Hot bath with beer and doctor. Low tax no-vaxx-passport Swedish left. Vaccine & covid1984-crap
Varmbad med öl och läkare. Lågskattevänstern utan vaxxpass. Jag som Klimat-Tegnell, Kyrkoval mm!
Link to the replay of the English live broadcast
Länk till inspelningen av dagens svenska lajv-sändning.
Drinking beer in the hot bath with Dr Eric Berg
Very many benefits from hot bath (but cold baths actually work in a similar way too), but no benefits from alcohol? Well, that all depends, of course. It’s about what the alternative is (sugar, infections, pure water), and if you get enough vitamin Bs and minerals in your nutrition, and how the alcohol affects your social situation.
But what is “brain damage”? Alcohol makes the brain work differently, and people who drink a lot, but never get drunk tend to know way more stuff about different fields than non-drinkers.
Dr. Peter McCullough | Sep 3, 2021
And a DNA vaccine:
“Note: at this point in the pandemic, tampering directly with DNA and RNA is totally fine, but taking a drug that has been approved by the FDA since 1998 (ivermectin) is blasphemy.”
Families split apart by the border!
Where? North-South Korean border? And old video from the West-East Germany border? Maybe USA-Mexico? No, this is an internal “border” in Australia! Those AU governments are clinically insane.
Media has to pay for their disinformation
I actually haven’t heard anything from Rolling Stone that wasn’t blatant lying for years now. Of course they should be allowed to have different opinions about how the world looks like, but when they write a hit-piece with the sole intent to take people’s lives, that is assault. And who is reading that crap? They have to be really sick people.
Reminder though: Curry (1 ml 2 times daily, tumeric/curcumin with spices and fat) is still ahead of ivermectin in effectiveness:
But ivermectin worked in Peru
Ivermectin worked well in Peru, except when and where it wasn’t used. Same thing when data from different Indian states was compared:
We have so many examples of countries starting to vaccinate (or masking, lockdowning or anything) and then got a huge outbreak, but not one single example of an area where #ivermectin was mass adopted and covid still started to spread more?!?
Vaccines worse than covid on Iceland
The summer delta covid epidemic on Iceland is subsiding after taking just 3 lives, while the covid “vaccines” put 196 people in hospital. Icelanders had fresh Atlantic summer air and eat a lot of fish, so a respiratory virus is the least of their problems, at least during their summer.
(English translation in the comments)
Vaccines are failing fast in staff of California hospital
Notice what it doesn't say: What was the overall health of the un-/vaccinated before the jab, and how many severe sicknesses from ALL CAUSES did the 2 groups then develop. Still no data available to debunk this:
(That was a comment to an MD that said that it was good that the patient who died in covid was fully vaxxed, because otherwise it would have been worse.)
😂 🇸🇪 Vegan-SVT-reporter som aldrig sett ett dött djur var tvungen att få den förklaringen… Det var en kommentar på ett Tweet om att en läkare sa att det var bra att någon som dött i covid var vaccinerad för annars hade det blivit värre.
När hoppet står till Vänsterpartiet är det illa?
Men tänk såhär: Vad händer om 100 000 borgeliga väljare går med i V? Så som 100 000 kommunister gått med i M, KD och L!
Lars Beckman skrev pro-vaxxpass-debatt-artikel. Twitterhögern är… “Inte imponerad”
Stäm Matti Sällberg och SVT!
SwebbTV gick nyligen igenom hur Matti Sällberg ifrån Vaccinfabriken (som lurat till sig 400 miljoner kr bara ifjol) får stå och oemotsagt ljuga om ivermektin, t ex om att folk skulle överdosera det och bli sjuka, vilket inte händer: (
Alla som haft någon anhörig som dött och alla som i onödan blivit svårt sjuka av covid har rätt att kräva SVT och Matti Sällberg på skadestånd. Public Service har 10 miljarder kr om året som borde gå till offren för deras desinformation i stället för att sprida mer.
(Henrik Zetterberg (@Sambandet) jobbar på det! 👍)
Widar Andersson, ännu en bra sosse
Insikterna om hur etablisemanget helt enkelt skiter i korruptionen börjar sprida sig även bland sossar som blir allt mer synliga:
Widar Andersson: Biståndet rör sig i en genomkorrumperad miljö.
Jag kan ställa upp som klimatets Tegnell! Vi ska låta klimatpaniken spridas långsamt genom samhället så att inte psykavdelningarna blir överlastade, och det är viktigt att hålla avstånd till propagandamedia, och sedan tvätta ögon och öron med tvål om du kommer i kontakt med den.