The Golden Age! Animal studies: Omicron is safe and effective. Big breath power increases over time!
Guldåldern kommer. Djurstudier: Omikron är säker&effektiv. Andetaget blir effektivare med tiden
Dagens svenska vov-vov-video. Svensk text och länkar längst ner.
Today’s English stone climbing video
The big deep breath and other placebo become more effective with time, according to science. No need to link to those studies, because it’s so obviously true.
The golden age 😊
We keep on seeing new networks, and how people realize how they need to cut out the middlemen, and take control over their own lives outside of the big organizations that are run by manipulative lunatics. It will take some time, but in the golden age, everything will be done so much more efficient and with higher quality thanks to knowledge and testing of all ways to do things.
Marjorie Taylor Greene explains the insanity of Congress and most parliaments
What happens when an engineer like Pierre-Marie Robitaille walks into academia? Well, it’s the same thing that happens when MRG walks into the US Congress - She fucks up the lazy comfortable lives of the parasites by using the rules, doing her work and all that stuff that no one else is there to do:
Fuellmich: “Don’t call it Nuremberg 2.0!”
Main points:
Fuellmich knows that he and his team are attacking front figures that aren’t those in charge, but they have to start somewhere
He does a good job of explaining how the insane and pretty stupid oligarchs don’t care about money, but stuff like “population control” (genocide) while using money, child trafficking and drugs for control
We’ll get to know more after their meeting today
The German judiciary is 100% corrupt and owned by criminal corporations and can’t be saved, so a brand new judiciary needs to be built and they are doing just that
The politicians in charge are owned by the Vanguard-Blackrock mafia
The people need to take back control locally
Do not expect a big Nuremberg 2.0 trial that will put the criminals behind bars! The judiciary system will only be there to wipe up the last few criminals that survive - The prediction is Reiner’s intuition.
Basically what I’ve been saying but Reiner has sources and more understanding of the legal shit than I. He also talks a lot about how Dr Robert Malone has come around, which hopefully will be repeated in even more other insiders.
Robert Malone: Omicron is safe and effective, the jabs aren’t
Animal studies and stuff prove that omicron is not attacking the lungs, and is much more mild for everyone, while
Welcome to the new normal: 13-year-olds dying from cardiac arrest
World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the Covid-19 Experimental “Vaccines”
Australia is lying about vaxx-numbers
Vaccinated in Australia being 98.5%?!? There is not a chance in the world that that is an accurate figure by the number of people I have marched with in protests during November and December. I suspect the figures are no more than 60% and that the government are blatantly lying to Aussies to give them the impression that only a small minority are left unvaccinated.
That government has lied about everything, so why not that too? But there are a lot of omicron going around in Australia, probably created by the vaxx and state terror, because there should not be a ton of sniffles in the south Australian summer (more than 1% of the population at the moment).
Reminder: Different evildoers have different weaknesses and need to be treated differently
Of course some smart and evil sociopaths were/are in charge, but now there are emotional vulnerable narcissists in a mass formation that are "in charge" and out of control and they are not even trying to help themselves - The vulnerable narcissists act selfishly, but are sort of selfless and just want to do evil so that they don't have to think or feel bad. There are plenty of sociopaths with good intentions that just have a problem understanding human emotions, and there are plenty of vulnerable narcissists that can be cured if they just start thinking "I might be wrong. I might have been lied to. There might be a great golden age where we do not have to hate on people who think differently, but create things and feel connections". More about it here:
Hard to fix problems if I do not know they exist
One thing I think I have not explained well enough to my friends and readers is: Always tell me when when you have problems even if you do not think I can help and I really can not help. But: You help building the understanding of what people have problems with, and sooner or later I will find some who have solved the problem.
The Kazakhs have had enough
Do not trust the media about what the reason is:
Was is the jab and forced mandates?
From someone who is an expert on the political situation in the Russian speaking world, the hypothesis is that it has little to do with gas prices or the jab, but the Kazakhs are fed up with the criminals in charge that are enriching themselves. The Russian part of the population is mostly just afraid and in hiding, just as we’ve seen everywhere around former Soviet republics.
There is a power struggle in the rulership and some of the violent mobs don’t seem natural. And then the usual shitheads start to blame Russia for imperialism, but what is going on is the international mafia is playing some games, and a world war is exactly what they need, while of course the corrupt leaders of the former Soviet republics are united in their fights against their peoples.
One idea is to test out what happens when the Internet is shut down, and try new ways of oppressing the people and spread propaganda. So we should not assume that we understand what is really going on in Kazakhstan.
A brainwashed Dalek explains exactly what actions some of the ones behind the violence want as her reaction is so predictable that I wouldn’t be surprised if she was just a simple computer program:
That UN has made every conflict it has been involved in permanent - Well, Daleks don’t care about facts.
This Dalek from Göteborg is a big fan of locking people up for years without trial just because of her feelings:
Emotional reasoning, believing media as mush as she thinks UN is there to help, and talking in absolutes without caring about details - I can diagnose vulnerable narcissism from just one tweet like this.
She is totally unimportant, but her very predictable reaction is explaining what some of the tyrants are after.
🇸🇪 Jag fick detta ifrån en expert på den politiska situationen i den ryskspråkiga världen: “Det är massiva kravaller och det är den kazakhisktalande delen av befolkningen som protesterar i första hand. Få rysktalande vad jag kan se, de verkar mest rädda. Tror varken gaspriser eller sprutor har med det att göra, utan att man är trött på en regim som berikar sig på folkets bekostnad.”
Tyvärr falsk nyhet om Matti Sällberg
Detta sökresultat är sammansatt ifrån och den andra delen av texten är en helt orelaterad nyhet som handlar om L M Ericsson, och tyvärr inte om Matti Sällberg:
På 90-talet blir svenska Ericsson världens största telekombolag. Men steg för steg avslöjas hur företaget med hjälp av hemliga handelsagenter betalat miljoner till högt uppsatta politiska makthavare runt om i världen.
En internationell polisutredning inleds, där misstankar pekar på mutor och korruption. Ericsson frias i rättegången. Men en av dem som friats, han som kallats för Ericssons svarte bankir, drabbas av dåligt samvete. I ett unikt vittnesmål berättar han för P3 Dokumentär om hur allt egentligen gick till. Vi får följa Ekots grävreporter Daniel Öhman när han tillsammans med sina kolleger lägger pusslet kring Ericsson och mutskandalen. Producent: Daniel Öhman Produktionsår: 2016
Dyrt att fixa spikhålen 😒
Svårt att fixa problem om man inte vet att de finns
En sak jag tror jag inte förklarat tillräckligt till mina vänner och läsare är: Säg alltid till mig när när du har problem även om du inte tror jag kan hjälpa till och jag verkligen inte kan hjälpa. Men: Du hjälper till att bygga förståelsen för vad folk har problem med, och förr eller senare så kommer jag hitta några som löst problemet.
Finns även REKO-ringar i de flesta städer i landet numera, där ni kan handla från era lokala producenter, finns det mesta man behöver. Hitta närmsta REKO-ring.
Guldåldern - Storhetstiden 😊
När vi väl tagit oss igenom detta och tyrannerna haft ihjäl varandra, så kommer vi att komma in i en ny guldålder. Redan nu ser vi hur både experter och normalt dugliga människor snabbt bygger upp nya nätverk utanför de allt mer komplett odugliga och vansinniga jätteorganisationerna.
Flygbladsutdelning på lördag i flera städer
Gustav Falk hade några kompisar som skulle till Linköping då. Intressanta tankar om fraktal struktur med 5-7-persons-grupper som sedan växer på varandra och ständigt omformas. Behöver nog justeras, men vi får se vad som händer: