Unlimited resources. Reframe: Take control of the technocrats' tech! Sweden's war against cat memes
Obegränsade resurser. Ominramning: Ta kontroll över teknokraternas teknik! Kattmemes-kriget avgjort
Inspiration: Think of you as the cat walking effortlessly under the thorny bushes while the government tries to see what you’re up to but have to fight the big organization underbrush: Today’s English video
Inspiration: Tänk dig att du är katten som problemfritt går under de taggiga buskarna medan staten försöker se vad du håller på med, men den måste kämpa mot den stora organisationens undervegetation: Dagens svenska video.
Another example of that there are unlimited resources if we just learn to use them:
Article explaining what rare earth elements (REEs) are and China’s fading dominance
Promethium is the only rare earth that is more rare than gold, and the second rarest thulium and lutetium) are nearly 200 times more common than gold. But REE are more seldom concentrated in exploitable ore deposits.
Swedish state owned iron ore mining company LKAB says that they could produce 1/3 of the REE Europe needs, if they just get cheap energy, because they can extract REEs from the already processed ore (like they already do with gold despite that it's very little gold in the ore)
Expose-news: Supermarkets to only allow payment via face
You are already tracked via your face even if you pay with cash, and the card companies knows more about you than is healthy. The discussion should not focus on how to stop this, but how we the people can turn this technology against the technocrats. The technocrats WANT us to be scared of “their” technology (as if those parasites could develop anything; they just steal others’ work) so that they get a monopoly on it.
Remember that Galen Winson explained that the nuclear industry loved the fear mongering against it - because they got monopolies.
Hungary Declares Wartime State Of Emergency
“Orbán gave his chief of staff oversight of the country's intelligence services”. The secret services everywhere have surely infiltrated each other and are doing their best to oppress the people, so it’s a little strange that this has taken Orbán this long. There seems to be some coordination with MAGA-people in USA, if we just look at the optics.
Potash Train Derailed In Canada Amid Fertilizer Crunch
This is coordinated, and the Canadian government is either involved or allowing this. The Trudeau government has clearly shown that it hates the Canadians, and now it’s just a question of how long it takes before the vast majority understands that.
A US Supplier Of Industrial Chemicals: "I Have Never Seen Anything Like The Current Supply Problems"
The idea seems to be to cause all sorts of small problems. Everything from administrative hurdles to train crashes.
The Polish regime dreams of a Poland-Ukraine state
Maybe its time for Germany to demand its lands back or it will cut off the supply of Russian gas to Poland? (As if the German puppet regime would stand up for anything except BioNTech SE, but definitely not for Germany or the German people. Realistically Germany could demand some sort of easy access for Germans to their ancestral lands in Poland and Russia as redrawing the borders only make Polish sense.)
Note that there will soon be so many Ukrainians that will get Polish citizenship that the Polish government can’t say no to what-ever they want.
What does Facebook and the independently bribed mass murderers say about this? ”Lacks context. The same information has been examined in another post by independent fact-checkers.”
So what did the “fact checkers” say?
“Professional medical groups and federal public health agencies have said the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine far outweigh the risks.”
So some corrupt pieces of heart damage said something and can’t show any trustworthy data. That is missing context. What is relevant context is: Who is Moskovitz?
The war is on! 😼
The Swedish Agency for Psychological Defence has declared war against meme cats… See image in the Swedish section below to see how that is going!
I predict a worse defeat than the Australian military faced in The Great Emu War 😹
How to MEME - Keep It Simple Stupid!
Feel free to share all my images, but here's a tip: Share the picture without comment! (If possible - I've personally shared the Swedish cat-meme in English forums with explanatory text in English out of necessity.) When you have a picture that's perfect, you'll only ruin the message if you even add a laughing cat, loving emoji or anything. It's narcissism, and copied from the Chinese Communists' "humor program" with instructions about when to laugh. Others might love the image for a different reason than you.
This also applies to other images such as posting a picture of your country’s flag on election day and then write "Remember to vote!". Just post the flag, and then people fill in the perfect message for them.
Compare it to when you say you've decided to buy a car (or seen the picture and laughed) and then the salesman keeps talking about how great it is instead of making sure you sign the contract. Sometimes the salesman might accidentally say something like "There are 100s of charging points" and the former buyer thinks "What? I thought thousands!!!".
Same thing with a picture: some people will think it's perfect in a way you didn't realise.
For the same reason, I didn't add any text to the picture. Had I written "How's the war against cat memes going?" I would have diluted the joke with more words, and i would also miss out on people filling in that text in their own words that might be better than mine, at least for them.
Clown Euro:
Clown bioweapon injection pushers:
These morons and proven liars actually think that they can convince people that they answered the poll wrong.
Clown Davos:
"Civilization May Not Survive" - George Soros Tells Davos Crowd, Defeat Putin (And Xi) Or Else
"The best and perhaps only way to preserve our civilization is to defeat Putin as soon as possible. That’s the bottom line".
To me, George Soros seems like someone who wants to do good and he wants to crush the CCP. But he is obviously not as sharp as he used to be, and he seems brainwashed by media, his own organizations and his insane son who is a fan of Adam Schiff:
If you think that a compulsive liar like Shifty Schiff is great, even if you are a criminal, you are retarded. Wouldn’t even a liar that can lie be better than Adam? Apparently it’s still working out for these people though as Alexander hasn’t been smoking cheese and lost a handful of laptops, but for how long?
My point is: Focus on the Soros organizations, but don’t think George has that much control of them.
Super easy Quiz
First the easiest quiz of all time. Demand that people who want to talk to you answer that they know that all of these are hoaxes:
Russia Collusion Hoax
Steele Dossier hooker story
Russia paying bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan
Trump called Neo-Nazis “Fine people”
Trump suggested drinking/injecting bleach to fight covid
Trump overfed koi fish in Japan
Trump cleared protestors with tear gas for a Bible photo op
Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation
The 2020 US elections were secure because no court found major fraud
January 6th was an “insurrection” to overthrow the government
Note: The drinking bleach hoax was a preemptive strike against chlorine dioxide (ClO2-links in this Substack) except for the normal gaslighting to drive people mad and argue about Trump.
That list is an example of list-persuasion, which is really annoying, but effective. Notice how the Fine People Hoax is in the middle, because that is the one hardest to convince people that it isn’t true, so you want to start with things only complete morons believe.
Also note that it’s Scott Adams that list into writing that decided what’s on it, and even if I corrected and rewrote some of it, I’m strongly manipulated by his thoughts. So it isn’t only Joe Biden who is ruled by the one who controls teleprompter, but we all are including the person who controls the teleprompter.
Today’s a little harder quiz:
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Det är lätt för svenskar att minnas: Svenska flaggan är gul och blå, medan den ukrainska är blå och gul.
Svenska flaggan är #fecc00 (fecc-ful gul) och #006aa7 (ser ut som "baat"), medan den ukrainska är något annat, vilket också EU-flaggans gula och blå är.
Jörgen Warborn (M) förklarar här hur han gillar alla fel sorts gult och blått:
Oändligt med resurser bara vi vet hur vi kan utvinna dem
Ett exempel är att Kina har, men mest hade, en stark dominans på utvinningen av så kallade sällsynta jordartsmineraler (REE = Rare Earth Minerals) (som oftast upptäckts här i Sverige eller Finland, se periodiskt system ovan). Bara en av dem är sällsyntare än guld och de andra mycket vanligare men de är sällan koncentrerade så som guld ofta är. Just därför har LKAB kommit på att de kan använda sina enorma mängder slagg för att utvinna REE och fosfor.
T-shirt-bild på 4 (år 2019), 4 (2020) och sedan 2236 (2021) myocarditis-fall bland USA-barn
Vad säger Facebook och de oberoende mutade massmördarna om detta? "Samma information har kontrollerats i ett annat inlägg av oberoende faktagranskare.". Så vad sa "faktagranskarna"?
"Professionella medicinska grupper och federala folkhälsoinstitut har sagt att fördelarna med COVID-19-vaccinet vida överstiger riskerna."
Några korrupta hjärtlösa satar har sagt något och kan inte visa upp några trovärdiga data. Det är att sakna sammanhang. Det som är relevant kontext är: Vem är Moskovitz? (Medgrundare till Facebook och alla försök till plandemier enligt Dr David Martin)
Psykologiskt Försvar eller Attack mot folket? - bliintelurad.se
Skratt får folk att tänka till och få en ominramning på tillvaron, så de är bara farliga för en makt som bygger på falska narrativ. Men det här var faktiskt klokt:
Precis! Dela inte, men framför allt bry dig inte i skit ifrån speciellt Aftonbladet och DN som bara är till för att göra dig fly förbannad, men inte heller sånt ifrån Samnytt med precis samma syfte! Vi har för länge sedan passerat tidpunkten där det gällde att göra folk arga för att få dem att börja fundera på en lösning, utan nu handlar det om att det om att lugna ner oss och diskutera fram den bästa strategin, och de bästa taktikerna att använda.
Ni får gärna dela kattbilden ovan, men här är ett tips: Dela bilden utan kommentar! (Jag har själv delat den i engelska forum med förklarande text på Engelska av nödvändighet.) När man har en bild som är perfekt så förstör man bara budskapet om man ens adderar en skrattande katt. Det är narcissism, och kopierat ifrån Kinakommunisternas “humorprogram” med instruktioner för när man ska skratta.
Detta gäller även andra bilder så som att posta en bild på en svensk flagga på valdagen och sedan skriva “Kom ihåg att rösta!”. Posta bara flaggan, och sedan fyller folk i med det perfekta budskapet för just dem.
Jämför med när du säger att du bestämt dig för att köpa en bil (sett bilden och reagerat) och sedan fortsätter försäljaren att prata om hur bra bilen är i stället för att se till att du skriver på kontraktet. Ibland kan försäljaren råka säga något som “Det finns 100-tals laddningställen i Sverige” och den f d köparen tänker “Va? Jag trodde tusentals!!!”.
Samma sak med en bild: Några lär tro den är perfekt på ett sätt du inte förutsett.
Av samma orsak adderade jag ingen text till bilden. Hade jag skrivit “Hur går det i kriget emot katt-memes?” så späder man ut skämtet med fler ord, och man går också miste om att folk själva fyller i texten med sina egna ord.
Steget Efter är en mästare på bilder som säger mer än ord, så värd att studera om ni vill ha lysande omdömen så som att någon ledarskribent säger “Inte rolig alls” om er.