Russian friendly. Be interesting! Oct 7 details. Nice Jew communists. Myanmar. Russia banned Rumble
Ryssvänlig. Var intressant! Oktober7-detaljer. Bra judekommunister. Myanmar. Ryssland förbjöd Rumble
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 Ingen text på svenska förutom en länk längst ner 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
Ben Davidson: X Class Solar Flare Directly at Earth, CME Coming
He will update the projected impact on Earth this afternoon, and we’ll see how this affects things like aurora and electric grids.
Russian friendly - Sick Swedish Liberals think it’s an insult to call people friendly
Carmen Simon made me look
Link to the interview part about how to make people interested: (It’s also on 𝕏 and Youtube, and of course
Oct 7 is a false flag documentary
There might be missing context, but everything in the video is easily checked.
Full video:
Short selling is a good way to finance terror. It doesn’t always work though, as algos spot when someone is short-selling, and then might decide on crushing the short sellers, so something bad happens to a company after a terror attack or legal trouble, and the stock skyrockets.
Myanmar, the unknown civil war
Swann Marcus can’t believe that the rebels might literally just win
Reuters: The junta has lost control of half its 5280 military positions, and 60% of its territory.
There is a civil war where USA isn’t funding both sides? I doubt it…
The poor rural rebel controlled Myanmar with less than 50 million inhabitants should have a GDP about $150 billion at most, which would mean about $20 billion USDT needed, while Tether has increased with $30 billion since October 7…
Most of the rebels are fighting for more local self-governance, but both China, who supports the Junta, and USA are suspected of funding some rebels.
Rumble blocked in Russia
Chris Pavlovski, CEO Rumble, writes: Russia has officially blocked Rumble because we refused to comply with their censorship demands. Ironically, YouTube is still operating in Russia, and everyone needs to ask what Russian demands Google and YouTube are complying with?
Odysee responded: This is super unfortunate. We are building tech that Odysee and rumble will be able to use that will prevent any country from banning them.
So how do NATO solve this?
NATO is run by retards that hate Europeans.
Israel is run by retards that hate Israelis almost as much as they hate Arabs and Christians
Israel is against any transfer of nuclear technology from the West to the Saudis.
And then the obvious happens:
Thinking process: I want so I order someone to give it to me, everyone ignores you because you’re an obnoxious retard.
Jeffrey Sachs points at the secrecy problem
"We are on a path to World War III right now—nothing is explained, nothing is told to us, and we have no choices. The CIA comes in, conducts the briefings, and off we go to military escalation.
The public is profoundly unhappy, and the students are getting beaten up; faculty are getting arrested because you're not supposed to speak about this. Then there's this concoction that this is about anti-Semitism—give me a break. I'm a Jewish professor at Columbia University.
This is not about anti-Semitism; this is about a slaughter that is taking place in Gaza right now, and the American people don't like it. They don't like our complicity in it, and they are protesting it—that's what this is about.
But we don't behave in any reasonable way right now, not even to discuss these things honestly, to know the facts, or to have hearings where our executive is called to account by Congress. This was one of the fundamental roles that Congress was supposed to play. It's laughable to think that this is how anything works right now—it doesn't. I know it doesn't. There is no accountability whatsoever.
There are closed-door briefings, and then, if you approach a congressman or senator, as I often do, they say, 'Well, Jeff, I'm just not supposed to talk about such matters. I'm sure you understand.' In the meantime, we have our NATO allies talking about moving troops to Ukraine, and Russia entering tactical nuclear drills right now. This is crazy.
This is what you read about on the path to World War I, when a few people decided the fate of the world. We had made a claim that because we are a republic, it couldn't happen here, but starting in 1947, it has been happening here repeatedly. That's the year of the National Security Act; that's the year when we went secret, and now we cannot hold our government accountable because everything is confidential."
At the same time, Xi is in Serbia
"We are signing more than 29 agreements with China, a significant investment. The first part of the Free Trade Agreement with China will come into effect on July 1st. There are three phases of the agreement's implementation over the next 15 years, with the first phase starting now on July 1st, the next in 5 years, and the final phase in 10 years."
Re: Myanmar. I live in Cambodia and visited Myanmar several times about 2 decades ago when Tourism was the ultimate source of 'new income". At that time China was about to build a huge dam at the source of the Irrawaddy River which was opposed by the local population and to my surprise was suspended much to the dismay of China. Anyway China kept a pretty open border which fueled a lot of the Drug Trafficking. This changed recently when the conflict in Myanmal got dangerously close to spill over to China ... and frequently to Thailand which also profited in the drug trafficking a long time. The country now is pretty much sealed off and news (independent and verified) are difficult to obtain. My favorite source is Brian Berletic's New atlas Thread on Youtube. He is a former US Marine and a great analyst living in neighboring Thailand. He is all the way pro Russia, China and against western lies in general. Here is his latest on Myanmar:
Myanmar Continues Fight Against Washington's Other Proxy War