Will possibly need to scan through your archives to understand why you've completely stopped eating bread. We only eat home cooked bread (less preservatives) and use organic flour. I realised dwarf wheat is a GM mess, but spelt is still mostly unmolested and in its intended form.

I used to have very bad "not want to leave the house" anxiety. Then I got ill with a stomach parasite. NHS couldn't diagnose my illness, but a nutritional therapist did (with a more advanced stool test then the NHS does). My bloods indicated that my stomach wasn't good at extracting certain B vitamins. My nutritionist mentioned these were linked to anxiety and put me on some high quality supplements.

I haven't had anxiety since. I was cured pretty much over night, agree decades of suffering!

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Interesting tips for depression...am currently in deeply anxious state and its crippling

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And yet you manage to intake information and improve yourself! 🥰 💪 👍

Anxiety is said to be living in the future. Reframing it as if you live in the now, and while you prepare for the future, the future is a wonderful future movie that you will see later.

But otherwise, I guess the same things that help depression, help against anxiety.

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I will try to remember that about anxiety, am a new grandmother and ruminate for their future. Thank you

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