Sunday live: Is mass formation psychosis bullshit? Are viruses bullshit?
Söndagsdirektsändning: Är mass hysteria bara trams? Är virus bara trams?
Today’s English live broadcast (20:00 Swedish time, 2 PM EST):
Dagens svenska direktsändning (kl 21:00):
I got a mild wry neck for this morning’s Swedish live-stream. Too long dog walk and some mineral deficiencies (potassium?) and a bad sleeping position, I think. But keeping it warm and getting some salts and good food seems to have almost completely cured it by now.
We’re laughing about a vulnerable narcissist troll commenting “Yet another three crazies are discussing.”. Those trolls are just fun when you know that the problem is on their side, not yours. If they come with some valid critizism, then OK. But this is just saying that they are having a personality problem. Which is exactly what I had explained.
Mass Psychosis “Mass Formation” – Mass Hypnosis needs the following criteria to emerge.
1. Lack of Social Bond or connectedness of other people – emotional or social bonding
2. Lack of Meaning – feeling of meaning and sense
3. High Levels of Free-Floating Anxiety – anxiety not connected a mental representation
4. Free-Floating Frustration and Aggression – don’t know why feeling that way
A narrative is created to connect to the Free Flowing Frustration and then create a new social bond. All that aggression is focused on the population that does not want to participate in the Mass Formation Collected Hypnosis.
Once they feel connected and they satisfy the 4 conditions, rituals and sacrifices emerge that make the collective more important than the individual.
Is mass formation psychosis bullshit?
Here at 34:45 Scott Adams explains that mass formation is bullshit:
Mass formation is definitely happening, but Scott doesn’t buy that it’s for the stated reasons in the theory, but instead he blames the fake news. This is reasonable and it’s a psychology theory so it is clearly bullshit and untestable and doesn’t predict, but that people who get in top of large organizations often have developed a vulnerable narcissist personality and that this will lead to that the organization will go to shit as they start to believe their own lies - That isn’t disputed is it?
What can protect people from vulnerable narcissism is close honest frank friends and working against/with nature instead of just working against a big group of strangers. Because in a big group of strangers, there will always be retards that agree with you, and then you’ll get tricked to think that that means that you’re right.
Commenting on The Last American Vagabond and Dr. Chris Martenson
Mass formation psychosis can be described from the particular vulnerable narcissists in the big organizations. Big organizations and social media train people to only pay attention to and immitate high status individuals while vaxxing children to death and ignoring their closest friends.
Also: Working with nature and engineering makes you realize that you can be wrong. If you do "science" or media or work in a huge organization, there are always some idiots that will agree with you and think that you're great.
So therefore any big organization will eventually be run by vulnerable narcissists that can’t admit to even themselves that they are wrong about anything.
But what about animals?
I think that goes without saying that the dog is a vulnerable narcissist. That goes for all wolves, horses and lions. They are all vulnerable but rarely grandiose narcissists (except some leader).
Compare to zebras or to cats other than lions that are mostly just grandiose narcissists! So they do not blindly follow the orders of a leader.
I don’t trust RFK JR or Steve Bannon, but…
Steve Bannon has connections to navy intel smuggling drugs, and RFK JR profits a lot from not solving the problem with vaccines. And he just want “safe” (profitable) vaccines (that he can create law suits on and afford his private jet). But having Dr Peter Navarro on shows that Bannon isn’t afraid of the truth though, and the idea that China created SARS-CoV-2 (or what-ever that thing is) is falling apart: It was made in USA with a “Made in China” stamp on it in the end.
Interesting comment on that video:
Enomaru, 3 hours ago
Many are unaware (though many are aware) that the "lizard" or "lizard people" reference is a reference to the R-complex of the brain. People who are "lizards" have consciousnesses that exist in, and are of, the R-complex. In the triune brain model, the reptilian complex (i.e., R-complex) of the brain is one of the three mega-structures of the human brain with the paleomammalian complex (i.e., limbic system) and the neomammalian complex (i.e., neocortex) being the other two. Those who have consciousnesses residing in the R-complex reside at the lowest/base level of human consciousness where fear, self-preservation, aggression, and domination reign supreme. The two interrelated goals of Satanists and the so-called "elites" are 1) the destruction of imagination and 2) the enslavement of humanity. Nature/Creation/God/the Cosmos abhors and punishes both cowardice and ignorance. What this world desperately needs more than anything else is COURAGE; specifically, the courage to seek the truth whatever it may be and the courage to spread the truth whatever it may cost. Please check out Mark Passio's website if you wish to understand what has been taking place for millennia and what is currently happening in this world and with people on a deep psychological and spiritual level (the bulk of his work is found in the "videos" and "podcasts" tabs). His words, images, and slides are pure gold. Though his speech may be "combative" or "harsh" at times, his work is totally worth your spiritual currencies of time and attention. It's not for the faint of heart, for therein are some "hard pills" to swallow. Happy truth-seeking, and enjoy the cold shower of reality if you can:
“Watch Andrew Kaufman Trigger Judy Mikovits by Simply Stating the Truth - AND SHE LOSES IT!”
Andrew Kaufman does not say that there is no virus (nor that there is a virus), but that there is no perfect science that describe how a virus looks and works like, and that cells give out “garbage bags” of poisons and that if some of them are viral viruses is unclear. The in vitro studies are unclear, and “the virus model” is just one possible way to explain what we’re seeing.
I don’t think any credible virus expert is against the terrain theory, because even Chris Martenson and every vaccine and virus expert I’ve listened to talk about the terrain (the body’s capability to fix itself and protect itself from cancers, bacteria and viruses). I don’t think we have anything better than the virus model to complement the terrain theory, but it might just be humans spitting poisons at each other? Not sure if that changes much, as we should focus on improving our bodies.
Epoch Times Sweden for the win
Eva Sagerfors asks about ivermectin to the Swedish agenciens who have no clues, and they just refer to “Läkemedelsverket” (The drug agency) who is hiding as usual as they get 80% of their funding from big pharma:
Svenska myndigheter har inte någon Fauci som kan ljuga rakt upp i ansiktet på folk så hårt att någon tror på dem… Inte undra på att Läkemedelsverket som till 80% är finansierade av Läkemedelsindustrin som vanligt gömmer sig så mycket de kan.
Lite löktips-länkar ifrån Anders Davidsson
All lök bildar allicin när den oxideras, det är allicin som är bakteriedödande. Löken ska skäras, krossas o låta den oxideras minst 10 minuter innan den tillagas eller äts direkt. Detta av ett föredrag av Tommy Svensson för ett antal år sedan. Enligt honom i all lök, inte bara i vitlök.
Genom att pressa färsk vitlök och låta den vilka skapas det en kemisk reaktion som släpper lös allicin. Allicin är antibakteriellt och uppstår endast när vitlöken har blivit pressad eller när den ska är påväg att bli upphettad! Holistiska experter rekommenderar att äta färskpressad vitlök som har fått vila var 3:e timme är att rekommendera för att få bukt med förkylningen och influensan. Upprepa tills du mår bättre!
Ominrama 2022!
Inget jävla årtal i världshistorien har lyckats döda mig medan årtalen alla blivit historia!
Masspsykos "massformation" - Masshypnos behöver följande kriterier för att uppstå.
Brist på socialt band eller anknytning till andra människor - känslomässigt eller socialt band
Brist på mening – känsla av mening och mening
Höga nivåer av fritt flytande ångest – ångest är inte kopplat till en mental representation
Fritt flytande frustration och aggression – vet inte varför jag känner så
Ett narrativ skapas för att ansluta till den fritt flödande frustrationen och sedan skapa ett nytt socialt band. All den aggressionen är fokuserad på befolkningen som inte vill delta i Massformation Collected Hypnosis.
När de väl känner sig sammankopplade och de uppfyller de 4 villkoren uppstår ritualer och uppoffringar som gör kollektivet viktigare än individen.
Narcissisters svagheter
Deras ord stämmer inte överens med deras handling.
De värdesätter främlingars åsikter framför familjen.
De stirrar på dig.
De är konstiga när det gäller gåvor.
De är som (sociala) kameleonter.
De tar äran för dina idéer.
De agerar som om de är starka men de spelar också offret.
När man känner igen detta så är det lätt att klura ut hur man ska besegra hela organisationer (staten, storföretag, Klaus Schwab, etc) som leds av denna personlighetstyp.
Varför uppkommer sårbar narcissism?
Delvis är det ett medfött betende, men de ansamlas i stora organisationer.
Stora organisationer och social media uppmuntrar ett beteende där man slickar uppåt och skiter nedåt, och aldrig erkänner att man har fel.
Har man inte erfarenhet av att arbeta för/emot naturen utan bara emot stora mängder människor så uppmuntras vilket beteende som helst då det alltid finns några idioter som håller med. Men skulle man lära sig något, så kommer man att tappa följare eller förlora sitt jobb.
Bevis för hypotes?
Vad vi kan se ifrån världen är att stora organisationer alltid börjar fungera allt sämre med tiden, medan städer med småföretag och självägande bönder inte drabbas av mass-galenskap.