Gay-parasite? "poplar" is aspen?!? Candace's man's family. Weimar vs USA. Russian Paperclip. CIA op
Bög-parasit? Popplar är asp?!? Candaces mans familj. Weimar vs USA. Ryskt Paperclip. CIA om Putin
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The gay parasite…
It makes sense, but I know know of any studies backing it up:
The English invented communism and then blamed the poor Jews!
Written by a Jew, of course. As trustworthy as New York Times.
So as Candace is married to George Farmer, an Englishman, she is just another psyop to blame the Jews for their crimes… I mean alleged crimes. Candace Owens of course had no problem making fun of the attacks on her husband (20 minutes).
And Candace Owens decided to be a Catholic, so I guess she’s working for the Jesuit Pope. I guess she’s just a limited hangout!!! Yea, that’s it, in crazy land!
But… Her husband George Farmer’s mother is a Jewess:
Or it’s more complicated, and more simple as we’re freaking tired of being called “antisemites” (calling someone that is saying: I’m a racist, so think what I tell you!).
We’re tired of this shit!
We’re tired of that shit too! How can love be hate?!?
What did the total Jewish control of The Weimar Republic lead to and what will it lead to in USA
This video should scare all the smart Jews away from the mafia.
Russia is launching an operation paperclip
Denying the production of 6 million lamp shades and soaps is forbidden in Russia, so I don’t feel this apply to me.
A very obvious CIA operation
CIA operatives are writing that “Putin is starting to get afraid of everything” and that all the minorities of Russia are suddenly Putin’s biggest fear.
Soros’ Friday for Future and a big list of CIA organizations that are infiltration Russian minorities have signed this letter of mindreading. Pathetic. Everyone involved should be ashamed.
🇸🇪 Vem va’re som betala för den “åsikten”?
🇸🇪 Man blir nyfiken när statskontrollerade SVT:s Bert ”Getosten” Sundström går ut med nyheten att Putin börjar bli rädd för allting. När man sen läser och klickar sig fram genom en labyrint av länkar visar det sig till slut att Gretas Sorosbackade aktivistorganisation Fridays For Future är en av undertecknarna.
🇸🇪 Tror ni någon av de andra organisationerna är lokalt finansierade av sina medlemmar?
All journalists leaving X because of all the hate:
Threads must be quite crowded now, right… right?
You remember what Mr Dick said yesterday?
The must God like tree, a black poplar, and the most Frankenstein ugly trees, some larches in the same image
Larches look like they are made to insult pines, spruces, junipers and firs.