Macron's husband. Boeing. Irish NO. NATO's 42 year psyop against Sweden. Harvard monster
Macrons make. Boeing. Irländskt NEJ. 1982s ubåts-psyop färdig. Harvard-monster. Jakob Forssmed tog 4
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I bet Marcon started the rumour that his old wife is male, so that he can look cool and gay like Obama.
People don't kill people. Propaganda does.
Boeing plans keep on falling into pieces
Voters in the Republic of Ireland have overwhelmingly voted against amending the Irish Constitution.
Proposals to alter wording in the constitution to include families which are not based on marriage were defeated with 67.7% voting 'no'.
A second proposed change on the wording around the role of women in the home was defeated by a higher margin with 73.9% of voters rejecting it.
It was the highest ever no vote percentage in an Irish referendum.
Trump said very nice things, the best things, about Europe’s favorite prime minister
If politics is just theatre, Trump is at least clearly one of the very best actors that can create a show for the ages.
Zelensky was a professional comedian, but Trump is way more fun, while Zelensky is forced to play Hamlet or something like that, instead of piano with dick. Sad
Trump Meets With Hungarian Leader Viktor Orban, Discussions Focus On Border Security
Ukrainian propaganda
“We expected the Russians to slaughter us, but they fed us”. A resident of Staromlinovka tells how the AFU were scaring the locals with the arrival of Russian troops.
Max Blumenthal about Sweden and NATO
In 1982, Swedish media filled up with scare stories about Soviet submarine infiltrations, fomenting a national panic that disrupted then-PM Olof Palme's efforts at nuclear disarmament. He was assassinated four years later. The Soviet sub scare turned out to be a NATO psyop. In fact, the subs were sent by the UK and US navies as part of a deception operation aimed at undermining Palme and shattering Sweden's historic neutrality.,changed%20Swedish%20public%20opinion%20drastically. Over 4 decades later, NATO's fearmongering has scored its ultimate goal: Sweden has joined the Alliance, dropped its investigation into the Nordstream terror attack without issuing any findings, and instructed its population to prepare for war with Russia.
Macron looks pretty non-French. Is that because of his woke brainwashing in City of London?
Stepping down… Slowly
Erdogan has announced his pending retirement from politics and intends not standing for re-election in 2028. It implies a long transition to a future leader
So anyone who talks about geopolitics has to figure out what to do until 2028, as 99% of the geopolitics is about Erdogan pissing everyone off, and all the rest is totally predictable.
The Ukraine warmongers are very sick people
Out of 1.4 billion Catholics, 0 will think the Pope was wrong calling for peace due to this image:
Harvard's "Oddities Collector" Gets Probation After Unlawful Trafficking In Human Body Parts
Looks like any other Harvard employee to me.
Swedish ugly drone - I hope final version looks better
The V Craft Aeronautics test aircraft is a demonstrator for both the manned and unmanned aircraft.
The founders have worked with the JAS 39 Gripen for a long time - and see both military and civilian applications for their electrically powered aircraft. - In contact with the US Air Force - "Everyone wants drones now."
Sweden’s current flag has only been in use from 1906, but this is the flag from 1520:
Jag slår vad om att Marcon startade ryktet om att hans åldriga fru är man, så att han kan verka cool och bögig som Obama.
Människor dödar inte människor. Propaganda gör det.
Grundarna har arbetat länge med JAS 39 Gripen – och ser både militära och civila användningsområden för sina eldrivna flygfarkoster. • Har kontakt med USA:s flygvapen – ”Alla vill ha drönare nu.”
Ukrainsk propaganda
"Vi förväntade oss att ryssarna skulle slakta oss, men de gav oss mat". En invånare i Staromlinovka berättar hur AFU skrämde lokalbefolkningen med ankomsten av ryska trupper.
Max Blumenthal om Sverige och Nato
1982 fylldes svenska medier av larmrapporter om sovjetiska ubåtsinfiltrationer, vilket skapade en nationell panik som störde dåvarande statsminister Olof Palmes arbete för kärnvapennedrustning. Han mördades fyra år senare. Den sovjetiska ubåtsskräcken visade sig vara en NATO psyop. I själva verket skickades ubåtarna av de brittiska och amerikanska flottorna som en del av en bedrägerioperation som syftade till att underminera Palme och krossa Sveriges historiska neutralitet.,changed%20Swedish%20public%20opinion%20drastically. Över fyra decennier senare har NATO:s skrämselpropaganda nått sitt slutmål: Sverige har gått med i alliansen, lagt ned utredningen av terrorattacken mot Nordstream utan att komma med några slutsatser och instruerat sin befolkning att förbereda sig för krig mot Ryssland.
Jakob Forssmed påstår han tagit 4 doser covid-gift (20e februari)
Återstår att se om det är sant…
"Socialministern vill inte utreda om överdödligheten kan ha en koppling till covid-vaccinerna."
Inkasso hamnar hos inkasso
Inkassobolaget Intrum Justitia hotas av betalningsbekymmer när stora lån förfaller senare i år och det egna kapitalet i praktiken är helt utraderat. – Det kan bli en av de största konkurserna i Norden, säger förvaltaren Erik Hagerup
Henrik, It's been ages since I've had time to say Hello. I'm working 105 hour workweeks nowadays. I just wanted to give you my condolences on your country joining the UN, I'm sorry for your loss.... Michael