K2. Insult sheep persuasion. Nuclear reprocessing. Vaccines fail. Low vaxx = little covid
K2. Hur förolämpa bättre än får. Kärnavfallet. Vacciner fallerar. VPKare mindre kommunist än M
Dagens svenska video. Svensk text längst ner.
Today’s English video. The dog did roll in sheep shit and had to get showered. Some English in the Swedish section in the bottom… I still feel strongly, that if I can get into a leftist Swedish party, they will LOVE me, and I’ll bring quite few of ones feeling like “right”.
Jag var lajv igår och pratade media och allt annat med ex-VPK:aren och veteranjournalisten Ingemar Ljungqvist (eller på Rumble).
Vitamin K2
K2 surely helps the immune system in the few studies that have been done, and K2 places the calcium in the bones instead of in the blood vessels, while a vitamin D deficiency might hide a K2 deficiency, so extra K2 with the D is a good idea. Calcium is needed by the immune system, so a vitamin handling it should be important. The gut bacteria can help making K2 though. And eggs are a good source, while some fermented K2 sources (like aged cheese, Sauerkraut) have a lot of histamines, which might be bad for some: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-k2#sources
Reminder: Nuclear reprocessing exists
There is a lot of talk of nuclear waste in many countries, but what media and pundits aren’t saying is that France is reusing all it’s nuclear waste as fuel. In Sweden and USA there is a lot of talk about “generation 4” which is nuclear reactors that work in very high temperatures (cooled with gas or lead or salt) so that almost all of the energy in the fuel will be used up, and nuclear waste can be used as fuel, which is great. But the technology for nuclear reprocessing has always been there, so why on Earth would anyone throw away this extremely valuable “waste”, when it can be reprocessed? Either to steal it or to build a stock-pile. Nothing else that I can figure out makes any sense. Listen to Galen Winson - something doesn’t add up!
So: “Sweden has no place to store the nuclear site because the government fails to do a procurement” - What’s the problem? Just sell the waste to France! Something is going to break here, so prepare for all outcomes - Your own mental state should always be: But I might be wrong.

Cointainers are the most important thing in the world, so…
Call others for what they call you
When someone tries to hurt you, they most likely call you the thing they are most afraid of be called. It’s obvious with those who say “racist” or “fake news”, but try it out with “conspiracy theorist” on people who believe plants and our immune systems conspire against poor innocent Big Pharma. And start preparing for the narrative and refuse to be called “an expert” (a complete moron who appears in media to be wrong about a particular subject)! See also how James Corbett calls out the real 9/11 conspiracy theorists.
So on the other hand: Do not call people sheep, unless you’re comfortable being called that yourself, because someone might turn it around in some way. Stay true and be a better version of yourself!
Yes, another way to give me money $ £ SEK
You can now give me cash on Odysee. Odysee takes 5%, but it’s less than paypal or Substack charge. For Swedish people, SWISH is 100% free though, and so are crypto donations (almost, at least).
Vaccines will fail

The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is poised to acquire complete
resistance to wild-type spike vaccines.
This is another explanation of why vaccines cause new variants that might be more dangerous to non-vaccinated, thanks to Scott Adams’ well done questioning:
In quantum physics, evolution and in normal economical theory you have a threashold effect. In economics: There is no reason for hunt-and-gatherers to start farming, eat less well and work harder, so why did this happen? Because of hard times, and they couldn’t survive in other ways (they also loved beer). And then eventually they perfected the farming and got more healthy (only took 5000 years, way faster when it came to food safety arguably) until Big Pharma started to make people live shorter.
So when a virus encounter a vaccine induced antibody, it will during the infection evolve into a virus that will make that vaccinated person more sick (it’s competing against its non-mutated viruses), but with the changed spike proteins, it will hurt non-vaccinated people less well. Until it perfects these new ways of infecting. The virus is fast getting new ways to infect humans until we’re all immune (which is great!), but the new Delta has lost a lot of ways to infect other animals and bacteria, and is focusing on humans:
How the coronavirus infects cells — and why Delta is so dangerous: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02039-y (The virus is getting more adapeted to humans, while humans are getting more adapeted to the virus)

Stamping out natural immunity will give you a slingshot effect
Gårdagens hälsopanel om media mm
Jag har mer gemensamt med en ex-VPK:aren och veteranjournalist som Ingemar Ljungqvist (eller video på Rumble) än ynkliga fascist-Moderater som vill införa vaccinpass och spruta ihjäl barn utan att ha den minsta koll, och bara är intresserade av att följa narrativet. Kinas kommunistparti har en stor del av det, men också Wallenbergare och de vanliga skyldiga, men Linus är så himla bra på att hitta gamla vänsteraktivister och vi som kallar oss “högerextrimister (fast utan rasism - det är ju antirasisterna som ständigt är rasistiska)” kan lära oss av varandra - Det finns höger och vänster i politiken, men bara för att det finns behöver inte betyda att det är en bra idé att tro på det. De som säger att vi ska vaxxa barn med covid-sprutan skiter i vad som är sant. Ulf tror det inte finns någon som hittar hens olåsta vapenskåp, men så gör de det… Som Henrik Sundström (Se Jan Emanuel) säger varje arbetare bör kräva lite vapen på väggen!
Ett stort tack till Sune Stjern! Detta gjorde min kväll!
🇬🇧: Before City of London and Big Bankers took over socialism (That is not perfect, but it was the naïve Liberals that invited Lenin to their Russia that they were in control of, not pre-Nazi-government of Sweden that let him pass) socialism was a partilly good idea 120 years ago (No, just no, no! No! NOO! Socialism doesn’t have to be like collectivism. Fake century old egg from China fake news). We need to teach the left and the right supporters what their blind spots are, and the way to do this is to talk to people leaving the left and right.
Intressant och kul, men knappast Lösningen
Jag tror vi kan rena luften ifrån de värsta gatorna i våra städer, men vi behöver billig energi och ny teknik för att göra detta. Men att rena utsläppen är förstås först och det är de där 5-10% av fordonen som står för alla utsläpp, men också damm som vi måste Berga ner på innan Damberget blir statsmininster.
En vision av framtiden?
🇬🇧: Jan Emanuel is a Social Democrat and pretty much an entrepreneur like Andrew Yang, except that he is a muscular Viking without any sense of being modest like a Swede. So this is a vision from the future when he is presenting the spring budget with his ministers - Not so much looking like the previous ministers of Sweden. This is an image from Blå-Kulla (also called Iran) of our current and just resigned ministers: