More climbing. Damning Demolition Day, WTC-7! Virus decoys. Australia still a penal colony?!?
Covid-vaxxade blir sjuka oftare. Minns WTC-7! Virusfällor. Australien fortfarande en fångkoloni
Dagens svenska knopknytarvideo.
Today’s big boulder climing English video.
Live tomorrow 20:00 CET / 2 PM EST on Facebook:
Direktsändning kl 21:00 på Facebook i morgon
James Corbett: False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda — Part 1: Origin Story
Keep reminding everyone with many followers to ask the question if the vaccines lower the general hospitalizations! This is so against everything they have heard that it just doesn’t compute in their brains, so it needs to be asked thousands of times.

Australia is still a penal colony
Australia requires residents to apply for permission before leaving the country, and moste are denied. What?!?
Tens of thousands of Australian are trying to get permission to leave their prison continent:
Virus decoys
The interesting idea of injecting soluble ACE2 into Covid-19 patients to create high affinity decoys for the virus works well in vitro and is variant proof.
This is similar to that you during the winter (or AC:ed summer) should keep the air 40% humid, because then there will be a lot of cell wall debris in your mucus membranes, and then viruses will penetrate those which will just destroy the viruses.
Ivor Cummins and Professor Gordan Lauc from Zagreb: Having humidity over 40% indoors is a really big deal, and helps your respiratory system fight invading viruses!
🇫🇮 Finnish PM speaks out against the covid vaccine insanity
He did miss the important question though: Do the people who take the vaccine more often end up in hospital for all reason? (Yes, they do.) But he did say that Finland actually has no official covid deaths yet (They will be presented 2022), while the vaccine deaths are piling up.
Quiz is back - What are the only two bloke things I like?
According to Josefin, this is stuff that blokes like:
The Wire
Functional clothing
Watch building sites
The Sopranos
Kitchen knives from Japan
Explaining things in detail
Wrist watches
Chili (the stronger, the better)
Snus (under the lip tobacco)
Expensive bikes
Hit each other pretty hard on the shoulder
Most people got that I like chili, but then I actually don’t like to explain things in detail. I like to simplify. But that was a great guess. I like watching building sites more than people in general though. They are somehow inspiring.

De flesta visste jag gillar chili, så den var lätt. Men jag tycker faktiskt inte om att förklara saker in i minsta detalj, utan jag vill förenkla och fokusera på det viktiga, men en bra gissning! Jag gillar att stirra på byggarbetsplatser för det är liksom inspirerande att se något byggas upp.
Partier går emot “sina” väljare för de tror de äger dem?

Moderaterna vill förbjuda sig själva
M vill alltså förbjuda diskriminerande organisationer som Moderaterna som vill införa vaccinpass.
S emot skolval?
Nja, inte riktigt, men… Vilka väljare är det som inte vill välja skola åt sina barn? Någon enda? Varför går både M, S och SD ut med skit som deras väljare inte vill ha? Strategin verkar vara att de skiter i sina egna hjärntvättade får som aldrig kommer att lämna partiet för att kunna locka till sig nya väljare.

Jag påminde förstås kommunisten Christian att hans parti är för vaccinpass, så att han kan dra åt helvete.