Truth Social outside of USA. Baby formula and seed oils. Ukraine turning on the west? Bigwig fun
Ingen Truth Social i Sverige än. Fröoljor och ungt ansikte. Ukraina byter sida? Skoj med pampar
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video
🇸🇪 😸 Dagens svenska katt Milla vägrar gå hem-video
🇸🇪 Bara lite svensk text på slutet, men se automatöversättning för de engelska texterna är inte intressanta om man inte kan engelska väl, men bilderna är talande.
😸 Today’s English speaking cat Milla who refuses to go home from the forest.
🐦 Milla meets happy magpie
Today’s English video (on Brighteon)
(Explanation of rabid dog. Dragons and bears referring to the neighbouring countries. Think about “talk beyond the sale” and see why South Korea and Japan aren’t mentioned…)
To save you the hours I spent on this this morning:
💩 Truth Social was open for registering on the web in USA
To register on Truth Social you need:
Been awake early this morning when I started my try to register: “Registrations Closed - is not accepting new members” it says now. I guess they will open up again now and then.
A USA phone number which costs at least $7 / month to get a virtual number that forwards your SMSes. I would pay $7 a year for a US number just to verify my Truth account, but not per month. And no: Google Voice also demands that you already have a US number to get another one, and you can’t use as Google isn’t that easy to trick.
A USA IP-number (possible to fix with a proxy or VPN). Otherwise it says “Access denied - You do not have access to”
You need a working email address too, but I guess at least my Subscribers have that.
US baby formula
Spoiler: The answer is yes in the same thread.
@PEG seems really pegged to being informed…
Dr. Cate Shanahan also goes attack-dog on seed oils and bad sugars in the US baby formulas, that are likely worse than even a bad (non-contaminated) home-made baby formula. She discusses with Dr Drew where to find good recipes, so you don’t have to trust me. Cate is about 56 years old (gratuated high school in 1984), by the way. Seed oils and sugars make you age way too early.
Israeli post-injection all causes mortality
Let's finally stop these unnecessary, negatively effective, life-threatening experimental mRNA and DNA injections! "I believe Israel has become the world's lab right now because they are using only our vaccine at this state and they have vaccinated a very big part of their population, so we can study both economy and health indices." (Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, during an interview given to NBC News on Friday) So, let's have a look at the most reliable and most important health index in Israel: All-cause mortality...
Well, I still think that Bourla, Fauci, the Biden Administration, most members of parliament and congresses, most celebs and "journalists", the Davos gang and members of CCP need 7 more boosters. If one targets the risky group of people, life expectancy will sky-rocket (Only data to 2020 for Israel?).
I think the life expectancy will show more horrible figures in 2021 and 2022 than the excess mortality shows as many more young people died.
Putin sick? Or just eating all the time like Greta?
These two’s last year looks like a “reverse Pompeo” (he’s gotten really slim and fit) to me. I wouldn’t advice to give Greta testosterone to cure her libtardness, but some good nutrition and fasting will get the hormones in order and trigger autophagy (See Dr Eric Berg’s video)
Of course the Pfizer and Sputnik injections increased inflammation too. Putin should have listened to Kim Jong-Un (see below) or Magufuli.
Russians can hear something slightly not the narrative on state media, why can’t people in the west?
Russians can hear the other side's arguments, and reasons why not to go totally crazy and occupy the parts of Ukraine that just don’t want to be Russian.
While few in Sweden and USA will ever hear about Azovs using civilians as human shields as they constantly did.
(Details might be wrong) But remember how Sweden got a new king in the beginning of the 19th century, and the new king continued to be “allied” (He just declared war…) to UK (very much like Turkey now… Buying S-400 from Russia and stopping NATO in Sweden-Finland unless Erdogan gets EVERYTHING he wants) and former Napoleon General now Swedish king did turn Sweden against Napoleon and allied with Russia and took care of Denmark (taking Norway).
So what if Ukrainians use their weapons to not pay their debt to USA, UK and EU… And ask for protection from Russia instead? Unlikely, but that would be devastating for the trust in the financial = military powers in USA, UK and EU. After that, who would pay a debt to those organizations instead of just paying Russia to protect them?
Yes, I can warn about deflation at the same time as I’m warning about hyperinflation - First deflation and then hyperinflation - Not uncommon in history.
A scary thought - War beyond the last Ukrainian
The military industrial complex could just send autonomous robot drones to Ukraine or any country, and say that there is someone in a cave that is controlling them, and they aren't involved at all... At least it seems like that is possible as Russia isn’t nuking London and Washington DC despite them sending weapons to the enemy.
Some fun with shitheads, dickheads and Kimheads 😁
Tedros had excellent discussion with Klaus Schwab in Davos 2019, but how is going now?
Billionaire Revolt as Jeff Bezos Attacks Joe Biden Over Inflation (Salty reports)
First Musk, then the supervillain Bezos with his rocket dick, and then… Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros and Bill Gates will turn on Biden?!? Even Psaki circled her back from Biden so that a black immigrant lesbian (or is he a fag?) could get blamed for having the worst possible job that the one who cleans Joe’s pants said no to.
How much would you demand in salary to defend Biden’s actions to a bunch of equally horrible humanlike creatures and a few who actually make a good point against his administration? I think I could do it for a week, but I’m not sure. Unfortunately, I would do a way better job than Biden deserves until I do a oupsie and destroy him… “10% for the big guy is a lower number than the food and energy inflation, so ignore that!”
North Korea has not become plandemically mad!
Automatic translated Swedish article with missleading headline
The Western media is spreading fantasies about lckcdowns and such, but Kim seems to know that early treatment is the way to go, and as I told you, something might bespreading from a river from China or some other kind of bioweapons attack. Anyway, the point is to treat the illnesses early, which doctors can often do if they don't have authorities breathing down their necks even if they don't know what the disease or cause is.
The country's leader Kim Jong-un reportedly criticised authorities at a meeting on Sunday for being slow to provide pharmacies with medicines on time, and the country's pharmacies have been ordered to stay open around the clock.
Military medics have been deployed to Pyongyang to help with drug logistics, according to state news agency KCNA.
North Korea has received several offers of vaccines - both doses from Astra Zeneca and from China's Sinovac - through the international vaccine partnership Covax.
However, the country has declined - probably because of doubts about its effectiveness and unwillingness to accept monitoring requirements.
Kim is on top of it. Or maybe he's just justifiably paranoid.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Hemsk bröstmjölksersättning i USA, men BVC i Sverige då?
Ida Josephine Hildén skrev flera exempel:
När Theodor fick växtvärk för några år senare frågade jag BVC vad det orsakas av och hur man hjälper hans kropp. Det gick inte bra: … istället för nyfikenhet möttes av pesimism ang "vad är magnesium egentligen??"
Slutade med att Ida skrev ut barnen ifrån BVC då BVC ger sämre råd än man själv kan lära sig om man bara inte är en satan-dyrkande fjant som tror på Livsmedelsverket och liknande människofarliga organisationer.
(Nordkorea kallade fd Vicepresidenten Joe Biden för en rabieshund som behövde klubbas ihjäl med en påk. Gudakejsaren är förstås ett Trump-meme, och björnar och drakar symboliserar förstås grannländerna - Sedan får ni fundera på varför Sydkorea och Japan inte nämns… “talk beyond the sale” kan man säga på engelska.)
Nordkorea har inte blivit plandemiskt tokiga!
Västmedia sprider fantasier om nerstängningar och sånt, men Kim verkar ha koll på att det är tidig behandling som är det som gäller, och som jag berättat om så kan det spridas biovapen ifrån en flod ifrån Kina eller någon annan form av biovapen-attack - Hur som helst så gäller det att behandla insjuknandena tidigt vilket läkare ofta kan göra om de inte har myndigheter flåsandes dem i nacken även om de inte vet vad det är för sjukdom eller förgiftning.
Landets ledare Kim Jong-Un ska vid ett möte på söndagen ha kritiserat myndigheter som varit senfärdiga med att förse apotek med läkemedel i tid, och landets apotek har fått order om att hålla öppet dygnet runt.
Sjukvårdare vid militären har satts in i Pyongyang för att hjälpa till med läkemedelslogistiken, enligt statliga nyhetsbyrån KCNA.
Nordkorea har via det internationella vaccinsamarbetet Covax fått flera erbjudanden om vaccin – både doser av Astra Zeneca och av kinesiska Sinovac.
Landet har dock tackat nej – troligtvis på grund av tveksamheter kring dess effektivitet och ovilja att acceptera övervakningskrav.
Kim har koll. Eller så är han bara med all rätt paranoid. Jämför med hur USA på sin höjd försöker få igång en bäbismisshandlande mjölkersättnings-fabrik.
TruthSocial wants to grow and compete with the bird; yet they only allow USA users to access. This must be a new business strategy TS's people learned from Harvard!
It has a been a while now. GETTR did not take that long to allow non-USA users.