Vaccines and the insanity are just getting worse. Italy, different vaccine batches, shedding
Mer ifrån Australien på svenska. Italien. Olika samma vaccin?!? Vaxxade gör purblodade sjuka
🇸🇪 Dagens skitjakt på svenska i Ryd. Svensk text och länkar i den engelska texten nedan.
Today’s English video in dog-heaven dog-human-hell Ryd. There is a Swedish subs video in English from Australia at the end, but basically what I posted yesterday.
The tiny Swedish government circus: Everything goes according to plan. Pretty sane Social Democrat Magdalena Andersson takes over as prime minister as planned, but a few days later than planned and without Greens in the government, and some other replacements of ministers. So the sadist Greens are gone, everything is open for more nuclear, better immigration policies, more law and order, and the budget is very close to what the Social Democrats wanted except some pork for the voters and climate bullshit. Next parliamentary election is September 2022 (Sweden doesn’t have extra elections in practice because only a minority of the elected officials are interested in risking their overpaid jobs so they will never vote for that).
Happy All Color’s Day, Americans!
Apparently it was fake news that Black Friday was only for Blacks! It is total bullshit for everyone regardless of colour (as we spell it in Europe, because we look down on UK and want their language to look as horrible as possible with useless letters in it - It’s “färg” in Swedish, so Americans are halfway there from 6 to 4 letters.).
Draghi wants to make Italy more hell to save hell
Draghi ”We want to be very prudent to try to safeguard what Italians have achieved in the last year"
OK, what have the Italians achieved with ever more insane tyranny? Oh, yes: Tyranny! Stop paying taxes, stop delivering food to governmental figures, cut them totally of from the working people, and they will starve to death. Of course Draghi can escape, but eventually there will be no where to go.
How to write “mRNA vaccines are horrible” in Medical:
Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning
Original source:
Dr. Vernon Coleman talks about this study. (4 minutes)
🇸🇪 Öystein Rönne pratar på svenska om studien ovan och under
Craig Paardekooper says that 1/200 of the covid jab batches are deadly, while 70% of the batches are totally safe, and 80% are pretty safe. A red flag is that comments aren’t allowed though. He has also gathered some information about Graphene Oxide and Covid Vaccines, and that people injected with that will be vulnerable to EMPs. We need some more confirmation, but at this time I wouldn’t rule anything out.

🇸🇪 Vera Kanalec, en pensionerad sjuksköterska ifrån Slovenien med många års erfarenhet, berättar SANNINGEN som är mycket dold av media. Hon berättar öppet hur de ger olika saker ifrån olika ampuller, och politikerna får alltid typ 1.
🇸🇪 Vi såg ju hur de gav saltlösning till massor med folk i Lund och det avslöjades av de kriminella eller av de goda för att ge sjukvårdspersonal idén om att de faktiskt kan göra sitt jobb och inte massmörda folk? Ingen sjukvårdspersonal kan ju straffas för att de gör något fel med sprutorna, så mixa och dona, skyll på skoskav, och sedan spruta in enbart saltlösning i folk! (Slovenian with Swedish text, and we have had news from Sweden about that saline solutions have been given instead of the bioweapon)
Another scary hypothesis
I listened to a friend who is an expert on nutrition, but still got sick of the spike protein (The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that we know is toxic). So he didn’t get sick with any virus, but he had a sick and vaccinated room-mate that kept spreading these spikes while apparently having a resistance against them himself. But if you are vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine (I hope the adenovirus-vectored vaccines only produce this horrible spike protein during the modified adenovirus infection, but I don’t know, and these adenovirus-vectored vaccines are clearly not safe nor effective either).
🇸🇪 Lars Bern kommenterar risk för shedding från Coronavacciner - Swebbtv
🇸🇪 Länk till intervju med Tony Berglund som Lars Bern pratade om ovan.
🇸🇪 Mikael Nordfors om att rädda folk ifrån covid-biovapnet med Linus Noremalm och Ingemar Ljungkvist
How “science” “works” today
We know the covid jabs cause more harm than good, while we don’t even know what’s in them and no one has to take any responsibility. Just lock that data up until 2076? No, meat grinders are great, but where to put the sliced meat of a Pfizer CEO? Oh, yes: We can put it in the nuclear waste storages, as all the nuclear waste fuel is stolen (Galen Winsor). Yes, it’s all corruption and lies in all industries and “sciences”. Black holes and big bang of bullshit - can’t work, don’t make predictions and only fit data with Pfizer level of manipulations. CO2 acting as a blanket? It’s a freaking gas! We know how a gas works like - It spreads heat by convection (winds), but unlike the oceans, the troposphere gets warmer at the bottom because gases get warmer when they compress - Basic knowledge that you have to be a professor in climate to not understand. Even many climate skeptic climate scientists don’t get this, just as a physics professor lost $10000 because he didn’t understand basic physics about that a propeller can drive a car faster than the wind that blows straight from behind it as Veritasium showed:
Steve Kirsch keeps hammering on:
Former Pro Calls For "Investigation" After Another Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses
...there has been a “5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021.”
I don’t think it’s possible to have a system where we allow monopoly patented drugs or jabs. The problems they cause with bought agencies and media are way worse than the benefits from “curing” often the same medical problem as their misinformation created.
Ljusdal, Hälsingland, Sweden

Australien på Svenska
Det ska vara en demonstration utanför australiensiska ambassaden den 4 december kl 12:00
Video med svensk text: Australiens urbefolkning med militärfordon till karantänläger
Awkward you're using the abstract 10712 when there's an expression of concern on it lol stupid fool