UK and Ukraine-lunatics. USD continues to kill. Elon Musk wants to be a Russian troll. Steve Bannon
Ukraina-dårar och värdelösa Strandhäll-kritiker. Britt-vinter. USD. Musk vill bli rysstroll? Bannon
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Today’s English late video (On Facebook)
Things that no one says:
I wish I’ve had taken a covid injection.
I wish we would have sent more money to Ukraine.
I wish more was done earlier to save the climate.
What Really Just Happened In The UK...
“a globalist coup”. And the acting “prime minister” Jeremy Hunt is a total cunt. But at least there are now job opportunities in London:

Futures Slide As Global Yields Soar, Pushing Bond Markets To Edge Of Breaking
Last half year I’ve been saying buy USD, but some stupid people bought Yen instead:
And then panic intervention - This will be a disaster:
And all the gold morons suggest that you should buy gold for $2000
Don’t listen to people like that! Fed will continue to tighten into at least November, and might actually accelerate after a Republican wave as the big banks want bail-out money from the Democrats before they leave office.
And the German parliament has voted to suspend the debt brake. Do you think that will “fix” something?
UK Retail Sales YoY -6.9% versus Predicted -5% and Previous -5.4%. The UK is also running inflation at 10.1%.
Stocks Spike After WSJ 'Fed Whisperer' Hints At Pause/Pivot
NOTE: “A pause, not a pivot!” - This will get worse.
Biden Admin Reportedly Unaware Of "National Security Review" Of Musk Ventures
Elon Musk also had some friendly talks with Medvedev on Twitter, and got invited to Victory Day in Moscow (9th of May). Getting out of the Twitter deal, by being friendly to Russia plus that Musk might get less jamming of the Starlink system?
Steve Bannon Sentenced To 4 Months For Defying Jan. 6 Subpoena
If you strike him down, he’ll come back stronger than ever.
Ukraine is the head of the globalist serpent
When Ukraine falls, all the power structures of the western world will crumble.

When Ukraine falls, Ursula will be thrown in an old rusty Russian meat grinder as the bribes will stop coming and the kompromat will fail:

Ukraine is admitting up to 40% of its power infrastructure has now been hit, and this is not sustainable for the Kiev regime, and it will be 50% tomorrow, 60% on Sunday…
Wake up:
Children have access to sexual information and worse - You have to lock them up to stop that
I despise politicians who pretend to care about saving children from sexual information. These politicians/pundits are just narcissist control freaks on the other side, and they should focus on giving children wise information, and mostly protect them from being castrated or injected to death:

Will the new Swedish PM Ulf Kristersson do better than Liz Truss?

An anonymous pro-Ukraine troll made me think:
Who don’t make Ukraine wins predictions?
None of the smart power-players have made any predictions on how fast Ukraine will beat Russia. Only the compulsive liars, weapon salespeople and demon media have been babbling like that. What we hear from politicians is “We must defend Ukraine!” etc.
Both sides are preemptively blaming each other for nuclear false flags

I doubt that this is credible information, but the Russia is starting this narrative to make it much harder for the Ukraine-grifters to get away with something like this. Russia missed to say that USA will blow up the Nord Stream pipelines before they did it, and then it happened. So there are two rules:
Always accuse the other side of what you are guilty of.
Always accuse the other side of what they might be about to do.
Scott Adams: “There is no way 95% of the MDs refuse to speak out and say that masks don’t work and covid injections don’t help.”
We have had plenty of priests, sorry, I mean indoctrinated pushers of big pharma drugs that have been speaking out against mask, covid injections and symptoms "medicine". This is because the church of Rockefeller is just a little bit of over 100 years old, so they haven't perfected the process of only allowing true believers in the narrative to enter the church.
Now look at older churches like the Western Roman Church. They have had some problems in England, Germany and the Nordic countries "lately", but not one single priest, even a protestant, has said that God and Jesus are a scam. That's odd, because more or less, other centralized religions' all officials say that.
If you spend 200+ years in perfecting an organization to only believe the holy narrative, that organization and everyone in it will believe in the holy narrative. Big Pharma isn't there yet, CCP isn't there yet, I say Odin will be back and England will have its parliament in York.
Pain in the entire body?
Here are some safe things to try, except going off the meds:
Nutritional yeast - The vitamin Bs in it will help your body to digest toxins. 2-4 table spoons per day, and you can't really overdose it, so if cost isn't an issue...
Vitamin D extra: For someone in the size of of Scott, 15000 IU per day, at least for some months. Half of that is recommended though. Vitamin D can be toxic if you’re deficient in magnesium, potassium, and vitamin K2 though - an egg a day keeps big pharma away. Lack of magnesium, potassium and salt might cause pain, cramps and high blood pressure - Yes, lack of salt causes high blood pressure (the body overcompensates) according to textbook medicine that most MDs has forgotten.
Find an MD that knows about chlorine dioxide - This is actual bleach, but it just bleach via giving oxygen without creating toxins in the process, so in strong concentrations great and safe for paper, but in much lower concentrations it just help the body to get oxygen out to the inflammation.
Then, if you can stomach it: Tons of garlic and curry.
And the cheapest solution to try: Fasting. No carbs or protein for 16+ hours of the day and maybe not for days. Carb free vegetables and pure fat like butter, fish oils and coconut fats can be allowed - No seed oil, because they are bad for other reason.
Heat, massage etc.
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Tuffe-Uffe visar hur han älskar anti-demokrater
Vad tror ni, klarar Tuffe-Uffe att hålla sig kvar längre än Liz Truss? Han behöver bara sitta kvar tills november för att inte vara den sämsta “konservativa” “ledaren” i Europa.
Turkiet: Inget har förändrats – gör som vi säger, annars blir det inget Nato-medlemskap
Elsa Widding forsätter att irritera skiten ur klimatfanatikerna som aldrig hört den andra sidan:

Moderat-globalisterna behöver påminnas att de är totala clowner

Såhär dum i hela Ukraina-huvudet är hjärntvättade
Jan Ericson:

Sådär går det om man inte följer mig och aldrig hör andra sidan. Då framstår man som en lallande idiot för dem som sett de motstridiga rapporterna och har en mer nyanserad bild.
Här i Linköping har M gått ihop med S för att slippa småpartierna (Såhär säger S). De behöver en röst till för majoritet i KF, men det lär de väl få ifrån någon sida i varje fråga. Det här kanske är en jättebra idé, men… Nåja, det bra är att de verkar vara mer pragmatiska än ideologiska, å andra sidan kanske de blir/är maktfullkompliga också.
Narcissister kommenterar Annika Strandhäll
Jag noterar att många på speciellt Twitter ägnar en massa tid åt att kommentera Strandhälls uttalanden. Om man inte har något bättre för sig och inte kan hitta en värdigare motståndare, så är man faktiskt en värdelös debattör och har inget att tillföra.