruvjätten LKAB) borde verkligen pusha för tillstånd till massor med sådana kärnkraft i nerlagda gruvgångar.