Mug. L-Lysine. Eating a pine tree. Trudeau pants in danger. Substack video. Swedish Miss Piggy
Mugg. L-lysin. Hur man äter en tall. Trudeau skiter i byxan. Video på Substack. Skoj med Miss Piggy
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska morotsslaktar-video. Svensk text här och var nedan
Today’s English carrot attack video
Now in beta: Video on Substack
That is great! Not sure if I’ll use it normally, but it will be great for paid subscription only videos.
Vaccinations supports death and destruction
The Swedish celeb and entertainer Peter Wahlbeck celebrated his 59th birthday yesterday, and all he wanted for present is that people don’t take the jab which fills the pockets of the evil corporations that will use those money to murder children and manipulate media.
I have some not nice thoughts about people taking a booster NOW, but I can’t think of a better strategy than ignoring these people all together. They will be severely punished by themselves, so I need to focus on my lovely followers instead.
New Swedish mug image on the way to Teespring:
🇸🇪 Hör av er med förslag på förbättringar innan jag uppdaterar Teespring:
L-Lysine Therapy Interrupts Replication of Virus By Joseph Mercola
Mercola missed a important point: Wheat is low in lysine and causes zinc deficiency. So avoiding bread and pasta does wonders for your general health.
Pine needle tea is always a good idea. He also talks about how to use the layer just under the bark, and the fresh spring spruce tips (the new tops of the branches)
Pine needle tea is actually not loaded with vitamin C (the tea contains very little C, and you can find many web pages that explain this), but it does contain other substances that acts like vitamin C according to this study:
How to use the pine tree for medicine:
Permies, an excellent place to find information and answers regarding Permaculture:
The Survival Podcast, Jack Spirko talks a lot about Permaculture and regenerative systems.
Plants for a Future, a very extensive plant database, perfect for designing your food forest.
🇸🇪 Förutom tallbarrste så pratar han om hur man kan göra mjöl av lagret under barken, plocka skott ifrån gran och tall tidigt på våren och förutom att äta dem direkt/frysa in, så kan man göra klet av dem. Bark kan användas till hostmedicin mm. Notera att det finns en massa sidor på Internet som förklarar att tallbarrste inte alls innehåller någon större mängd C-vitamin, men studien jag länkar till ovan visar att det innehåller andra ämnen som tillsammans har ungefär samma effekt som C-vitamin så man får inte skörbjugg om man dricker tallbarrste.
GreenMedInfo lists the Top 10 Natural Cough and Lung Remedies
Ginger, moisture, gargle with salt water, steam bath, thyme, honey, neti pot, Marshmallow Root, turmeric, Eucalyptus, Bromelain, Spiced Tea

Some stats I've seen: If you get covid and get early treatment, your risk of dying is lower than if you haven't gotten covid nor any treatment.
Which makes sense: You treat covid by fixing deficiencies and problems in the body like clotting, and of course you don't drink and sky-dive while being sick.
I wouldn’t want to be Trudeau’s pants now!
Footage of the Freedom Convoy 2022 from Medicine Hat! Next stop Swift Current 💚

Swedish social minister and Miss Piggy look-alike Lena Hallengren is a nice lady… who should never ever be in a government:
🇸🇪 GreenMedInfo listar Topp 10 naturliga host- och förkylningsbotemedel (automatöversättning)
Ingefära, fukt, gurgla med saltvatten, ångbad, timjan, honung, nätkruka, marshmallowrot, gurkmeja, eukalyptus, bromelain, kryddat te.
Vår kära Peter Wahlbeck fyllde 59 år igår och firade såhär:
Lite väl hård kritik emot Lamotte bara för att han filmade lite motståndsrörelse.
Men Lamotte intervjuade även mig:
They do spray a lot of shit in the skies, but this is just a normal contrail that is created when there is a clear sky but with a lot of moisture in it.