Odysee/LBRY is crushing it&itself. Fake & real vaccine scares. Mind-controlled birds. Apple Swedish?
Odysse/LBRY krossar motstånd & sig själv. Falska & riktiga vaccinproblem. Hjärnskadade måsar. ⌘=🇸🇪?
(I’m still using imgflip.com because I haven’t had time to fix Gimp, see yesterday’s Substack!)
If you still aren’t on click here: LBRY/Odysee: odysee.com/$/invite/@heddahenrik:b

The Odysee upgrade is finished now though (maybe…), so if you saw slow videos yesterday, that’s fixed. You can always use the LBRY app instead of the Odysee website though.
I should be able to get into the LBRY top-list. I only need 700 followers, and I had 10000 on Youtube = top 200 LBRY
Share and subscribe!
lbrynomics.com was nice to see the growth of LRBY. Thanks to TheVoiceofReason for Tweeting this answer to my question!
Doubled amount of channels this year to 1.02 million

From 0.8 to 1.2 million daily views the last 6 months:
More big channels with 1 million daily views are joining
Oh, Veritasium (the channel that showed the physics professors can be so dumb that they don’t think a car with a propeller can go faster than the wind that is propelling it) is now on LBRY/Odysee too with a new interesting video about using a driverless car.
Biggest Youtuber vs biggest LBRIst
PewDiePie on Youtube had 29 million views last week
SaltyCracker at Odysee/LBRY had 0.3 million views (+ about the same on Rumble & Bitchute)
Youtube has 3.6 million uploads per day, LBRY 126 times less.
If I was the dominant player and a 100 times smaller competitor grows with 100% per half-year, I would be scared shit.
Corrections from Dark Horse Podcast
No information of number of cycles of vaxxed vs unvaxxed in USA (the 28 cycles directive is for research on the virus which can’t be done if more than 28 cycles are needed to find traces of viruses), and that study about more people dying from the covid vaccines than from covid, was just badly done (doesn’t mean that the result is wrong, but it it was just a badly done study):
Wherever ivermectin is used 〽️

Other anti-covid drugs
Large, Israeli database analysis of the impact of common drug use on risk of covid hospitalization (with 2 case-control cohorts): elifesciences.org/articles/68165
Hormone therapy: Dutasteride/Estradiol
Vitamins: Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), B12
Metals: Magnesium, Calcium+Zinc
FIASMAs: Escitalopram, Amlodipine
Anti-diabetics: Sitagliptin+Metformin (why not cinnamon?)
Several ophthalmic products (eye contamination?)
Vaxx & life insurance
I predict the same life insurance fees for covid vaxxed and unvaxxed in the future. If vaxxed get higher fees, I would think there will be against a single vaccine, and then another vaccine that gets that fee back to normal. The life insurance industry will get little pushback from Big Pharma for that vaccine selling kind of policy. But there is an opening for new rebel life insurance companies or even blockchain solutions where only well health educated people can get the insurance.

2 LBRY exclusives: Birds, vaxx and magnetism
We can be sure that big pharma and secret services at least have tried to do this:
Dr Pierre Gilbert 1995 Magnetic Vaccines (English Subtitles)
Dr Pierre Gilbert in 1995:
"In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda"
Magnetogenetics: remote non-invasive magnetic activation of neuronal activity with a magnetoreceptor: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26740890/
Is magnetogenetics the new optogenetics? www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5470037/
And yesterday 2 seagulls acted like robots stuck in a loop (or pundits “debating”) on top of G4/G5 antennas. It is not safe to be that close to then, and it must affect them, even if abnormal behaviour is common for seagulls:
Listen: odysee.com/@heddahenrik:b/BirdsOnG5ActingMad:c?
Robert W Malone and ADE
You can find the last part of the interview in the middle here:
This is Antibody Dependent Enhancement on the margin if it isn’t just a virus avoiding the vaccine. Really bad ADE makes viruses with antibodies on them infect every killer cell that tries to destroy them, so the entire immune system will be wiped out instantly. That we haven’t seen yet, but if we do, we don’t need to worry about mind-controlled vaccinated zombies…
Apple ⌘ is a Swedish conspiracy and PsyOp?
Does this Swedish “minister of crime” think that he’ll be the one running this “green” great reset? Very good good question from a reasonable politician and fellow Henrik:

We know how authoritarians treat their friends (former Leftist party member here)
Og nu på dansk - Även om ni inte kan läsa danska bra, så är detta en bra summering om hur media, myndigheter, företag, influencers som pushat covid-paniken tjänat på det, och de har inte visat intresse av att lära sig om fungerande lösningar utan tvärt om bekämpat dem så hårt de bara kan, och skapat mer problem: