I hope potato vodka qualifies!! This from BraveAI......Vodka is believed to have originated in Poland, Russia, and Sweden, with different varieties being made by distilling liquid from fermented cereal grains and potatoes since introduced in Europe in the 1700s. Some theories suggest that vodka production began in Russia in the 14th century, with a monk by the name Isidore credited with inventing the original recipe of the Russian vodka. In the late 14th century, merchants brought red wine to the region of modern-day Moscow, which piqued their interest in producing their own kind of alcohol. In the 16th century, it was common for families to make their vodka at home, flavouring it with fruit and herbs to mask the harsh taste of the alcohol.The first vodka sold in the US was distilled in Bethel, Connecticut in 1934, and imported vodka from Russia only reached American markets in the 1970s.
No, sorry. Vodka isn't tested well enough. I would avoid that stuff for 800 more years...Same goes with sugar, but I think we've proven that to be just bad already after, is it 500 years?
Thanks, but that was not sarcasm. I really think we need to figure out what works to drink and how, and I appreciate your effort in both doing so and reporting about it.
But yes, I did intentionally make it sound sarcastic, because it sounded fun.
Isidore was a 15th-century Greek Orthodox monk who allegedly invented the first genuine recipe of Russian vodka while being detained in Chudov Monastery in Moscow around 1430, according to the hypothesis proposed by the Russian historian William Pokhlyobkin.0 Monk Isidore Vodka is made in the style of Russian vodka, with its name taken from the person thought to have invented the spirit many moons ago.1 There are other monks with the name Isidore, including Isidore of Pelusium, Isidore of Seville, and Isidore the Laborer.2
I have made a few weeks test of potato vs corn vodka, and can only say the corn did not make me stupider, but the potato made me a little smarter. Is this because potatoes have eyes while corn have ears?
I hope potato vodka qualifies!! This from BraveAI......Vodka is believed to have originated in Poland, Russia, and Sweden, with different varieties being made by distilling liquid from fermented cereal grains and potatoes since introduced in Europe in the 1700s. Some theories suggest that vodka production began in Russia in the 14th century, with a monk by the name Isidore credited with inventing the original recipe of the Russian vodka. In the late 14th century, merchants brought red wine to the region of modern-day Moscow, which piqued their interest in producing their own kind of alcohol. In the 16th century, it was common for families to make their vodka at home, flavouring it with fruit and herbs to mask the harsh taste of the alcohol.The first vodka sold in the US was distilled in Bethel, Connecticut in 1934, and imported vodka from Russia only reached American markets in the 1970s.
No, sorry. Vodka isn't tested well enough. I would avoid that stuff for 800 more years...Same goes with sugar, but I think we've proven that to be just bad already after, is it 500 years?
As a crude American, I do miss your sarcasm sometimes, to my delight I discover it later.
Thanks, but that was not sarcasm. I really think we need to figure out what works to drink and how, and I appreciate your effort in both doing so and reporting about it.
But yes, I did intentionally make it sound sarcastic, because it sounded fun.
Isidore was a 15th-century Greek Orthodox monk who allegedly invented the first genuine recipe of Russian vodka while being detained in Chudov Monastery in Moscow around 1430, according to the hypothesis proposed by the Russian historian William Pokhlyobkin.0 Monk Isidore Vodka is made in the style of Russian vodka, with its name taken from the person thought to have invented the spirit many moons ago.1 There are other monks with the name Isidore, including Isidore of Pelusium, Isidore of Seville, and Isidore the Laborer.2
Rum is as old as sugar, so about 500 years?
Still needs some more testing, I would say.
I only drink locally made Potato vodka, its good. No bad effects. Portland Potato Vodka is the brand.
Thanks for committing your life to science! This is clearly something that needs to be tested more.
I have made a few weeks test of potato vs corn vodka, and can only say the corn did not make me stupider, but the potato made me a little smarter. Is this because potatoes have eyes while corn have ears?