FBI Buffalo shooter. Ivermectin. Vaccine airbomb. Dems' dementia phobia. "Ultra MAGA" creation
Ivermektin. Vaccinbomb. Teaterkung som förlorade halva landet till Ryssland 1808 & 2022?
Cat-video about the cat Milla taking her first walk in the forest with me.
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video med katt
🇸🇪 Gårdagens Facebook-lajv om video-plattformar, trams, skoj, NATO och okomplicerat
🇸🇪 Lite text på svenska längst ner.
Today’s English video with cat
FBI is not just "not credible", but at war with the Americans, and Strzok is a conveniently hard to spell, remember and pronounce name:
The Epoch times: Is ivermectin a cancer solution?
Is ivermectin almost like chlorine dioxide? It seems to generally fight “inflammation” and make the body just work better.
Dr Pierre Kory explains how big pharma is doing fraudulent anti-ivermectin studies. They set up the study wrong but most importantly, they write a misrepresenting conclusion in the abstract that can’t be backed up by the data in the study. And they just hope that all journalists, agencies and doctors don’t read more than the abstract, which is generally true.
Even evaporated covid “vaccines” are dangerous
A single dose of 0.5 mL of the vaccine was dropped accidentally onto the floor and broken by an administering nurse, and 15/20 of the people working there got problem in their eyes, skin etc:
Seems like a safe thing to inject? Only 100.5 million Americans took that first booster, or 32% of Americans over 4 years, so people are getting smarter.
CD-phobia among the vaxx-hurt Dems
Fetterman said that the stroke hasn’t given him cognitive disabilities. How can he say it like that is a good thing?!? Doesn’t he support cognitive disabilities and Joe Biden?!? As a Democrat he needs to embrace being fat, stupid, and not a white heterosexual man. Everything bad should be honoured, so you can imagine how the racist sexist Democrats see those who aren’t white heterosexual men… Yes, it seems like they see them as subhumans that should be used to feed narcissism.
Primary between Kathy Barnette and Oz is on Tuesday, and this can be the first time a Trump endorsed candidate loses, so The anti-Trumpers thank God for Dr Oz or they would have no chance of winning any Trump endorsed candidate!!!
Ultra MAGA and the great MAGA king
The only time Democrats are good at branding is when they help Trump Republicans.
Biden Push To Turn 'Ultra MAGA' Into Disparaging Epithet Came From 6-Month Study, Was Not 'Organic'
“The Washington Post is reporting the shift from the White House to disparage their political opposition with the terms “MAGA”, “Ultra-MAGA” and President Trump as the “Great MAGA King,” came from a six-month poll study led by Anita Dunn, the latest senior advisor in the White House.”
The interesting here is how the libtards fail so badly. It’s of course due to censorship and group think. This narcissist garbage is totally stuck in their bubble and can’t even get access to focus group subjects that aren’t total libtards (with low testosterone levels, one can assume)?
The polling and focus group research by Hart Research and the Global Strategy Group found that “MAGA” was already viewed negatively by voters — more negatively than other phrases like “Trump Republicans.”
But let’s say that Hart Research actually managed to get a bunch of MAGA-people into that focus group… What would a MAGA troll answer about “Ultra MAGA”? I assume something like “Oh, that is bad! I wouldn’t want to be called that or vote for anyone called that!” (While thinking about how to create a cool t-shirt design for Ultra MAGA). There is no way they want to help this pro-Democrat company to succeed.
And the vulnerable narcissists just can’t understand this: In their minds the deplorables should really care about how the useless talkers view them, because the narcissists really care about what the MAGA-people think (and are horrified about it). The idea that others don’t care about what they are thinking is too painful to even contemplate for the narcissists. The MAGA people only care about what the politicians do, and that is seldom the same as what narcissists say as they are living in a made up narrative.
Another problem for narcissist bigwigs is that their followers are bowing to perceived power, so when the Ultra MAGA crowd appears strong, while the Dems look ridiculous, they will go MAGA. Even it they said they would never ever.
So what is my advice to the Democrat operatives: What should they call the Ultra MAGA people that would be effective in defeating them? Well, the advice is simple: Don’t! You’re just showing what kind of shits you are. Maybe call them something honestly nice like “Great independent freedom-loving patriots that we wish we had in the Democratic Party”? Yea, that isn’t going to happen, but it would work better than any good or bad insult.
Words not to use: "uncomplicated"
If you use a complicated word such as "uncomplicated" to describe something as simple, it will ring as an untrue statement. Same the other way around of course: "the logistics optimization problem was hard" is not what you should write if you want to be paid extra to solve it, so then it's better to write "content dense with many local minima and geo-temporal constraints".
When master manipulators makes recruitment videos…
4th PsyOp Group is searching for new employees:
Srebrenica - another war lie
Multiple sources and independent researchers: No 8000 dead, no one was killed in Srebrenica. Only 2000 dead of fighting between the armies. It was all a hoax created to excuse the war.
Without brainwashing media, there would be very few wars. Wars are seldom about warlords competing for resources even if that is the official narrative, but instead wars are manufactured by traitors in the shadows who don’t have the best interest of their country or empire in mind.
Sweden’s theater king Gustav IV Adolf (överste Gustafsson)
From 1805 Gustav IV Adolf waged war against the anti-establishment Napoleon I together with the Opium Empire. But that wasn’t enough to write the epic play he wanted, so in 1808 he thought it was a great idea to attack Napoleon allied Russia with help of the British navy. Russia realized that it was unsustainable to have Sweden that close to their capital (Saint Petersburg) and it felt forced to do a special operation to de-Britify (It worked - See how I spell “theater”!) and de-militarize Sweden, and Finland was given good terms to become a pretty independent part of Tsar Russia instead of ruled by a Swedish “elite” that cared little about Finland. Gustav IV Adolf was then dethroned and lived the rest of his ever more poor life in central Europe as Överste (Colonel) Gustafsson. Then Sweden’s oligarchs put a French general on the throne who secured Sweden by allying with Russia (and still UK) to remove Napoleon allied Denmark from Norway while not taking back Finland that he was supposed to do.
The similarities to the current theater king i Kyiv are many, even if Zelenskyy didn’t start the war in Donbas but he ramped it up with help of the Brits. So we’ll see of Kolomoisky sends Zelenskyy to UK/Florida and put a smarter puppet on the throne that allies with Russia to not have to pay the huge debt UK, USA and EU has forced upon the mismanaged country.
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Starta krig emot Ryssland med stöd av UK var en idé på 1800-talet heller
Rysslands propaganda är inriktad på att noggrant säga utvalda sanningar, vilket är en helt annan strategi än Ukraina som nu t ex öppet erkänt att Ghost of Kyiv var en myt skapad för att boosta moralen.
"Ryssland är ett sådant hot emot bidragen till korrupta västpolitiker att det är OK att ljuga" verkar vara inställningen hos dem som stödjer teaterkungen i Kyiv - Alla liknelser till en svensk teaterkung (överste Gustafsson) som orsakade att halva riket gick till Ryssland beror på brist på nya bra teaterpjässkrivare?
De svenska EU-clownerna
Ett gäng med outbildbara skådespelare vill hota, döda och förstöra livet för folk som inte vill ta livsfarliga injektioner utan bevisade fördelar. Malin Björk var dock för upptagen med sina clitoris för att rösta…
Jag antar ABK fokuserade lite mer på sin enda mer i skymundan: