Supporting your business partner. Water flosser. Affirmations. The falling west. Language tips
Hur du stödjer din affärspartner. Mundusch. Affirmationer. Den fallerande västvärlden. Språktips
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska skogs-video.
🇸🇪 I morgon lördag håller jag i 11 kaffe direktsänt på Facebook "11 kaffe med lördagsgänget. Ordning i röran, kaffe på lör'an! Förslag på parallella strukturer"
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner.
Today’s English video from the sunny forest.
How to support a partner that screwed up
If your working together with someone who just made a huge mistake and are fully aware that they made a huge mistake, that might cause anxiety and destroy their future performance and hurt both of you. Therefore it’s important you immediately talk to them about for example a future strategy like finding a weakness in the competition.
Then they don’t have to worry about that you’re mad at them (which is useless to be, as they don’t want to repeat this mistake anyway), and they get distracted from having anxiety about that really stupid mistake and can focus on the future.
Water flossing update day 1, second try
It’s taking a long time as I’m bad at it and I’m getting water all over the bathroom, but that’s fine while taking a bath anyway. I do start to realize that I do not need to look in the mirror, and that the mirror actually just confuses me. It’s better to feel in your mouth where you aim.
The teeth are getting really clean though! I did get some bleeding, but I say as the vaxxers: That proofs that it’s working! But yes, there was some inflammation plaque that was stopping the bleeding, so of course if I remove that crap, the bleeding will start. Not even close to the bleeding that might happen with flossing with a string.
Do remember that 9/10 dentists recommend against water flossing because they have no other skills than fixing easily preventable problems and promoting toxic dental products. So what do I know after doing some practising for less than an hour? We’ll see tomorrow.
Affirmations, and present tense future tense
It’s better to write it in the present tense. That is: no "will be", instead use "is".
Ben Wilson was still helped though:
Macron's minority government defeated on vaccine passports
I actually think that Macron is a fast learner, and that he for the first time realizes that acting like a tyrannical sadist demon isn’t popular. You might think your stupid friends and relatives are badly informed, but use your imagination to imagine what the staff is feeding a leader like Macron! He isn’t just getting the media propaganda, he is getting something 17 times worse!
Viktor Orbán: "At first I thought we shot ourselves in the foot, but now it seems that the European economy has shot itself in the lungs and is now suffocating."
So this is happening… Italy’s government is falling too, Trudeau is on his way out, Biden isn’t really there and is losing his base, Marcon got the parliament against his vaxx-terror, Scholz…
Putin needs to cut down on the carbs if he is eating popcorn during the fall of every enemy…
North Korea becoming the new South Korea? North Korea is the new South Korea, and they really want to ally with Russia as protection from CCP. Look at the birth rates in the Koreas! North is doing OK, but the last 5 years in South Korea looks like genocide.
North Korea was and still is a totalitarian state (Jordan Peterson interview), but it's going in the right direction unlike South Korea. And there is no "truth" about North Korea. As we build bottom up movements to starve out the technocrats, it's important that everyone understands that the worst most genocidal most successfully anti-freedom of speech evil empire in WW-II was UK - That still hasn't fallen unlike Germany and Soviet, and it took over USA via soft coups, infiltration and a shot through the head of the president. You might blame CIA, but all 5eyes secret services are part of the same machinery that we need to starve out.
In case you didn't know: How many Indians did Churchill's administration starve to death and how many people in the concentration camps died of starvation due to the UK (and some USA) bombings? You don't think of it like this due to media financed by the Opium Empire that is still sending fentanyl to USA from its disobedient puppet empire of China.
Why did the N.Y. Times defend Jan. 6 mystery man Ray Epps?
I just heard about the news about the news that NyTimes did this, but why would NyTimes defend a Trump supporter?
Make sure to learn the language of the other side!
"America is pro-life, pro-liberty, and pro-freedom." That is the exact thoughts promoted by the Democrat party, except that all those words mean something else to them. I'm Swedish and I see less difference between American English and British English, than between Republican and Democrat English. You people in USA should fix that! I'm studying leftist Swedish at the moment so that I can make myself understood, and I make great progress 👍😀🇸🇪
Swedish fintech company Klarna Bank is seeing increased demand for micro-loans from cash-strapped Americans
Just a note: Klarna Bank is woke technocrat corporation that would almost impress an HSBC or Pfizer CEO with their general evilness. We need to find better ways to help people with micro-loans!
Why avoid saying “Down with the globalists!”?
Narcissists blame others for their own short-comings. Don’t be a narcissist and don’t let your ally become one! Do it right: “Starve out and out-compete the globalists/technocrats!”. This idea that we need to bring some rulers down is wrong focus, and to be blunt: Partisan misdirection from the real struggle to build up the strength of the people.
I'm sick of partisan babble and it's just a waste of mine, your and everyone's time as the Biden administration is a total train-wreck anyway. Tell about the good things Biden is doing and how it can be improved! 😀
Steve Bannon: “We Have To Focus On Serious Things, Not $40 Billion To Ukraine”
The arms EU and USA are sending weapons that end up on the black market and sold to criminal gangs in the west and even the Russian military. (Also note that the Russian military is now learning how to fight for example the M142 HIMARS systems. If Putin wanted to strengthen the Russian military against western threats, HE would have ordered a few HIMARS to be sent to the Ukrainian army.)
Bannon continues: “Everyone who voted for the $40 billion to Ukraine is not smart enough to be the president of the USA.”
Spanish radio stars left after Soros group bought the station
That is the way to fight back at the technocrats and make all their investments fail. Notice though how George Soros personally actually is firmly anti-communist, but he doesn’t get human motivation, culture and he is surrounded by technocrat garbage that feeds him disinformation and false narratives. George Soros was good at making money, but nothing point at that he is otherwise smarter than the average person that consumes propaganda media.
So a true believer in anti-communism and open societies travels to WEF to speak with super-communists while thinking they are “liberal”, Russia is communist and that the westerns world is “democratic” (while imprisoning Assange and other dissidents, while protecting child rapists, both Pakistani grooming gangs and Epstein’s customers). So George is clearly not well informed.
🥰 Love news 🥰
Jag tar hand om 11 kaffe i morgon lördag: "11 kaffe med lördagsgänget. Ordning i röran, kaffe på lör'an! Förslag på parallella strukturer"
Jag försöker bjuda in lite nya och gamla i panelen! Det är en avslappnad diskussion som kan sluta var som helst, men jag ska försöka styra det till vad du och jag kan göra för att göra våra liv bättre genom hitta samarbete i nätverk som är fria ifrån tyranner och vilka kunskaper vi behöver.
Klicka här för att gå till Facebook-sändningen Inspelningen kommer sedan upp på Swebbtube, Odysee, Bitchute, Rumble och vill någon så får ni t o m lägga upp den på Youtube.
Hur man stöder en partner som har gjort bort sig
Om du arbetar tillsammans med någon som just har gjort ett stort misstag och är fullt medveten om att han eller hon har gjort ett stort misstag kan det förstöra hans eller hennes framtida prestationer och skada er båda. Därför är det viktigt att du omedelbart pratar med dem om till exempel en framtida strategi, som att hitta en svaghet hos konkurrenterna.
Då behöver de inte oroa sig för att du är arg på dem (vilket är onödigt att vara, eftersom de ändå inte vill upprepa misstaget), och de blir distraherade från ångesten över det riktigt dumma misstaget.
Uppdatering om munduschen dag 1, andra försöket.
Det tar lång tid eftersom jag är dålig på det och jag får vatten över hela badrummet, men det gör inget när man badar ändå. Jag börjar dock inse att jag inte behöver titta i spegeln och att spegeln faktiskt mest förvirrar mig. Det är bättre att känna i munnen var man sprutar.
Tänderna börjar dock bli riktigt rena! Jag fick visserligen lite blödningar, men jag säger som vaxxarna: Det bevisar att det fungerar! Men ja, det fanns lite inflammationer eller plack som stoppade blödningen, så självklart kommer blödningen att börja om jag tar bort den skiten. Inte ens i närheten av den blödning som man kan få av tandtråd.
Kom ihåg att 9/10 tandläkare rekommenderar mot vattenflossing eftersom de inte har några andra färdigheter än att åtgärda problem som lätt kan förebyggas och marknadsföra giftiga tandvårdsprodukter. Så vad vet jag efter att ha övat i mindre än en timme? Vi får se i morgon.
Jag är den mest inflytelserika mediapersonen
Jag är den mest inflytelserika mediapersonen
Jag är den mest inflytelserika mediapersonen
Jag är den mest inflytelserika mediapersonen
Jag är den mest inflytelserika mediapersonen
Jag är den mest inflytelserika mediapersonen
Jag är den mest inflytelserika mediapersonen
Jag är den mest inflytelserika mediapersonen
Jag är den mest inflytelserika mediapersonen
Affirmationer, och presens och framtid
Det är bäst att skriva det i presens futurum. Det vill säga: Säg/skriv inte "kommer att bli", utan använd istället "är" även när du pratar om morgondagen.
Affirmationer fungerar för att genom att upprepa vad du vill fokusera på och uppnå, så lär du också hjärnan att upptäcka saker som leder dig på rätt väg.
Att inte ifrågasätta är däremot att vara konspiratorisk!
Tänk efter vad jag just skrev: Att skydda konspirationer är definitionen på att vara konspiratorisk
Och när man kastar tillbaka motståndarnas propaganda på dem, fast hårdare, så vinner man. Säg till de sovande att detär de som är konspiratoriska!
H this was 'awesome' esp using the words around conspiracy correctly! I love your humor and thanks for the English posts...hey, I just bought 2 mugs, thank you for setting that up ! TODAY I AM LIKE THE RUDDER OF A SAILBOAT is my affirmation. Best