Climate emergency: +0.03C! Who warmongers in Israel? WaPo. Dr Malones non-answer. Pfizer sued in South Africa
Klimatkatastrof: +0.03C! Vem vill dra in Israel i krig? WaPo. Dr Malones ickesvar. Pfizer stämd i
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Today’s English video.
Brighteon is acting funny: 3 likes and only 2 views?!?
“That is why the human release now warms the climate less than 0.03◦C.”
It turns out that now the major increase of CO2 in the atmosphere is due to the temperature change
- Jyrki Kauppinen and Pekka Malm
Henry's law is a gas law that states that the amount of dissolved gas in a liquid is directly proportional to its partial pressure above the liquid.
Israel tries to escalate? Why?

Is it Netanyahu that is trying to distract his enemies with bombings and this stuff, or is it his enemies that rather see Israel burn than losing their liberal world order grip on the country? 🤔

Update: THREE times:

WaPos editorial board: How Russia turned America’s helping hand to Ukraine into a vast lie
Military grade deceptive priming propaganda. Weasel language, projection, a wild conspiracy theory that Obama wanted to help Ukraine secure their biolabs - If you believe that, I guess you also support Obama’s vice president who never ever done anything without trying to get a bribe for it.
All we really know is that biolabs in Ukraine did stuff, and we don’t know what. Russia has released tons of documents, but no one cared.
How did Remdesivir become the standard of care, while Robert Malone’s DOMANE disqualified hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?

Malone’s answers are very out-of-character and look like projection, misdirections and personal attacks on George based on proven fake news.
Maybe Robert Malone wasn’t involved in DOMANE’s operation and maybe George Webb got something wrong, but Malone’s answers are bigger red flags than anything George has reported.
Malone could just have answered: “I wasn’t that involved in DOMANE”, “No, DOMANE wasn’t involved in that” or something else like a non-guilty person would have said. I will not dig into the details, but others will.
Trial against Pfizer in South Africa

Here are pages 17-18:
As long as I’m arguing against pro-Russian accounts, I can be as pro-Nazi as I want without getting banned like Kanye West from Twitter 2.0?
I’m not pro-Nazi. Hitler made huge and devastating mistakes, and they both allied with and had horrible people in their own ranks. But I’m against genocidal Stalin and Churchill and that people still believe their propaganda - No one has good arguments for these horrible tyrants, and why we should trust them.

As a Swede, I have to teach AMLO proper socialism, like we do in Sweden:

Why the European grids survived
In Europe we have pricing per hour, which is the reason the grid survived - You can always buy electricity, it's just a matter of how insanely expensive it will become. Insane energy policies create resilient systems.
Here you can follow the price action by market and hour (or day) in a part of Europe:
A Dilbert that could never be run in newspapers?
It’s not being easy to be a green frog turning gay, or some other version of being a white male attacked by white male propaganda against while males.
Half-black MTG protesting against White Supremacist Eric Adams
Democrat logic is that anyone who opposes a black person is a white supremacist like for example Kanye West and Candace Owens.
Voting for the lesser evil, but with a strategy!
Martin Gustavsson wrote a comment worth thinking about:
Do you think you may be misled by the banking mafia's desire to create focus on Trump, instead of more honorable candidates that they do not control.
Everyone knows that the focus on Trump is mostly useless actors who want to be seen and heard. As you haven’t seen, I've been ignoring 99% of the Trump news.
But Trump is stirring the pot in a way Vivek or anyone else can't, and Trump has more knowledge of the Swamp than anyone outside of it. No other candidate for US President can secure my personal safety and future better than Trump - I will change my mind, but it will take 4 years 😉
By "Trump" I mean the symbol, of which he is only a small part. He is surrounded by a system of free thinkers who will never believe his vaccine talk in particular. As long as the system is moving in a more free direction in terms of freedom of speech and my personal economic and physical freedom, I will support these forces even though I know there are people behind them playing both sides - They may also benefit from "my side" winning.
As long as I get to live in freedom first and foremost. You have to save yourself before you can help others.
Det är därför som människans utsläpp nu värmer upp klimatet mindre än 0,03◦C."
Inga tillförlitliga studier av klimatförändringar utan Henrys lag och en ny termometer för den globala temperaturen.
Det visar sig att den stora ökningen av koldioxid i atmosfären nu beror på temperaturförändringen.
- Jyrki Kauppinen och Pekka Malm
Henrys lag är en gaslag som säger att mängden löst gas i en vätska är direkt proportionell mot dess partialtryck över vätskan.
Rösta för det mindre onda - men med en strategi
Martin Gustavsson skrev en tänkvärd kommentar
Tror du ev. kan vara vilseledd av bankmaffians vilja att skapa fokus på Trump, istället för hederligare kandidater som de inte kontrollerar.
Alla vet att fokuset på Trump mestadels är värdelösa skådespelare som vill synas och höras. Som du inte sett så har jag ignorerat 99% av Trump-nyheterna.
Men Trump rör om i grytan på ett sätt Vivek eller någon annan inte kan göra, samt att Trump har mer kunskaper om Träsket än någon utanför det. Ingen annan kandidat till USAs presidentpost kan säkra min personliga säkerhet och framtid bättre än Trump - Jag lär ändra åsikt, men det tar nog 4 år 😉
Med "Trump" menar jag symbolen, varav han själv bara är en liten del. Han är omgiven av ett system med fritänkare som aldrig kommer att tro på speciellt hans vaccin-snack. Så länge systemet går i en mer fri riktning när det gäller yttrandefrihet och min personliga ekonomiska och fysiska frihet, så kommer jag stödja dessa krafter trots att jag vet det finns folk bakom som spelar båda sidor - De kanske också gynnas av att "min sida" vinner.
Bara jag får leva i frihet först och främst. Man måste rädda sig själv innan man kan hjälpa andra.