This channel's progress. Justina Trudeau? Streaming. Hemorrhagic fever. Jab shit and literal shit
Denna kanals framsteg. Justina Trudeau? Streaming. Hemorragisk feber. Sprutskit och bokstavlig skit
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska morothoppar-video. Svensk text längst ner.
Today’s English carrot slaughter video
This channel’s progress
Update: I’m getting 60 to over 1000 views on my live streams on Facebook, and in a day I’ve already got over 1000 views on Swebbtube for a few of my Swedish videos. Only 498 followers on Bitchute, so can we get that over 1000 today?
Justina Trudeau WAS a joke
I said as a joke that Justin Trudeau was about to become trans to become more popular as a joke as we can imagine that he is in a bubble of totally insane libtards and their media. But listen and look at her speech yesterday…
The reason I write this is to prepare you for the level on insanity these people are capable of.
Another option: I heard folks were on hold for some time, so since I'm at work, I opted to email them at
Inspired: Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers and the world
Live streaming on Odysee from the mobile
I tried out PRISM live studio (Apple version) to live stream to Odysee.
Everything went wrong all day on my computer, and unrelated to the streaming (?), the screen also goes dark now and then! But streaming should work better with a less antique computer. But I then tried out using my smartphone.
The PRISM live studio app on my mobile worked much better, and there I did not have to change any settings! Just paste in the address of Odysee's server and the key I received. Worked on the first try with much better video quality.
Hemorrhagic fever cures cheaper and better than the J&J drug
Natural news has some ideas about cheaper and better cures against potential hemorrhagic fever:
There is pre-made CDS to buy from Germany
See links in my Substack about CDS (chlorine dioxide) It’s generally cheaper and better to make it just in time by yourself according to Andreas Kalcher.
New York City Fires Nearly 1,500 Workers For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine: Mayor
“Our goal was always to vaccinate, not terminate,”
Eric Adams sounded OK, but as a tyrant in a tyrant organization: He got there because of defunding-the-police lunatics so he looked not-so-bad. He is! He is forcing medical procedures that he knows nothing about onto people because he is a sadist little shit that must have no power what so ever for the rest of his life.
Lesson: Never ever settle for the “less bad”, because they are the worst! The lunatics will at least break the system, which gives hope - Go Brandeau!
More injected heart problems studies
3-5 times higher risk of heart problems the week after after getting injected with the covid bioweapons
Old man poking a bear with a stick.
Of course Putin has read Sun Tzu:
Listen to me instead! I only report dog, hare, sheep, cat and horse shit! 😏
A question to ask a Public Health Agency
What punishment do you think is best for public health for government officials who recommend an injection that increases morbidity and mortality for all reasons? Life imprisonment, labor camps, the death penalty or being tortured to death live on the children's channel?
Rapid shit tests discovered in Sweden
🤡 Rapid covid tests showed positive after coming in contact with tap water on Gotland (island east of Sweden).
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
🇸🇪 Live-streaming på Odysee med mobilen
Jag provade PRISM live studio (Apple version) för att livestreama till Odysee.
Allt gick fel hela dagen på min dator, och utan samband med streamingen (?), skärmen blir också mörk då och då! Men streaming borde fungera bättre med en mindre antik dator. Men nu testade jag att använda min smartphone.
PRISM live studio-appen på min mobil fungerade mycket bättre, och där behövde jag inte ändra några inställningar! Klistra bara in adressen till Odysees server och nyckeln jag fick. Fungerade på första försöket och med bättre video.
Nätverkandet i den nya makteliten går rasande snabbt 😁👍
Östergötlands hjälte Jacob Nordangård har blivit uppmärksammad av världs-kändisen Dr Robert Malone.
Lettland slutar med vaxxpass den 1a mars
Arge Utlandssvensken förklarar
All vaccinering av unga i Sverige bör omedelbart avbrytas då en ny studie från USA visar kraftigt förhöjd risk för myokardit och perimyokardit

En fråga att ställa till Folkhälsomyndigheten
Vilket straff anser ni är bäst för folkhälsan för myndighetsanställda som rekommenderar en injektion som ökar sjukligheten och dödligheten av alla orsaker? Livstids fängelse, arbetsläger, dödsstraff eller att torteras till döds direktsänt på barnkanalen?
BTW Henrik your bitchute videos, there is problem leaving comments, maybe that's why you don't have any.