Ivermectin in Sweden! WHO: Don't vaxx children! RCT & CRT. Plasma against colds. How to Odysee?
Ivermektin i Sverige! WHO: Vaxxa ej barn! Randomiserade studier. Plasma emot virus. Hur göra Odysee?
Dagens svenska video. Svensk text längst ner.
Today’s video with an escaping dog who was making me nervous.
Rulers vs Slaves
But for the first time the pathetic narcissist complete morons in the Swedish government wore face diapers like good sheep for the first time - NOW WHEN THE PANDEMIC IS ON SUMMER VACATION:
These are sick people who can’t even remotely think like a normal mammal because they have are so well trained to try to appear better than they are and follow media’s narrative. The one with staring eyes was the minister of labour. The strongman to the left was responsible for the Earth axis and other climate related imaginary things, and the bored lazy sheep was prime minister Löfven.
News from Sweden: Record sales of alcohol on a Monday:

Related news: Swedish government is kicked out by people with no known plan what so ever.
But maybe the same will happens as in Israel?
Who is using LinkedIn? That is just a waste of time. But one more reason to not use it:

Bashing Scott Adams! RCT and CRT?!?
Hating on other more popular Youtubers used to be an effective way of getting a lot of new followers.
As everyone is bored of that, I will just point out that Scott Adams has not yet really thought about the alternatives to RCTs (Race Critical Theories, Oh, I mean the other one: Randomized Controlled Trials). If you select people who suffer from a condition for 1-18 month, and you give them a treatment that makes 90% of them well in less than 24 hours, that is a way better study than if you take random people with random problems, do the treatment on a random half of them, and 50% will get better and 50% worse. I think Scott will get it eventuelly.
But Scott had this amazing argument that should just end Critical Race Theory like Jon Stewart’s rant ended the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2 conspiracy theory.

If you want to convince people who think that CRT is a good idea, you have to speak their language a little, but do not overdo it!
Do not try to understand them, but look at what works. Yes, me saying that “Try stuff out and see what works!” is so stupid, because everyone knows that, but you probably just did 7 things today that you should have tried to do in another way and see what worked the best…
Or better: Do like Linus Torvalds, and put your really crappy source-code out there on Internet, and other morons will work on that crap while others will say it will not work because of some reasons. And now his Operating System Linux is the heart of most mobile phones and supercomputers. It still doesn’t work as it should, but as it’s all I use, so it’s hard to compare… So we’ll see how Linus’ opinions about anti-vaxxers will evolve. Might not be so interesting for the rest of the world, but for Finnish-Swedish people, we love/accept that Linus is an asshole. An asshole will tell you when he thinks that you’re wrong, but it isn’t like a narcissist that says that you’re a bad person because they want to feel better about themselves. An asshole will say that you’re too fat and smells too bad. Not the best way to put it, but at least it’s informative hate.
I’m still trying to see if one image can vaccinate the world against narcissism:

Mouthwashes and nasal spray are still remarkably effective against covid
2 hour video, but worth pointing out how forgotten these cheap, easy and effective treatments seem to be. But Debbie Black from Bionic Air had jaw-dropping stuff to say, and Chris Newton did a really good job on dumbing that down.

Bionic Air is really interesting old proven technology to create immune boosting plasma.
That device does not just create helpful ions, and does not only make them spin in a way to match the frequencies in for example a virus, but also has calming cat-aracters (😼) like a calming frequencies of 1 to 20 Hz. Or to put it as Chris: What-ever that newage sounding bullshit is, shut up about it, and focus on that part that it cures people!
For 50+ years it has been used, and you put the device close to your bed, and you get all these spinning ions and Earth connected frequencies that you would naturally get, but your home during winter or AC-season do not give you that. (Work in progress, just like I haven’t forgotten about NLS-metatron)
Compare with Royal Rife who realized that every living organism has a frequency signature. He found the frequency signature of cancer cells and thus was able to destroy the cells using what he called the Mortal Oscillatory Rate. This is no different than police using high frequency sound waves to disperse crowds of people, or an opera singer shattering a wine glass with their voice which basically is energy. Imagine if those sound waves were turned up a few more notches, they would vaporize physical matter. That's basically what Rife did to shatter cancer cells.
We know that some frequencies can kill for example cancer cells:
How Frequency & Vibration Cured 16 Cancer Patients - Royal Rife
Payment of watching is about $0.50 per 1000 views, but you can use it to tip creators
50 tokens for being able to live-stream cost less than $2
How to buy LBRY tokens to use on Odysee
Register on Coinbase or Bitpanda
Transfer money there.
Both Coinbase and Bitpanda have a half-separate exchange on which you can buy crypto assets cheaper. Buy a crypto currency that is cheap to transfer and has fast transaction times like XRP.
Register on Bittrex, and get your XRP address (two codes) there
Transfer the XRP to that wallet.
Sell the XRP on Bittrex and buy LBRY-tokens.
Transfer the LBRY token to bJXVTbvJaaUnHXGPEZcJEzfkkAyHjXdR39 or your own Odysee wallet where you can use them to boost your content.
The LBRY token is most likely a horrible investment and it has fallen from $0.39 to $0.025, and should likely only be bought for boosting content (to generate more LBRY tokens):
WHO: Do not covid-vaxx children!
WHO is a corrupt destructive organization that mostly causes suffering, but not even they think it’s a good idea to piss on the Nuremberg code:
Suddenly there is ivermectin in Sweden!

Inget pris: apotea.se/sok?q=stromectol
499kr för 4*3mg tabletter: apoteket.se/produkt/scatol-tablett-3-mg-4-tabletter-blister-1535992/
Man får betalt ungefär ~ $0.50 för att titta på 1000 videos, men dessa ören kan man använda för att belöna dem som laddat upp saker du gillar.
De 50 LBRY-token jag behöver för att live-sända kostar nu mindre än $2
Hur köper man LBRY tokens till Odysee?
Registera dig på Coinbase or Bitpanda
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Både Coinbase och Bitpanda har en halv-separat “exchange”/marketsplats på vilken det är billigare att köpa kryptotillånger. Köp en kryptovaluta med låga överföringskostnader och korta blocktider så som XRP.
Registrera dig på Bittrex, och ta reda på din XRP-adress (består av 2 coder) där
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Sälj XRP:n på Bittrex och köp LBRY-toknen.
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LBRY-toknen är troligen en usel investering och de har fallit ifrån $0.39 till $0.025, och man ska nog bara köpa dem för att boosta sina videor: