Useful fun with that politicians are generally not toxic waste, just garbage. Narcissists everywhere
Användbart kul med att politiker oftast inte är farligt avfall men rent skräp. Narcissister överallt
Today’s English video. Yesterday’s evening video is linked to in yesterday’s Substack
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. Gårdagens kvällsvideo hittar du länkade i den uppdaterade Substacken ifrån igår
🇸🇪 Dagens tema: De flesta politiker är bara sopor i mänsklig form. Men det finns ingen anledning att ära dem genom att kalla dem "giftigt avfall", utan de kan kastas i vilken papperskorg som helst utan problem. 👍
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner
Today’s theme is that most politicians are not smart super villains, but garbage in human form - They are mostly not even good at being garbage, so no need to honour them by calling them “toxic waste” - you can throw them in any recycling bin without worrying too much about it 👍
Former Vice President Joe Biden can’t stop lying about January the 6th
I can’t remember a day when Joe Biden hasn’t done something that he should be impeached for, and neither can he.
Senator Lindsey Graham (R) with a Stinger missile stuck so far up his arse that it can’t be upgraded fantasised that Biden said he raised gas prices on purpose
We all know that Graham is owned by the weapons lobby, and while the military industrial complex actually has been helpful against even worse plagues like totalitarianism, big pharma and even expensive endless wars that make it harder for long-term weapons research funding, we shouldn’t kid ourself what he is.
Biden said raising gas prices is part of “an incredible transition”, but if you are a serious person that want to solve (or cause) problems, you mostly ignore what Joe Biden says like Trump (or Obama).
Secondly: Joe Biden seems to mean that the problem that he is also is trying to solve is having good side effects as it promotes alternatives (which is true - there is almost no public pushback against nuclear anymore).
The problem, as Miss Graham points out, is that the Biden terror regime consistently is trying to destroy everything, energy production included. But the discussion should be about that, and not start with “Joe Biden said” as no one should give a shit about that.
But my main point was to make a joke about that Raytheon is having problems upgrading the stinger missiles, and Graham should not be re-elected in 2026, nor should any politician who focus on single sound bites of what their opponents said.
Do not think of the clowns as if they are informed and wise!
Most politicians clearly don’t give a rat’s arse about the people but it isn’t useful to see them as smart super villains - Because that isn’t predictive, as they more behave like drug addicts chasing the next narcissist supply, so even if they thought that going to a party during the lockdown would likely kill them, they still would do it because they need the praise of the other clowns. This is proven as they gladly risked their political careers, so they would have risked their life too.
The clowns aren't scared because they are complete morons with no impulse control - Which is why they are selected by the shadows as they are easy to control.
They have no idea if anything is dangerous, what food they should eat or anything. They don't care about truth. They only care about what media, lobbyists and and other clowns say about them.
The public who cared to look and think also had access to enough data. But instead most listened to sadist media.
But these are the smart people - Well, smarter, but not smart enough to not get caught:
Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead… Now Facing Criminal Charges
I think that anyone who faked a vaccine status should be pardoned, EXCEPT IF YOU ARE A CELEBRITY OR BIG PHARMA PIECE OF SHIT lying about it to the public. They could have stood up for the people without a platform that were coerced to inject the bioweapon, but instead they used their wealth to be above others.
While health care workers everywhere got sick from the bioweapon
"Loss of working time due to vaccine-related adverse effects was substantial.... After the first and second vaccination, 7.9% and 34.7% ... respectively, were temporarily unable to work."
Reminder: Trump is on Gab, but will not return to Twitter even if he is allowed
The Chinese Communist Party is preparing for war
The problem is that China can smuggle in huge amount of hardware and soldiers into USA. Maybe not to take and hold USA, but to make it impossible for USA to control the seas. Or more likely something I can’t think of. The goal is clearly not to directly fight USA on the seas, but attack in all other kinds of ways from drugs to media and illegal immigration.
Some English translations under the image below
Min Stora Dag Bjuder in vaccinskadade barn till Näs Gård (arkiv-länk)
Krav: Barnen mellan 14-18 måste vara injicerade med covid-19-sprutor.
Ledningsgruppen är en bunt med narcissistisk kräk som snyltat pengar i årtionden. Den läkemedelssponsrade Cancerfonden, TV4, Expressen, Universal Music och liknande.
Ifrån en jurist:
”Om ”Min stora dag” uppställer krav på att någon ska vara vaccinerad mot Covid-19 för att kunna delta så gör de sig skyldiga till olaga diskriminering enligt 2 kap. 12 § Diskrimineringslagen.
Att uppställa krav på vaccinering innebär att den som inte vaccinerat sig anses utgöra en större smittorisk än den som vaccinerat sig. Därmed blir kravet på vaccinering att anse som diskriminerande pga funktionshinder. Att befarad smittorisk i lagens mening anses utgöra funktionshinder har konstaterats av DO i ett fall som de drev inför Västmanlandstingsrätt, så väl som i fall hos Europadomstolen.
Om din dotter blir diskriminerad pga de krav om vaccinering som uppställs, så kan hon begära att ”Min stora dag” utger diskrimineringsersättning i enlighet med bestämmelser i 5 kap. Diskrimineringslagen.
Michael Zazzio kan vara en bra väg framåt. Att använda brott mot barnkonventionen som ingång. Förstå vilken skandal för Min Stora Dag bara att bli åtalad på den punkten? Starta en crowdfunding och om/när det ser möjligt ut: är inte aktivt, då narcissister inte klarar av Twitter för folk kan säga emot utan att de kan göra något åt det. håller sina följare hemliga, men ni kan tipsa alla som gillar deras inlägg om fakta ovan.
Dagens fråga: Vad heter personlighetsstörningen som 2½ av personerna på bilden lider av?
Mustafa Panshiri visar hur man hanterar narcissistiska MP-pampar:
“Pling Myndigheten för psykologiskt försvar. Jag kan inte avgöra om detta är ett hot eller ett skämt”:
Jag blev inspirerad och vände mig direkt till MP-väljarna när MP postade sin nya bild:
Alla ni fina miljöpartister som gillar ren natur, lokal produktion och lokalt självbestämmande, men undrar lite över hur det hänger samman med att flyga förstaklass till globala klimatmöten: Titta lite närmare på personlighetsstörningen "sårbar narcissism" och ni kommer att förstå både moderater och MP-pampar 🥰