Feb One, We're done! Time to go after the covid criminals. German gov attacked me, electricity prices
Nej till vaccinpass-demonstration lör 22a jan. Live ikväll kl 20:00. Dags att gå efter covid-brotten
Försnack med Marcela Pettersson kl 20:00 ikväll inför demonstrationen på lördag:
Dagens svenska morotsvideo avbryten av Marcella som jag ska prata med i länken ovan.
(Swedish local newspaper fun translated to English at the end)
I’m going up to Stockholm on Saturday so no Saturday live, I think. Maybe later than usual. I probably just record something summing up the demostration and events.
#Feb1 - We’re done

Do not fall for this bullshit - You must not negotiate with tyrants. Arrest everyone working for CDC, and then they can rot in jail for 76 years until all their crimes have been investigated. The discussion should be about what execution method to use, not begging the criminals to be less evil, and then thanking them for that.
French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced Thursday that the government will lift most of its COVID-19 restrictions in February, although the need for a vaccine pass and indoor mask-wearing will remain.
Doesn’t Jean Castex know how a guillotine works? That sadist shit will find out. Or he has to take his booster every damn 3 months and only get healthcare from politicians!
Stew Peters Show: Drugged & Vaxxed Against Will: Hospital Holds 33 Year Old Paramedic Hostage
There seem to be a lot of crimes against humanity going on in US hospitals. There is a lack of wars and Chinese wrong-thinkers to get the organ supply, so instead they just murder unvaxxed for multi-million worth in organs?
Czech Republic Abolishes Plan To Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines
The little shits are starting to get scared, but they are still, Still! Pushing the insane lie that the covid injections are safe and effective now. If you believe that, you should not be in charge of anything except maybe the laundry machines in the concentration camp.
Austria Introduces COVID-19 Vaccination Lottery, Winners Get €500 In Vouchers
What about a lottery for the rulers? With a win every time, but the prize might vary from beheading to lethal injection.
I’m pushing this because I want to hear some arguments about why they shouldn’t be executed. Are there any?
Fuck the German government!
I got my electricity bill, and it’s spicy as a German Bierwurst partly because the Swedish government’s bad energy policies, but mostly because the German government shuts down nuclear plants and stops Nordstream II. If the Germans themselves can’t hang those shitheads, it’s time for a new Gustav II Adolf the great to go south and help the German people against their oppressors again.
At least some Swedish (and many foreign) electricity producers are making money like crazy. But Germany is under occupation and its parts should just leave the federation.
I hardly use any electricity at all unlike people with heat pumps or electric cars, and it still hurts. So my tip is to not tell anyone you have any connection to the Green parties, because then people will demand you pay their electricity bills.
Why you can’t break international treaties
Breaking treaties used to happen all the time during Medieval times because the plague had wiped out many of the conspiracy networks. But if any world leader tried to do that today, the “victim” will release their proof-of-crime that they have either on the other leaders or someone in their administration that can murder them. Which is exactly what has happened in African countries that stood up to covid tyranny:
But what you might not know, and I certainly can’t be sure of, is that all these simulations that World Economic Forum and their friends have run about pandemic, large cyber attacks, etc: Regardless of what the corrupt mafia does, the simulations always end up with the peoples taking control into a new golden age, and the ruling mafia’s heads end up on poles.
What we need is a system with independent parts, instead of a global wolf-pack run by Vanguard and Blackrock: Thousands of zebras can form a huge herd, but if that was lead by a horse, it would destroy itself. The leadership strategies of small horse flocks can not be scaled up to zebra herds.
How to attack as a wolf pack or a shoal of hundreds of humboldt squids - I think it's obvious what works in what scale... The wolves help each other, while humboldt squids do cooperate in the attack, but if one of them gets hurt, its friends will eat it. So more like a competitive free market system, while the wolves live in communism.
Boston wastewater RNA data plunge...
Covid is over, and now it’s time to clean up the real shit - The rulers need to be disrespected, ignored and in many cases a lot worse things.
The end of omicron is imminent... because everybody poops.
The Havana Syndrome always looked like mass hysteria to me…
But when CIA is saying that, I’m starting to change my mind… CIA never tells the truth, but is covering something up.

Björn Hammarskjöld spikar alla hål i kistan
http://eueeshealthcare.bloggproffs.se/2022/01/18/aklagaranmalan-av-lakemedelsverket-till-aklagarkammaren-i-uppsala-av-ass-professor-lakare-och-doktor-bjorn-hammarskjold-2022-01-18/ ger just nu felmeddelande 403 nu (filen finns, men du får inte läsa den)
Den finns dock här:
Max Winter och Natalie Jonsson står bakom: (Såg jag någonstans - var då?)
Jag pratade feber med Jan Algovik
Förr i tiden..alltså innan 2020 så änvändes ett sånt här litet "Testkit "för att indikera hurvida man var sjuk.Det kallades för Febertermometer. Den mätte kroppens temperatur och fick man förhöjd temperatur kallades det för feber. Det indikerade att man var sjuk och att kroppens immunförsvar var i full färd med att bekämpa virus eller bakterier. Hade man feber och kände sig sjuk, vilket inbegrep symptom som trötthet, hängighet, snuva, hosta så stannade man hemma, stannade hemma tills febern gått ner och man kände sig pigg och rask igen. Det som var bra med febertermometern var även att den var ekonomisk, eftersom man kunde använda den år efter år, hur många gånger som helst.
Test-idiotin kanske var mindre skadlig förr, men varför i hela friden skulle man vilja veta om man har feber? Det är ungefär som att titta på ratten och se om den svänger till vänster, men vad man vill veta är om bilen håller sig på vägen, så den informationen räcker inte. Jag har inte kollat min temperatur på 30 år.
Man får feber av att anstränga sig, basta, bada varmbad och efter kallbad. Eller äta/dricka vissa saker som inte alls behöver vara onyttiga utan just nyttiga för att de orsakar feber (man kan hinka matolja som polarutforskare för att rädda fingrar och tår, men jag behöver väl inte tala om att det orsakar inflammation, men bättre än att få amputera fingrar och tår).
Om man är krasslig så ska man inducera feber (och sömn): Man mår slöare, men blir friskare. Säger i alla fall alla studier och erfarenhet jag har.
Det är när man är sjuk och inte har feber man ska bli riktigt orolig. Det slutar illa.

Kanske inte rätt forum att skriva detta svar, så jag lät bli…
Ja, hon fick ett annat svar utan vaccin och hårdrockare… Men känner folk verkligen inte till att media tjänar på att göra dumheter?
“Ät aldrig mer tomat. Det är fullt med covid i dom. Håll i håll ut.”:
Jag hade torr hals, hosta och sådant där omikron i flera dagar denna vecka - precis efter att ha druckit för mycket tomatjuice. Nu är jag tillbaka på lingonvatten så nu är jag frisk som en älg innan jag kom på att jag är senil som en älg och inte samlat till mitt tallbarrste 🤔
Men den finska lapphunden försöker dödsdöda svenska granar så det blir mer tall - Hon har personlig erfarenhet om hur tallbarr är bättre än grankvister i rumphåret.