Yesterday's "English" episode transcribed
Nej, denna Substack är bara på "engelska".... Skulle ha varit, i alla fall...
I let transcribe yesterday’s English video. First with auto-detecting the language, and then with American English that turns “Ljusdal” into “You Star” and “Houston”.
Today, everything is about hendling person attack in a new. You will be better the way and the real talk about crying. Chine as bad Lets start, which making a big day broth Så till dig, it's freaking warm it's freaking.
Så där minns att vi har minus femtio 3DG is gäst till dig. That is as much coolder as freecing is the room temperature. Så det finns really warm. Så! If you got a lot of Persson attack, When your discussing-subjekt.
You should of course, the classic för Winner. Nors och sist bodde i sina not so good away, det vill säga Johan, gjorde de flitet, att mitt de flit, bitch of course i will näve duuk.
Jag satt och liv den. Materia så är det Even more crulway to handel. Den narcissist at just loost. The audience because I had no arguments dig start, tack.
Jo! Tänk den! Folk Confessing, det här är have no arguments. Så jag tycker inte att det är high och ground. Jag tror att det är vår receptperiod. En gäst är tanken för att bli så uppenbart att the had no arguments agens jork Wisdom.
That's how you can do it try it out and report back. So, I look at strengthings happening here, maybe you have new yearsparty Happning och mitting är lata och relativt snabb och Christmas.
En year ship, en Johan tomitelat om Fipol, en speciell feelgood business meeting Its a big Problow that. But here's a refram from Richard Brandsson is made. Ta Timdes. Så hissar Fonder of nudging Group. Big Riche, I think it's also.
I know. Där är det sant en Call in provert när nazism, it's gold that by me, only me, så that is concert by invalted samgärter go. Så jag har Hade du någon av sig sist vart vi troligtvis trodde att det är spot.
En jul si där man gick till salubad, mim, mim, lookat me. En introvert, Narciss assist här, så heries, the lik det är ett kökslake in Ljusdal. Vi kan se i Sverige well Frosen. I Det är influerat nazistisk, det är något innerre i livet.
Det är fel important. Efter det kan make Aders get excluded from their life. This is why you will level the middle of meten. If first Labortie en mejlcellebrati, allmois, den you maintencontruden.
Det gavs ju väl ett vis, Young Women, that will try to picky up. Den gör trying tuna och Gage with dem, David Dampio, and the S:t I will break for the Fräls, S:t I will just break for themself.
Vill så important because I haven't said now to this high statos Persson Så this is quite cars of problem, they dest straight on relations, just because I want to herbis, Nancy sist, life of feeling that they have some sort of control while they areas the strong fromelf.
If like if you are now have anoraktics behave. The go are hearound food that I really wanted att använda refusedatet.
Det spitat är really vante. Det är file Power over the air self and där ser cituation, which is samsort of simulation of the simulations is supply. If you refram, chines, aspin selfiff.
This helps. White. Jag tänker in i Fiarshaj, you don't want to take to people. En säljare straff. You want to big event, where you need to meet business context and your basically begin for connections and atention.
En ju fil like perussite. Bottif you work as a bad tänder har in customer support. Skipeople have no problem during the dong that I know, meni. Chipeople hope very waysly. Det har gjort någonting prov där shorts skills.
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So in that situation is no problem, we cossa paid to help aders.
Att vi får göra något paid på helpadelus, you are at leave the paid of manitratent to this event. Basson Madder. Jag kan gå in där och hjälpa pipel. Jag ser samman sitting in de kameror.
And You tried to help them, getting started, warm matter, social interaktions, events, Nadley, you feel more like Hero, den social parasiten, forcause you are Jag är fri, fri, fri, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej.
Lothey. But as usual Hero. Så som shit är bara ett aj here.
The chat JPT that is bergbok and it berg har Library. I think Stattitz have no bias och whatever i ett only techs all information and think about it and put it out. But the data that it gets is bullshet, it's very bajas.
Än den Etforms shit opiniens. Why ele effings start of that it hasn't opiniens. Vi ses med oss i en trästing. Vi fick en naiv incluck that. I'm so on bias vielukta. Att all data i den här form, samma opinion.
Så är det lockat bullshit, en här form av sitt uppinjan. En speciellfläckig gästsida och bandside. Ja, så arter physual intelligence will really teachers who have how we think. I spreally how we speil in the same way.
Ortepishal intelligence, så dess berg-inrustingar, tänker. Och så överraskar jag till CH och tänker bara ta Google makemani. Nittionio procent av The times vann ju just Google, vi har skaffat JohanT or nadher soutiony.
Jo, if you want to transform this serod the gris Selcious interfaran hype, what the groggle and you. Jag har tejpat in henne ju. Get, där du är saltated. Datsamt en AI could also do. Och att vi skrivs no revy new to Google.
Det måste jag aldrig att Bigest many is when your sörts that sullt in anything ljusfull. The cases that you will look at ads. If Norre salsa där, Vinatluckat, event adds, Mipy of interest for you.
So Day make more many if the Provide averse service. That's why you need competitions en mång different satisaniens. The use these things for example converting Selciöst och farhight där just att service, så att dig kan.
Okepaj apart of your bread. En av enjo Always have the research and gäng that you use in your head. You will also use it when you need to look at some other specific risen.
And that's something I use Worksample. I want to work about year space. Thank you, look at me. Valålder time. Den if you need the mag, maybe you consider by my mind. My much and najs. I will book on more of that's straff.
En intrastory from Scated advanced på also Game with the previous side, samma parts of dem. Dilbert, was at the beginning. I started drally discomic. It was trolltal i Failing, it was not expanding, but the more new speaker wanted it.
So scouted as a skate is surdication, his syndikeret. Det är att i Bont put on the internet. Det är att fio people have heardable. Så dig, låt Well. Puttigt app er som dig after roll nu. Just People have run it.
Dever redies-gärdat people who just lookat i Internet. Den når han mot Ridcomics in den. Den ljus pejpersen i mål. Så det störs out to be big success and heated damsharies. Emailadress, om Hesestrips, en people who just got email.
Det är helt ovanligt i email, det går att nåvan här dit. Och off course, email-him, because he was 1 of the future and like that, and people said that this is good, this is värld.
And the lat of people add. The delbet is really boaring when heesat home. We want to be at Början saffring, en scoutadammshimself.
Det är ett likeies jobb, that's why I want to make this. Comic Carrier-instad. But everyone is state now, which you beat work klassiskt målfall där. Så i receptet är det dags att vara en dum.
I något trying to make videos or stabsstacks for me. I think we get them from you. And the more gästions I get from you. The more better staff I can provide. There is General problem där, with artist, the create staff for demself.
Which meat work, but you should earlier. Artic Don't comes you so much art. En Johan. Ju havs av special skills och way of presenting, complicated staff really is about the staff.
It's not a complicated staff. What must be able to go into the digital säger: Wanthem kondens and a conclusion and a conclusion and the done, givet ett litet bit metal the bouns.
If you have procenting samt thing factual än den ju have discussions of course and research with a small group.
That's not water, you are act t-shirt. On the other hand, i features stack in i en smal grupp. Han gör något taking the big public. You like this craving of makeing things really simple.
Så 1 person that having training from the other side. The specialist peer korg. I don't know is exactly. Profession Bager Fimes medical doktor and researcher. It's specialibout covered.
1 of the health of FL-C-C. He's been much better at being an expa ert. Like simple 5 what the experts now. Så där fick han kommunikativ än den Åså getter, Anders, mps-halvt. Så vi åkte in och gav oss vaccinhistori.
Så narrativ vi changeing now. It's just the weather people, that were scopeed a calabator covered the vaccins. Im not on anti-växel. But and then I have some credits with gender covered injektion.
Now they sit small like high bossen and anti-vaxer. Now I am because if you look into the history of the small pox. Skäm. It was not goodvägsiv that make people more healthy.
Same with polio, I feelok closlig. It's all boule kit's all boule kit, back in History from the start. Att lesta colding to Pierre korg. Så att det är skift där i en halvrik talk about it.
Now it is it. I wasnt and anti-vaxer. What now I'm. Putin is saing that so far, you say is the growth success, the wideing, you cream and Racha. So they are Det är en bra fråga. Det är en bra fråga.
Det är en bra fråga. Det är en bra fråga. Det är en bra fråga. Det Butin is showed that I will totally simply destroy all this pakroat systems if the Evert country you crime. Sims like där Russhan militärindustri is winning.
Det begås Iven IF the American militärindustri. Vi kan ställa Lotta of stoff, but it's simst that är staffisk not working, which will be come bergberg, bad for sales in the Longher 1 En hel way here.
Very tiny. Läggs. Är ni halv? Så har jag tänkt att Det är svårt att ta hand om det. Det är svårt att ta hand om det.
Det är svårt att ta hand om the way, we will loose. Most of the world castamers, och Iven use a politicians meet Demand that we Bizam, bättre webans standard och hans datal. Där är Experience mellan Failing in your crime.
God when with the tip of my Saabs, och jag kan se öl. Plaing Jeses i några roller. Så gick Johan och ser något av kut och katt i midges. Maj här som typ om maj Facebook. Det har jag genom om maj som stack.
Vilket är slint tog från maj Facebook. Neway. Det är guld by here from the Lake close to Ljusdal. The charts like Men vi kan se att malten far away där. Ihop. Segern, tomorrow and good contination of Christmas.
With American English selected
Hello, the English speakers, and welcome to the museum of You Star.
So here you see all the cultured crushers and maybe colosseum looks even worse from the back. But yeah, it's very nice museum, by the way, if you want, to be interesting local culture here in Houston.
Today, I will teach you something about handling personal attacks in a new, even better away and we'll talk about curing sinus. But let's start by taking a big deep breath. So today, it's freaking warm.
It's freezing. So that means that we had minus 23 degrees yesterday and that is as much colder as freezing is the room temperature. So this feels really warm. So if you get a lot of personal attacks when you're discussing some subject.
Then you should, of course, declare yourself winner. But a narcissist would do this in a not so good way. They will say, won your defeat, and admit defeat, which, of course, they will never do.
And you just have to leave them. But here's an even more crude way to handle the narcissist that just lost the argument because they had no arguments.
So they start to attack you. Thank them for confessing that they have no arguments. So you're taking the higher ground.
You're totally more or less superior and you just thank them for being so open with that they have no arguments against your wisdom. So that's how you can do it. Try out a report back. So a lot of things happening here.
Maybe you have a new year's party. Happening or meeting a lot of relatives now for Christmas and you're shy and you want to meet a lot of people, especially if you go to a business meeting It's a big problem there.
But here's a refrain from Ricard Branson, his mother taught him this.
So he is the founder of Urging Group, big big week reached and he's I think knighted also. Anyhow, there is something called in provide narcissism. It's called that by me, only me. So that is a concept I invented some years ago.
So you have other narcissist that you will totally spot and you will see them. It's all about me, me, me, look at me. An introvert, nurse assist, have so here is the lake. Charge like in install.
As you can see, it's very well frozen. It the introvert narcissist, they get inner, not inner, really, but they feel important if they can make others get excluded from their life. So this is why you will never meet them.
If you're a celebrity, a male celebrity almost always, then you might encounter them. Because you will at these young women that will try to pick you up and then when you are trying to, you know, engage with them.
They will dump you. And then sometimes they will brag for their friends. Sometimes they will just brag for themselves. 0 I feel feel so important because I even said no to this high status person.
So this is, of course, a problem. They destroy their own relations just because they want to have these narcissists lie of feeling that they have some sort of control while they are just destroying from themselves.
If like if you are know how anorectics behave, they go and hang around food that they really want to eat.
And when they refused to eat that, despite that they really want, they feel power over their their self and their situation, which is some sort of similar to a narcissist supply. So if you reframe shyness has been selfish.
This helps. Why? So you are thinking if you are shy, you don't want to talk to people and sell your stuff. You go to the big event where you need to meet business contacts and you are basically begging for connections and attention.
And you feel like a parasite. But if you work as a bartender or in customer support, shy people have no problem doing that.
I know many shy people who very wisely, they want to improve their social skills so then they start to work as especially a bartender or something like that.
And they learn how to talk to people and be more comfortable around them. So in that situation, it's no problem because they are paid to help others.
But if you're not paid to help others, you actually have paid a lot of money to attend to this event. Doesn't matter. You can still go in there to help people. You see someone sitting in the corner.
And you try to help them getting started, warm up their social interactions. And then lovely. You feel more like a hero than social parasite because you are. You're really trying to help someone else.
And that's the way you can reframe your shyness into Not shy, but a social hero. So some shit about AI here. This ChatGP that is very bulk and it very hard liberal to say the least. But it thinks that it's have no bias whatsoever.
It only takes all the information and think about it and put it out. But the data that it gets is bullshit. It's very biased. And then it forms shit opinions while it thinks sort of that it has no opinions.
And This is mostly interesting because that's how we think, even I think like that. I'm so I'm biased, I looked at all the data and then I form some more opinion.
So I look at bullshit and I form a shit opinion and especially if you just see the 1 side. Yeah. So artificial intelligence will really teach us about how we think, especially how we fail in the same way as artificially intelligence.
So that's very interesting, I think. Also interesting here to see how or think about how Google make money. 99 percent of the times when you use Google, we just get the result you want or another such onion.
You If you want to transform this 0 degrees Celsius into Fahrenheit, you go to Google and you just type it in and you get the result at once. That's something an AI could also do. But this gives no revenue to Google.
They mostly actually get the biggest money is when your search doesn't result in anything useful because then you will look at the ads. If no results are there, why not look at even the ads might be of interest for you?
So they make more money if they provide a worse service. So that's why you need competition. Among different such onions. But they use these things, for example, converting celsius to Fahrenheit.
They use that service so that they can occupied a part of your brain. And when you always have the search engine that you use in your head, you will also use it when you need to look at some ads for a specific reason.
And that's something I use For example, I want to occupy your space so that you look at me all the time.
And then if you need a mug, maybe consider buying my mug or my my my merchandise. I will work on more of that stuff. And interesting story from Scott Adams here who also gave me the previous IDs, some of them or some parts of them.
When Billbert was at the beginning. He started to draw the this comic. It was totally failing. It was not expanding and no more newspaper wanted it.
So Scott Adams asked his syndication, his syndicate that he wanted to put it on the Internet that few people have heard about. So they thought, well, put it up there some day after all the newspapers have run it.
They were really scared that people would just look at the Internet and then no 1 would read comics in the newspapers anymore. So this turns out to be a big success, and he Scott Adams Harriss.
It email address on his strips and people who just got emailed. They had no 1 to email because no 1 had it. So So, of course, they emailed him because he was 1 of the few who liked that.
And people said, this is good. This is bad. And a lot of people said, Gilbert is really boring when he is at home. We want him to be up work and suffering. And Scott Adams himself didn't like his job.
That's why he wanted to make this. Comic carrier instead. But everyone else thought no deal that should be at work. Because he's more fun there. So he adapted, and that's what I am doing. I'm not trying to make videos or subtext for me.
I'm trying to get them from you and the more suggestions I get from you, the more better stuff I can provide. There is general problem there with artists. They create stuff for themselves.
Which might work, but usually Artists don't consume so much art. And you want you have some special skills or a way of presenting complicated stuff really easy, but then you not need to know the complicated stuff.
But most people don't want to go into the details they want them condensed and then a conclusion or a conclusion.
And then you will down, give it a little bit meat on the bones. If you are presenting something factual, And then you have discussions, of course, and research with a small group, but that's not what you are as a teacher.
And on the other hand, if you just get stuck in a small group and you're not talking to the big public. You lack this training of making things really simple.
So 1 person that have been training from the other side, the specialist Pierre Cory, I don't know he is exact professional, but yeah, very famous medical doctor and researcher, especially about COVID, 1 of the heads of FLCCC He has been much better at being an expert like simplify what this expert know so that he can communicate and then also get a better understanding himself.
So he looked into all this vaccine history. So the narrative is changing now. It used to be that people said that we're skeptical about the COVID vaccines.
I'm not an anti vector, but and then they have some creases against the COVID injection. Nowadays, it's more like I wasn't an anti vector. Now I am because if you look into the history of the smallpox scam.
It was not a good vaccine that made people more healthy. Same with polio. If you look closely, It's all bullshit. It's all bullshit. Back in history from the start, at least according to Pierre Cory.
So that's the shift there, you know. How they talk about it? Nowadays, it's I wasn't an anti vector. But now I am. Putin is saying that so far, you say, is having great success dividing Ukraine and Russia.
So they are very good. According to Putin, they are winning the propaganda war pretty much. On the other hand, Porting is sure that they will totally simply destroy all these paperwork systems if they ever come to Ukraine.
It seems like the Russian military industry is winning because even if the American military industry, they cancel a lot of stuff, but then it seems that their stuff is not working, which will become very, very bad for the sales in the longer run.
And here we have a what? Very tiny. Legs. Anyhow?
So I think that actually it is the weapons industry in USA that will say this war needs to end or change or something must happen because Otherwise, we will lose most of our customers or even USA politicians might demand that we by some better weapons than the ones that are very expensive and are failing in Ukraine.
But we are with a tip on my sub stack. Where you can see all playing Jesus in a role there. So if you want to see a lot of cute cat images, I have some dip on my Facebook or in on my some stack which is linked to from my Facebook.
Anyway, good by here from the lake close to Houston, the Church Lake. And you can see up mountain far away there. I hope. See you again tomorrow and good continuation of Christmas.