Listen to insiders with practical experience! All of USA behind Nord Stream bombings. Ukraine lost
Lyssna på insiders med praktisk erfarenhet! Hela USA bakom Nord Stream-bombningarna. Kvantdatorer
🇸🇪 Dagens blåsiga svenska höstvideo. Svensk text och bild på slutet.
🇸🇪 Rikard Högberg om geopolitiken, Vita hattar emot svarta.
Today’s windy English autumn video.
Yesterday’s videos became bad: OK sound and good image, but I only move now and then. I did check the videos, but didn’t notice how bad especially the English video became. I have fixed the settings now, and I will make sure to not have any extra programs running while recording.
This is why you never ever invite USA
Even sensible senators like Ron Johnson (famous for exposing vaccine damages) are behind the occupy Europe policies, so Europe has to make those policies too costly for USA.
Which kills the most, fentanyl or media?
Media doesn’t give a shit about what their consumers want, so why consume that shit?
The Saudi Energy minister refuses to answer questions from Reuters until they report what he spent time on telling them, instead of making shit up:
This is how the CTO at Ripple improves global settlement with blockchain tech:
There will be another package of Russian sanctions, but Titanic Europa will now also ramp up the sanctions against Iran and we can assume also against Saudi Arabia soon. Why not Turkey, Italy, ramp up the sanctions against Hungary and Poland too?
Regarding the electricity market from yesterday's Substack
There are lots of flaws in the semi-free electricity market we have, but if any central-planners who think they can regulate the market better: then you can make huge profits quickly in the electricity market! Why are they talking shit on the internet instead of making money?
You can be against the financial elite, but listen to the best of them. You can be against industrial medicine, but listen to the best of them! You can be against big government, but listen to those who know how it works. And you can be for a big state, so listen to the best, not the worst, who have arguments against it and preferably can demonstrate it in practice!
A chemical roll vs a cinnamon roll
I wouldn’t recommend eating a cinnamon roll with the ingredients wheat flour, milk, butter, sugar, yeast, cinnamon, egg and salt, as too much wheat and sugar are bad. But compared to the chemical alternative with seed oils and an endless list of chemicals, it’s as healthy as it gets.
Commercial from Schelin’s bakery:
Ingen av bullarna är nyttig, men den ena är verkligen mindre skit än det andra
Vetemjöl och socker är problemet, resten är utmärkt mat.
Angående elmarknaden ifrån gårdagens Substack
Det finns massor med fel i den halv-fria elmarknaden vi har, men om någon central-planerare som tror sig kunna reglera marknaden bättre: Då kan ni göra enorma vinster snabbt på elmarknaden! Varför pratar de skit på Internet i stället för att tjäna pengar?
Ni kan vara emot finanseliten, men lyssna på de bästa av dem. Ni kan vara emot den industriella medicinen, men lyssna på de bästa! Ni kan vara emot en stor stat, men lyssna på dem som vet hur den fungerar. Och ni kan vara för en stor stat, så lyssna på de bästa, inte de värsta, som har argument emot det och helst kan visa det i praktiken!