Jab mandates=+84% deaths. 3feet clot! Vax Biden sued in Utah. Swedish bioweapon diplomats in Ukraine
Vaxxtvång=+84% död. 1m blodpropp. Vax Biden stämd. Svenska biovapen"diplomater" i Ukraina sedan 1996
Dagens svenska ben-jagar-video
Ed Dowd: "Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality"
Confirmation here: https://gettr.com/post/pztrv5cafc
Ryan Cole about the 1 meter long blood clots not caused by the vaccine…
These huge long rubbery blood clots are normal in people with rare genetic disorders. 93% of the dead injected people now seem to have that rare kind of genetic disorders, so we have to suspect the bioweapon and not some sort of vaccine…
I think it's smart of Ryan Cole to keep his estimates that it's the injections that cause the monster-clots down to 80-90%. There are a lot of possibilities that we can't think of like something in the water, in the air (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, SAI) or in the food that together with some other unknown shit in either the injection or maybe in the hospitals (where injection hesitant people refuse to go) that is causing this. Pfizer just bought the heart medicine company Arena Pharmaceuticals for 100% above market value, so they might have caused these blood clots in a new creative way, while everyone is looking at the injections.
By the way: If the rubbery blot clots are mostly protein, triggering autophagy with fasting, sauna and chlorine dioxide might really help. For chlorine dioxide it is important to know the concepts about starting slowly, not mix it with food, and use the right strength. See my previous Substack for those links.
"Dane Wigington videos document graphene nanos now being sprayed in chemtrails, soil samples verify. Food is now and has been sprayed with nanos and in packaging, the law needs to be changed that customers know what they are buying.".
Here Wigington is interviewed by Alex Jones: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BWGQF64oVGDz/
Did all the doctors know about that the injection batches were different doses?!?
Steve Bannon interviews Naomi Wolf whose team has read through the newly released documents, and it seems like the documents to the MDs that came with the batches included information about how strong they were - Despite the information to the public that all the jobs were the same.
I could imagine the bioweapons came in a box with a paper that everyone paid as much attention to as “Accept our terms and conditions” pop-up windows. I still seems like the medical staff was all to happy to puke on the Nuremberg code and do medical experiments on humans with no clue what was happening - In best case the medical staff made sure to not know what they were injecting.
Anyone who can get the documentation that Pfizer actually sent with the injection material?
Dr. David Martin Details His Lawsuit Against Joe Biden - Exposes Pfizer and Their Business Dealings
No secret there were bioweapons labs in Ukraine
The question is only if they where “defensive” bioweapon labs.
An Assessment of the International Science and Technology Center: Redirecting Expertise in Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Former Soviet Union (1996) states “Personnel of the United States Government, Canadian Government, and 🇸🇪 Swedish Government who are present in Ukraine in connection with the Center or its projects and activities shall be accorded by the Government of Ukraine status equivalent to that accorded to administrative and technical staff under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961.”
Unclear why people working on a bioweapon lab need diplomatic immunity, but they got it. It’s generally a good thing to have if you want to smuggle stuff, or just prefer to shoplift instead of bringing your wallet.
Hungary and Slovakia are missing
Without Hungary and Slovakia, I doubt there will be peace in Ukraine, but this is nice first step, and if the Visegrád countries can make a deal with Russia that the Ukrainians, even without the Ukrainian government, can accept, then it’s over. A wild idea is that the Czechia, Slovakia
Not sure why a Slovenian PM is involved here though. And the Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki is dressed up with slave-mask on Twitter, which I find more offensive than having a blackface on your social media account. Especially for all the Europeans who are suffering under these sadist mandates.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Jag finner Polens premiärministers slavansikte ovan lika kränkande som Trudeaus “blackface” som han haft när han gått på maskerad, men i alla fall inte som profilbild på Twitter. Profilbilden är ett hån emot alla Européer som påtvingas slavmaskerna.
Polens, Tjeckiens och Sloveniens primiärministrar till Kiev
Hoppingivande men det behövs alla fyra Visegrád-länderna för att Ryssland ska få en vettig motpart att förhandla med. Ukrainas grannländer Slovakien och Ungern saknas.
Ingen hemlighet det var biovapenlabb i Ukraina
Frågan är om det bara handlade om “defensiv” biovapenforskning.
Dokumentet An Assessment of the International Science and Technology Center: Redirecting Expertise in Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Former Soviet Union (1996) säger “Personnel of the United States Government, Canadian Government, and 🇸🇪 Swedish Government who are present in Ukraine in connection with the Center or its projects and activities shall be accorded by the Government of Ukraine status equivalent to that accorded to administrative and technical staff under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961.”
På svenska: Personal i från USA, Kanada och Sverige som var i Ukraina i anslutning till biovapenlabben fick diplomatisk immunitet.
I denna video förklarar Dr. David Martin detaljer i hans stämning av president Joe Biden, och om Pfizer’s affärsmetoder
Kände sjukvårdspersonalen till att Pfizers olika batcher innehöll helt olika mängd mRNA-material?!?
Steve Bannon intervjuar Naomi Wolf som har ett team som gått igenom de släppta Pfizer-dokumenten, och det verkar som om Pfizer skickat med dokumentation som beskrev hur de olika batcherna innehöll olika mångd mRNA-substans, trots att det allmänt sades vara samma sak i varje spruta av samma märke. Var detta gömt i en lunta med bifogad dokumentation ingen läser eller var sjukvårdspersonalen med på att göra experiment på ovetande patienter?
Kan någon i sjukvården eller någon som vågar sig till den se om de kan få se dokumenten som Pfizer (och Moderna) skickat med?
Ryan Cole om de 1 meter långa blodpropparna som inte orsakades av vaccinet…
Dessa enorma, långa och gummiband-aktiga blodproppar är normala hos personer med sällsynta genetiska sjukdomar. 93 % av de döda injicerade personerna verkar nu ha denna sällsynta typ av genetiska störningar, så vi måste misstänka att det är ett biologiskt vapen och inte något slags vaccin...
Jag tycker att det är smart av Ryan Cole att hålla nere sina uppskattningar om att det är injektionerna som orsakar monsterblodpropparna till 80-90%. Det finns många möjligheter som vi inte kan tänka oss, som något i vattnet, i luften (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, SAI) eller i maten som tillsammans med någon annan okänd skit i antingen injektionerna eller kanske på sjukhusen (dit injektionsrädda människor vägrar att gå) som orsakar detta. Pfizer köpte just hjärtmedicinföretaget Arena Pharmaceuticals för 100 % över marknadsvärdet, så de kan ha orsakat dessa blodproppar på ett nytt kreativt sätt, medan alla tittar på injektionerna.
Förresten: Om de gummi-aktiga blod-klumparna till största delen består av protein kan det verkligen hjälpa att aktivera autofagi genom fasta, bastu och klordioxid. När det gäller klordioxid är det viktigt att känna till begreppen om att börja långsamt, inte blanda det med mat och använda rätt styrka. Se min tidigare Substack för dessa länkar.
Fick en kommentar om hur Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, SAI (chemtrails) kan ha används också:
"Dane Wigington videos document graphene nanos now being sprayed in chemtrails, soil samples verify. Food is now and has been sprayed with nanos and in packaging, the law needs to be changed that customers know what they are buying.".
Here Wigington is interviewed by Alex Jones: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BWGQF64oVGDz/
+84% ökad risk för död bland 25-44-åringar i USA precis efter injektionerna:
(Se länkar i den engelska texten)