Vitamin C warning. What Orbán should fix. Spinning narratives. Swedish deep state is BIG. Vaxx hell
C-vitamin-varning. Vad Orbán borde fixa. Propaganda-trick. Svenska djupa staten utomlands. Vaxxskit
Today’s floored English video
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska golvade video - På svenska längst ner
Inspelning av gårdagens direktsändning:
Dr Eric Berg warns against chemical vitamin C
Dr Eric Berg still thinks that pure ascorbic can be used for a short cleanse, but advice against it for long term and it might actually cause free radicals. Vitamin C in fruits and vegetables comes together with flavonoids, vitamin K and minerals, which makes it way more useful for the body.
Also remember that even though pine needle tea contains extremely little vitamin C, it does contain other substances that at least in vitro have a similar effect to vitamin C.
3 Monday news to prepare you for hell:
German Retailers To Increase Food Prices By 20-50% On Monday
"We will soon be able to see the impact of the war reflected in price labels across all the supermarkets."
Unexecuted New York City Will Mandate Masks For Children Under 5 Years Old
If Eric Adams ever comes to my jurisdiction, he will be thrown in a dark cell to wait for the children coming of age before they can testify about the crimes he committed against them.
I've defined "evil" as people who have a life strategy to do destructive or harmful things if they can get away with it, just in case it might be profitable for them. So other people try to do good and help others, these people just murder others if they are sure they can get away with it, and then they hope that anti-karma will come and reward them.
Unfortunately anti-karma has worked really well as we see on this sadist satanic piece of child torturer. If you are a politician and create a problem, someone will profit from it and then pay you to keep the problem. Why profit from tormented toddlers? Well, someone, at least the demon Eric Adams thinks that.
Maria Zeee: Australian Whistleblower Scientists Provide Evidence of Nanotech & Graphene Oxide
Yet another confirmation from research teams, and how these toxic nano particles becomes glowing for hours after getting mobile phone signals.
News about opposition to the DON’T SAY NAY STATES
Imran Khan stays in charge of Pakistan
Khan refused to let CIA push him into conflict with Russia and therefore India and China too, and there will be elections in 90 days that Imran Khan will surely win as war as sanctions against all the country’s powerful neighbours isn’t as popular among the population as it is among the “opposition”, the deep state and the pedo-opium empire.
Oh, the Pakistani CIA-opposition is behaving just like the libtard retardess on the plane in the video below. We can look forward to seeing a lot more of this.
Pollsters Humiliated As 2 Pro-Putin Parties Win Avalanche Victories In European Elections
'The House That Davos Built' Quakes As PM Orban Claims "Great Victory" In Hungary Election
Today Hungarians went to the polls to decide their future... may not have realized is that they also are deciding on the future of most of the European continent in the process...
If you want to humiliate the elected actors, NGOs, and media that talks about how worried they are about the Hungarians and their “loss of democracy”, ask them about if Orbán’s regime has shut of bank accounts to ordinary mums who donated to demonstrators like Canada did, if he has expelled wrong-thinkers from parliament like Latvia did with non-jabbed, if he has forced little children to put their diapers on their faces like much of clown-world (Hungary has not been covid perfect like Magufuli or even DeSantis), if he has told Big Tech to ban people like USA, Sweden, UK and basically every country, and how has he handled the yellow west movement?
But Orbán bad because his government don’t let Soros take tax-payer money to fund propaganda universities?!?
That said, Orbán is just looking good compared to EU (like the cat turd I just picked up) and except for falling a little sick in covid1984:
The Forint currency isn’t sound money, and and even has more inflation than the Euro
Energy subsidies to buy votes are just as bad as energy taxes
A public debt 2020 of 70% of GDP (Sweden 39%, Denmark 34%, UK 87%, USA 106%, Switzerland 40% - Note that Switzerland actually made Francs on lending out money for a while, but that has ended. But that is what one can do with a sound money central bank that interestingly is controlled by the kantons and not the Swiss central government, which makes it hard to corrupt. Good money should work like Vanguard in the way that the ones owning the money decide on how the central bank should back it up, and there must be competing money.)
A government expenditure of 47% of GDP (France 57% Sweden 50% Germany 44% UK 41% USA 38% Russia 35%, and many both poor and rich countries under 20% like Taiwan, Singapore, Paraguay, Iran, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nigeria, Dominican Republic etc - It seems like most countries raise their public spending until their country turns into a shithole, but the few that can avoid that prospers)
How to spin an ivermectin narrative
While we’re waiting for Pierre Kory’s Substack about it, Steve Kirsch wrote this about the TOGETHER trail of ivermectin
There was a 50% reduction in hospitalization, but the media (including Alex Berenson) don’t want to look like they were wrong so they simply misinterpret the study results and hope you won’t read the study yourself.
This is exactly how these useless eaters (Yes, I’m a big fan of Klaus Schwab, tell everyone to read his books!) write articles. First a headline with the holy satanist narrative, then a lot of text without relevance, and somewhere in the end it says that the headline isn’t true. In that way the editor in hell gets what he wants, but they don’t have to invite the writer to those fancy cocaine filled child raping orgies.
Bucha killings another Ghost of Kyiv and Snake Island?
Look for how Western leaders, like the boyish libtard Ulf Kristersson in Sweden, but they are all the same: They jump to the conclusion that Russia is bad, because THEY KNOW, even before any credible evidence, while we all know “A video lies more than 1000 images.”. Russia wants investigations, and that is NOT something the unexecuted want to hear about, because the “know” what is true.
By the way: Snakeoil propaganda from Snake Island? The ones writing the propaganda are either good guys who have infiltrated the lying industry, or they are that deranged.
The Deep State, Sweden and Wallenberg sums up some interesting fact that most people don’t know about how involved the Swedish deep state is in world events.
Vulnerable narcissism should be treated just like this: Well, until we have done those electrical shock studies at least. Notice how she/it behaves like the globalist actors do when they are exposed!
As Patrick Lancaster has failed to get himself killed from shelling, he is now trying tigers 😾 🙀
Does look like those animals had way too little space even before the shelling problem that killed a few of them. 😿 Maybe they had bigger spaces that we didn’t see now, but I doubt it.
In case you wonder about the electricity prices in France tomorrow:
Yea… Keep wondering! Nordpool Group’s home page is having problems. But now it works, and the price is down from 551 to 308 Euro/MWh
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Idag ska pratar vi om att stjäla köttgrytorna ifrån barnungarna.
Dr Eric Berg varnar för kemiskt C-vitamin
Dr Eric Berg anser att ren askorbinsyra möjligen kan användas för en kortare detox, men avråder från att använda det långsiktig, eftersom det faktiskt kan orsaka fria radikaler. C-vitamin i frukt och grönsaker kommer tillsammans med flavonoider, K-vitamin och mineraler, vilket gör det mycket nyttigare för kroppen.
Kom också ihåg att även om tallbarrsteet innehåller extremt lite C-vitamin innehåller det andra ämnen som åtminstone in vitro har en liknande effekt som C-vitamin.
3 helvetesmåndags-historier:
Tyska butiker höjer priserna med 20-50% idag.
New York’s borgmästare tänder på att att sätta på munblöjor på 2-4-åringar
Livarädda australiska forskare hittar nano-teknik och giftig grafenoxid i sprutorna och i blodet av injicerade. Nano-tekniken skiner i timtal efter att ha blivit utsatt för mobiltelefonstrålning. Nu gäller det att hitta sätt att få ur den här skiten ur kroppen.
Ungerns Orbán behåller mer än 2/3 av parliamentet och Bryssel hörde den smällen
Om du vill förödmjuka de valda skådespelarna, icke-statliga organisationerna och medier som talar om hur oroliga de är för ungrarna och deras "förlust av demokrati", fråga dem om Orbáns regim har stängt bankkonton för vanliga mammor som donerat till demonstranter som Kanada gjorde, om han har uteslutit felänkare från parlamentet som Lettland gjorde med icke-injicerade, om han har tvingat små barn att sätta blöjor på ansiktet som många andra i clownvärlden (Ungern har dock inte varit covid-perfekt som Magufuli eller till och med DeSantis), om Orbán har bett Big Tech att utestänga människor som USA, Sverige, Storbritannien och i princip alla andra länder, och hur har han han hanterat den gula väst-rörelsen?
Men Orbán sägs bara diktatorisk för att hans regering inte låter Soros ta skattebetalarnas pengar för att finansiera propagandauniversitet?!?
Men som sagt, Orbán ser bara bra ut jämfört med EU (eller jämfört med kattskiten jag just plockade upp) och förutom att han blev lite sjuk i covid1984:
Valutan är inte sunda pengar, och försämras i värde mer än Euron
Energisubventioner för att köpa röster är lika dåliga som energiskatter.
En statsskuld 2020 på 70 % av BNP (Sverige 39 %, Danmark 34 %, Storbritannien 87 %, USA 106 %, Schweiz 40 % - Observera att Schweiz faktiskt tjänade franc på att låna ut pengar under ett tag, men det har upphört. Men det är vad man kan göra med en centralbank med sunda pengar som intressant nog kontrolleras av kantonerna och inte av den schweiziska centralregeringen, vilket gör den svår att korrumpera. Bra pengar bör fungera som Vanguard på så sätt att de som äger pengarna bestämmer hur centralbanken ska backa upp dem, och det måste finnas konkurrerande pengar).
Statliga utgifter på 47 % av BNP (Frankrike 57 % Sverige 50 % Tyskland 44 % Storbritannien 41 % USA 38 % Ryssland 35 %, och många både fattiga och rika länder under 20 %, t.ex. Taiwan, Singapore, Paraguay, Iran, Sri Lanka, Indonesien, Nigeria, Dominikanska republiken etc. - Det verkar som om de flesta länder höjer sina offentliga utgifter tills deras land förvandlas till ett skithål, men de få som kan undvika det blomstrar).
Pakistans Imran Khan behåller makten i 90 dagar
CIA, MI6, “oppositionen” och den organiserade brottsligheten ville få Khan att avgå för de ville starta sanktioner emot Ryssland och därmed motsättningar med Indien och Kina också. Men genom att utlysa nyval om 90 dagar så behåller han makten tills dess, och kommer säkerligen få folkets stöd för att inte göra sig till fiende med alla sina mäktiga grannar.
Om Wallenberg av svenskar på englska går väl att se på Youtube med textning också.
Öystein Rönnes kanal
Skit samma vad Carl Bildt säger, men han exponerar verkligen töntarna som bjuder in honom eller Matti Sällberg för att vara folkhatarmedia.
Barnungarna i M-ledningen fortsätter tro på barnsagor
Det var längesedan vi skådade sådana monstruösa illdåd i Europa. Nu måste Putin ställas inför rätta.
Min kommentar:
En video ljuger mer än 1000 bilder, men de naiva barnungarna i M-ledningen tror på vad som helst, och de kommer väl bygga kärnkraft av genusvetenskap också. Notera hur de aldrig kommer att vilja ha videon utredd! Nej, de "vet" vad som är sant bara för att det stod i ljugmedia.
Gonzalo Lira proves without doubt that four different Ukrainian propaganda clips with different actors were all filmed at the exact same location, a 'battlefield' with several long destroyed Ukrainian tanks --> Propaganda BTFO (video)
Yesterday evening a Ukrainian station showed a video of Ukrainian troops driving through Bucha, north of Kiev, with several 'dead' people lying in the street allegedly 'killed by Russians'. There are two difficulties with these claims:
- One of the dead appears to move his arm: video
- Bucha was declared 'completely liberated' of Russian troops by its mayor on Thursday, March 31. Are we to believe it would take three days for such an 'incriminating' video to come out? Or that those 'dead' were lying there for three days with no one bothering?
Christian Schlater skrev denna status med länk
När det sprids fake propaganda runt om i världen och Ryssland vill få saken objektivt granskad i säkerhetsrådet, så motsätter sig propagandisterna alla sådana förslag.
Det cirkulerar ett flertal filmer med uppenbarligt levande civila lik som ryssarna påstås ha "mördat". Antingen har ryssarna gjort ett jäkligt dåligt jobb och inte lyckats döda någon av dem, eller så är de zombier allihop, vilket kan tyda på att vi närmar oss en zombie-apokalyps eller något annat fantasiotäckt.